Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Anf."P• ~n them.-- The fame may be t1id of the other infhnc;s for tcachine; children.- And mdeed be the fame m,ay ba fatd(tofave a labct:r)cf ll<•il d rhoft lnfiances in the fu11ow· u-g, Cluptet, Seer. 6, 7, 8. for Gods works of this 'OJture, whether meditate or immcdit:He, [have anlwci'Cd before, and fhall Ipeak to it more fcilly anc,n.. But from the lnilanccs, wherein the rda· tion afcribes all to God, and no mention of Angels, l perceive no expcr'ecce is pertinent WHh you, unlefs an An'gel be cxprdly and particuhrly mentic11cd. Our Worthies are of Zanc,, "' (• an?ther Judgcmcnt,Z.111chiw fpeaking ofthe Churcl1cs ddivcrancc,,al'd of their cncmtCs pr 11 .J 3 c. q. ~ume by t\n~els, brir:gs in J Kil!f,J ! 9 · 2 Kint,s :.. Gen. 1 9· 2 Kin;!, I 1 9· aud concludes, lnJJ~mcra ht]ltf cx.cmpla u:m f•lum in[cripturiJ lrg,untur~ verma criarn b''£/atequmide in.. verrm1~fu~.-- Su;zt enim Angdi minijh·i Dli i;t nm,;ib;H iJfi:ujudicii~ fJtc(.zciendis} c:.. cxccuttommand:mdii, qu.unquam anoVii i.lli nonvid,•cJntur, fed t mturmn::dohrrmi'1Uquorum ,. B il /J f oper~ i!l~ t<tunwr. And Ot\t ~ D':vine Sente1 ttlls us no lc!s ; 1 he tr"'!e we bve rritb groJ God 'andn h~s Spzt1ts u ifOt 1ttw dri't:cn by the eye, bu.t iJ li~ t J !lumfcl7.·effpiri~u:zl : JC: 11nt fo, but tb.J't Angc!s. cvc11 in bodily r;cc.JjioJ;I n•e have m.u:y timer inj'c,,fi!Jfebclpr/tvnz th;m in j1:c.'J m.m1ut, as tb. 1 t by the ejfc[IJ we can b,./dly[Jy, here hnb bcw a11 A;;,~c/, tbougi> n·c f.w hi.11 mt: and he givts lofian.ce in one Joint 1relille~ a poor Cripk, wiw upon three monlli~-rs in his dre:~m, ro wafh 111 the Well vf M~denm in Cornw,U, was fuddcoly rcftored to hi> limb>. Thelil<e inftance he gives cf Jvbu SpangrrtberJ!,e, P.dlcur of Nortbenfi', who no tOoner was lhpc out of h;s houfc wir11 his F.imily wgo to the E.rynes, thfn the houle fell right down iN the place; and he concludes; ot~r on•Jt(xpcrience at bcme is ab!: tr)frt."i1tfl; us :vitbdivcrs fucb lnjlanw; bm> have ma•ty rve kzwrrn tb,111>avefallenfromVO:J' bi.4b 'l'on:trr, ad i.nto dap pztt, pajl lhc nalltr••l prf!ihili(y of b'P'• who yet i;,,vc bcw prcjervcd 11"1 from deatb, but fi'om burt: r.>hencc COIIId tbeje tbing• b' bHt by''" Jicrct ad cf tbofi in,·iiihlc bc!pcrr? lt wer~ e.•fit t> fiUvoiNtmts with p.Jr:iw/,rrr of tb<fe J.i,dr, What need; more) you fee in his In– llances have in them no mention of Angels, and though you may object wirh him, as you do ~gainfl me, yet in every fuch Inllance,cnough to hll volumns, he can boldly f;y, herehatb been ail Angel, tbortgb we faw him 1101. But fuppofe in tome of my Inilanccs I may mils it, and that no tinge! either appears in Tdcm ihiJ. them, or was in them, yet that faying of his exceedingly flicks wirh me, and may in good rncafnre excufe 11 Ce I am co;:vinc'tth# their :mfclt l:aitds .uc in occurrences 11/my life, I have leamt fo much wit a1t(l nrace, af rather toyield them too much, tin~ too littlejlro~e i;t ordering oU m) concernments. You"' may fupp_bfC,I ytcld them too much, and I may fi1ppolt others yields thdl.l too little; but if the Q!Jefiion b~ whether is more faulty) let this moderate tnan(as he is called) ue om Moctemor, and you fee he will e:,illy and quickly de· termine the Q!jeilion betwixt us. Objccr, In Chap. 3 , Sec. 2 . a.nd· 3· That good Angels are Gods inftmments, in conveying his mercies both to foul and body: and that the Holy Ghoft, utcth rbe Angels in the work of mo·ting and quicknlog the heart ; 1\~r. 5.•xtcr, and Dr. R11t bcr;o ·d may believe it, and another not bciieve it, but that he doth all immcdiarly ·, and how can he be cl ifAnf. proved? On this hinge hangs the weight of the whole conrr~·mfie ; fer i~ God or the Spi· rit do all jmmediafly, then away with Angel-mimfnauon, no need ot them m any fuch rclpccl:, lt teems s~xter's, or 1\tttbcrford's authority, (and ! mJy ad.d the amhority of all the the afore·citcd) are of no ilrds without {urtiKr proof, a01d tncrcfore I fl1all Jay down a few gt mnems,- for their miniilution io general to the Elect.- . . , . , . 1o lf God hath his Angels, Mdfengers, Miniftring Spn1t<, tncn dcth ~ot God aB tm· mediately to his Saints; But God hath his Angtls, Mdfengers, Mmtflring Spmts. Er~o. · The Scquele of the Major is proved, becau~e thcrcf·!re are they called Angels, Melt:': ' . oers MinilirJ' ns>: Spirits lrom their very Othce of b<llll\ fcnt from God to hts Ekcr · * Aftg. tn t" ' n ' ' . . · · , ,a h A ~ J'fal. 104 • ~£ris 11 {)mtn bujus nattfl'£? SpzntuJ eft; _fj:~.ens flfficzu1n? Angci~~J l'y· W at are n .. f The Procur. gtiS but good Spir•irs, fent forth by God to m1:1tt\er t tor the good of ~h,e Elect?Heb.I·•4· mg of th< . 11 1 t 10 +, 4 . Nhe Minot is granted by all but Sadduces, or HtrcUcKs, whom the Snp· ~11:f~fa~~a1 I~ ture~ condemn. . . . . . , r ~f Angels 2 If God ulually fends fortl1 his Angels to mn11Hcr to h1s SJnm, th~ndoth not God ~~~"'·car' all i~mediatly, and rnake no {uch uleof them; but G<Jd ufually fends foith j-,j$ Angels to minillcr td h1s Saints: Ergo. The Seq<telc of the Majcr is clear; ,nJ the Minor is proved by all thole 'texts, 1'[•1,