Oljc{/. a fixcia\ aod more then ordinary Providence in the prefervation of thole children . m~ntior>cd in the Objection; and if Gods works of particular Proviolence in this Wmld are mcdiJte as l'cmble, and ufually mediate as Baxur, whether, or to whom can we refer their prdtrvar:ons, bnt to the miuiftraticn of Angels? The Doctrine ( you fay) is touch.ing· the An~;cls ordinary mirrifiration, and fuch was this , in refpect of the An– gels, the minitlry was ordinary : it is ordiuary with them, thot1gh it may feem extraor· dinary to LIS, InStct. ~·pf,l. '39·!-} 16. Pjdl.7t-6.P[al.z?.9·Pfalo~'39·I6,r7,I8.theTqtsfeems to refer the whole Work to Gods immediate hand. If theleScriprqresgave any hint of Angtls in the Work of infants prcfervations, I could better ft,bjoyn, .md how precio~ts are y·mr tbw,q/,11 untome, 0 ye AngciJ of God! le is tnle,tbe Script"rcs al\eadged,refer the whole Work of Prcfnvation io the womb and in onr inbncy to God, but not to Guds immediate hand If Gods immediate hand .did all to intants, why ore the Angels called 1heir Angd>? what need of Augel· JHmh.t8 10. minifirat ion as to them? If you fay there is no need, fith God it hep\ca!ecan ea!ily guard tl:un widwm Angels; i anfwer, the need is not (as Mr. l'emble tells you) by ·rtalon at any d&d iu God tof11pply his want 0f power but further toinla·rge and de– moufiratc his 1\oodne(<, God could do it ofhimfelf, but having ordained fuch ranks of creature?, he makes aB to ferve for his one bleffed and gloriot>s Lnds. tis all one to me, whuher in his acts at Providence of this nature, he exprefs the Angels, yea or no; for it ufually he works by thun, it is as much as if he had named them. ObjcCr. In Chap. 2 Sect. ' · Matth. 1 ~. 1 o. that the Angels rdor to the children in Ha· ture, 1qutft ion, 1. Bccaufe thefe nre not apt to be defp,fcd, moll pity and \pve little ones. 2· It is not certain the child was as elect child thatltood there in themidfi, and then good Angels have not a charge. 3· Ch"fi fp~:aks indefinitely of thefe little onesthere rr.'*t theirA11gels,dJat is,theAngelsofall thefe there fpoken of,now do the Angels look to every chrld that is bom in its in fancy and childhood? Thcinfiancos ot Lhrifis Angel, HagarJ, &c. all extraordinary, and the Antjels were feen and te.rd in this minifiration, and thcdfore herein j~llly acl,nowkdgcd, but it is not fo wirhus. By little onts, you fee I do not excufe the adult, nor would I exclude little children, whom our Saviour propound~ as a pattern for the imitationof theadultv. z, 3, 4 ,5,6. zanch· ut f•· but I would rather .take all io. Thus Dr. Prideaux, and Perk_iugJ, a_nd Zaucby,Cum pra./,3 c.18. tuim Matth. , g. ChrijiztJ di•it de infar.tifmJ, an~eli eorum fcmpcr videor faciempa· tris, quid aliztd innuere voluit quam fingztlis pueris, ac proinde etiam Pdultir, ccrtOJ angeiOJ, ttmquam f £dagof(OJ,& rcuoreJ traqitoJ, & confliiutoJ r!Je. Alfo Mufwlus on the place t Mufculus in faith thus. t ~i jimt ifli pttjiUi? quidem expommt de pujil'ir 11on .ttate ; fed_ «Jii· lac. matione ·, quidJnt vero de fHfilliJ £late; nihil prohibct tie utrifiJttc imclli~ere; licet (x eo, quod 11on jimpliciter dicit, unum ex pufillis, fed addit, i!lis, Poffitvideri di3tsmde «t•ti pujil i<, qu.dil erat f"'U1t1, quem advocatum jlarucrat inm~dhtm difcipulortt.n. But Mark IO.I3< you 11~afon it thus; ir cannot be ur.drrAaod of fuch. 1. Bltaufefucb are not apt tobe dejjifcd, m.fl pit) , a11d love little ones. On the ccntrory, in M"rk_I o. 1 >· you may llnd tbe Difciplu rebukjng th.je tbat brought children to Chrijl. whencefome ob!erve, that ·Sathan bears a peculiar ill will to children, he bath and evil eie upon them, in· deavouring by a\\ means to keep them from Chrifi, and to hinder theirSalvation; and this Satan doth many waie•· •· Through the indulgeRcie of Parents, fuffering them to have their own wills. 2. Through evil education, poyfoniog their tender years. 3. Sometimes under a pretext of Religion, thus of old he iu(ligated not onely , King" 3 10 • the Heathed, but even Gods own People, to offer up their children to fac1ilice to ~· locb, 11nro VcvilJ. 4• By keeprng them fi:om Ordmancts, thus he mtlrgated the D1fcr· pies her' te repel thefeinfants from coming near to Chrifi, and uf late times hebath inftig~iet! th~ Anabaptij/J to take up this quarrel, to prohibite the Baptifm of lnfaots: Mufculus ibio. And is northis ro detpife little ones? mat! pity, and love them, b;tt you fee all do not fo. 2' You reafon again, it i1 not certain that rbe <bild w.aJ a1t.eleli child that flood _here in the mi'djl, a11d1hen the good A11ge$s have not a charge. Mu[c11lt<S on the place ar– tgues that child to be aBeliever, and thnefore Elect; his words arc thus, 1alem fuiffe, qui i11 fide Chrifli aliqu!d ,pot~crit iujlittti,:arg!'ment~effepottdt, quoeiEvangelicACom· memorat advo'catum eJ.fc, IS conjhtutum a Chriflo mmedzttm Apoflq/orum.--& quta res gef/a eft in ,ttiibuJI' etriCapernattm ,in qttibuJCbrij/uJ aliquotiesJm•f.epenumrro comparu: it & miracnlofe ttiam focrum Petri e."itqvit , credibile (]I bt,mc puerum in fidi Chrt: . . ~