Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

~t!Jectrons anfxtercn. --- for their power isgreater and their Loveis l)igher than themh~rs m,>lice.l And was nnt this mentioned by Dr. Rmherfurd ? {hall tbc Dcvil rrorlz_intbccbildrw of liifZ.b:,1icnc,? Ephef. ~· 2· Enormoufly Jifquitt tbe a_ffeEJiouJ, 1 Sam. 16. 1 S. lCJ injc{i wic!;pi rbaugbtf intogodly men withJi~ecefs, 1 Chro. 2 1. r • And (hall tbegood A;rgc!J be c.w!udcd f0 ; 11 .1!1 aaingi, and operatioru ttpon the intVardfenfei of m.z,z ) Te1l me, ifauy m.m C1JZ zcll meJvitb wbatj/Jadow oftruth can the Angel! ofGod be thu1 excluded/ you fee ~1is pofiri'on; we're tJcii: without reafon. Aud in your Friends Paper Isgiven this for granrcd, tlw the A;1~c/1 may be imploycd by G~d in forr:ej!range dclivrranw, iH •·ecovrring r{bcJith, in f/t[gc·i~;1g good motiom,&c. It ts h1gh ttme therefore te thcfe D:fputcs to put an end. Onely one thing more, which may fiop the mout hcs ot all gJinf1)ers. 1 cited Mr. Baxter, faying, God1 JYor~J on tbc JVvrld arcujiully by iltrlrumcnu, and ;tct immcdiJtr-, and good Augel1are hi1 inflrttmentJin eonveyi"g bis rne,.cier b1tb to {r~~tl ancl body. 'Nv\v if this be a truth, viz. if it he Gods ordi1ury way of Providence tog,ivc uJ o;u mcrr.ics b)' 'tbe Minij!ry ofAngel!,then I hope every intbnce in my Treatife may plf, for t1 uth,and e.v.;,y Objection mack by you againll the fame .,,, 11 ealily Vlnifh, ani at <\nee. Awi ::1 ,, ,,,,~ Pofition might be clearly held out, 1 tbought it apoint of prudence to write in a £C,y lines to Mr. Ba~er for his Proofs. His Aufwer to my Lmcr I fbll hero ar..:·ex •s th~ d ofe of all, and then I have done.