Pf•l. 9 ·. 11, 1 2· Pfd. 14· 7· Hcb. I. '4· With rhc refi c'rcd throughout rho TreaT ile. 3 . If the Angels actually I!Jve minillred, and do mmiller to rho S;mrs at God' own appointme.n r, then dorh not God all immeJiatly wirhom his Angels as inJhmncnrs : but the Angel~ aCl:uJI!y h.ive mini!trcd, and do minilkr ro {he:: S1ims Jr GoJs Gwn appoiut~ -: ment. Erg,. The MaJOr is cleJr. The Miner, for w!nt have been, i< coolirmcJ by ail the Sc.ip · rure-Text:i alrc.:~y a~ledged ;. and fol' wh~fis., you gr:mt the Hory o! Grill.£1-tf (Jnd il:dt ]ike)co:·nes h01r.e.anJ JS pppofHe ; and yo~ _rhwk non~ will deny)but dur an AD,:;d m~y app.:u 11 :w aJ beret-doN~ and. wh2n hc:: doth fo appc:~r, I:i to be acknowkJgcJ to minlHcr. For their rr.iniltr.Hiun in fp:cial to our {Qui.:. · 1. WhH the Angclscou do to vur Iouis tor Olfi rp.<rit:d good, thty do. and tn'y will do; bur they c:m communtcarc th;:mfdvts tu our fpirits, 2-nd cur iliVV2.rd m1n (or our !lncd. Erg•. The Propofir:on is c~ear, for elf!.! they fhould not obey God, or lnvc m withal! their rnighr; whicb is contrJJy to rhe ·word~ tor thtir obcdi:;!ncc to CoJ, they riJ tbi.J Cum· ,;,md:n~J:tr, /g:zrlz.e.>Jir.~ t1 t.Jc Vfi)1CZ l)f his IY. ..rd, PfJl. :03 . 2 o. And tlH rheit.lcvcunto us, they rc)oyccd when thc\Vorld \\'ascrc,tt:n,:; :IS ad ...Vi.:l!iogpla~c f<- r m,J(b·JS.;.An..i \V :1en C.hri!t tame rordtor,c us,I...u~e :>.J S·t".t.d ar rhcconu:.l·!ion at us,Luf<s J )·7·And htnc~ we .may argue. whac they can do for ll", CLrtainly tht'y wm do. Tile Minor a.. bove. that they on h:now our minds, necnfitics1n a greJt meaft:rc: lhey cJn by theme· dJation of our fwcil:S and inward f~1~i~s £peak tO tJS ; they on prop0uud truth to o:u minds,:md pnfwade us to di~nt~ Rnd a~ coun~dlors they can p~rfwadc: our wiils to this &nJ rhatgood ~ ~md all this in ordi nary. . 2· 1f the Angels are Co-wo,kerswith GJd in i\lightcning the mind ~rhtn dorh not God all immed jatly without them <>S inHruments ior our fOuls bc.:.ld1~ BLit the Angels are eo-workers with God iu illigbtn,it:g the mind. Er,gn. TheMajor is evidcn:. Tl)'- _ffun!ption ch.-ared thl:s bv Z.zitcl~y~ ad intrL'cCiumqu;d at~ tltzl't, duo i;z ejttY itl.uminati:mc)qe 1 vcritatem remmprc[crtim di::ir.;;ru:npcrcz; i.Jt, ffu1::m 1 d:zfttnl ; ztniJnt cjl mc11tisipjiw illujlratf·' advcriutem pcrcip~cnd.Jm; ulto·mn H'fit:ztisipfizeJ Zanch. rle tJbJ;tio ac p:.ltefaUio, utrumquc fit pcr!umcn non Angclicwu,Jcddij)inun ~ rJC Spiri.·uJ S.J;i(]i) Cr~atiJnc. l. 3; f' p;ffim Scriptur£ d1cmt: ab A a;,c!is V:p t.mqumz ab z,Jirumvui-1 & coJpcr :. o ·ib!ts Spiri· c,18. tuJSanCli iuCrnis c.f]i: baud in:pic dici potcfl:r,zti (:<Citatij verbi a1:diti fb:mtafmJtibus in fn .. miuib:u,!;tmvcri.r:atem mcmi propo#1a::t 1 tummenutm 111 in vfritatem prvpufuam iilttttottur,ciq; aJJentiat:er, commoucfqciant,itlujirwt,atqi cor.Jortent. SimiJi explico}rtl 1 0cttlJts c'iloratt!m quiddam vide11t) dztoad b..'Crcqttiru;ztur; mwm,ut res colJrJt:zocttb prapm.1tervidwd:z; a.ltcr~tm ut otulasa~ vid~ndmn1./lu}fretJtl'; ulrumq; fit per l:~m:n f-liJ; luraine e;;im& ocul:ujitrutl it. lmuinatttr-.,advi -!eJtdJtmdiJP. mit:tt 1 atq, affi:itJtr)6 ... res CJJorata oculoobjid tm·, vidc;zd:zq, prn.. po'frjiur; qt!od it11:q:; oc,ulzu vidcat, , tJtl!m bac, q«od externas a.ttinct Coft:f,iJ. debe u ptGprie aDi:mi. folit) qui /ito/mnine ttJrumq, pr£flitit, c£!Crum,fa.c ut cujeo ocu/rt! flJir ~Liu· j1ra11diu f,fl, is dormiat, & occlnf1is luzbcat octtliJJ ., t!liquli vera, & ertm afomno ad ltrtcm pcrcipic11dam, i:Olor~[q, 11ij(ndus~xcitet ·· ir ccrte dicetur cooperattJrfolii .zd iL'ius viri fJw lum iLlu}r-a;;dum ,c;J/orefq, p:,:cfaciwdJJ fu!ffC; u.u.'2 it ctiam ad ocu}i il!Hjfr.Jtioncm,ecq; 4d rei colurat£ m~nifcjttltion,m 1-t'Jn nibif cg,;t, Hfl1! diffimili modoJe babcre Dezu.n & Angelm11 it aDirme, qu.1 mens nojlra 11d vcrir.,um ;crcipicndam ihum.1utUI',prob.tbititcr tlicipBtcJf,. Pr pia, Cr vereefficieuJcau}.l Dcm ip[e.(jf ,jw' Spiritu.,Ji.t(Jq) di";Jino hwdne ; CRPper.zturfuerit A1Jgclus: lmj:tJ enim cpfra, ttti. di.z;u!ur Duu, c£rtepotcm tJd verit.ltr?mmen.i intt~J jJroponC1tdJ~ ; & ad mentcm Jtt Jitas ocrtl •s hJat£ 'l!c.;.itati)& propofito lumi~zi operiat, .ex. citandam. --Vt Dws c:>:tcrno mitur rr.inidcrio borninHm ad men.ns elc.Chrznu tllu.minandH, & ad veritatcm ilti1, ac pcrfit.1dend:zm; fc eri>.m inter;ze 6": inviji~ bilitcr tt!jtttr e.1ude1n adrem mi.;zljlcriJ /i ,tt,clw:tin) it.z ut tpji]u lmb.Jbe.Jilt 11Clia.zcm i.-t 11JeJttCJ cleUsrum, wm a Deo l.Uztminaw.r, , 3· lf rhc An5els are in .tbeir wJ.y eo workers with God in moving the will, then ~~th not God all immediltely. But they arc in thdr woy eo-workers with Gc•d in mo'l• ing .thewill. Ergo. . . The,M•jor, or Sequelc ~s clear, The Minor isp:oved ji" mJdQ, for Gael and the Angels I.ltlfl ibid, rnovc tnc Will d1verfly: SoluJ De1~1 pr:Jp1·te tt;~tt z.;z voluJ!tat.cs naJtr:zr, eajq; m:~vet & jldlit quo v}dt; . An;,eli vera ut coopcr.:ztorcs)Cl q rih Jrtemur patit:s Cxtirni-1 rat~ouibut, q1JJm qui fldlent intenzis afJi:mib111; now rhatthus th~.y move th~ wjll is proved trom rhc evil An ... gtls, who.are infiigatingus to evil) and by their infiigJtions fomctimes prevailing wit1 om wills to imbra<e evil; therefore the ~eo) Ang<1; do the l!lic to provcke us to gcod, tor