abo 11 t all them tlut fear the Lord, fot deli~erana out •f' ·all thtir tralfbies, which amounts to t'he adminillrationof their ordinary fucCOJm. SoPfA. 9•· 1-1,12. for be Pfa1. 9'• 11 > 12 jhaU give bil Angels cbargeover tbee to b._eep tlm in all thy wayes ' theyjhali bear thee up_ in tbeir band z, I t!JO" dajh :by foot againf! a j/one. What can be fpokcn piamer to figmhe a Jlated offi'ce for contlant m:niftration, even to our ordiJtary prcfervation in every flep we tread! and therefore they are c;l!ed b!J Angels, and !Jj , Minijlm, Pial. I o ;-4· SoPfJ/, Pfal.to.r~ 'l 03·2o,z 1. Ye buAugelJ~ wblCJJ excelw jfrengtb, tbat do bu C'Jmmandmenu, /Jflrl\]zmg to Pf. ro 3,2Q• '!i. tht voyce of bf< Word.--And ye his hoa}IJ,ye Minijim of.his tbat do !Ji.< pbfure. So Revel,, '·7· Micbacl and biJ Angels are made the Army that lisht againtl tbP Devil and l\"el.12.7· bis Angels. And if they were not attrndan and imploytd ordi"arily iu the bufineffe of our Salvation, how could the couvcrl.on of every !inner be the mamr of their i'Y i11 Heaven 1 Luke 1) .1 O· This is infelled by their con{lantprcfence in the Church-affemblics, Luko r;.ro. obli!!,ing us tO reverent dccencie, 1 C?r•l I•l o. Aud ti1C.:rLfore theyaredefc.ribed as im- 1 Cor. n .17. ployed witb u1, aslookjn?,. i.tto tf~e fame my{lcry, 1 Pet. 1.1 2· and as knowing Godi mani- 1 Pet. 1.1.::!, fold Wifilomby tbe Chwch, Ephd.3. 10. And 1herelore Paul's dreadful cbargq.Oh that all Ephef. 3.1o. Bifhops and Minitlers of the Gofpel would read it waking' ) in 1Tim·)·21. to 1imo- 1 Tim.pi. thy, not toprej;edge, or prefer ""before another,"" do .my tbiwgby['•rli.tlity or accordi.1g ro his own inclination, is laid upon him, as befvre God, a;zd the Lard Jefru Cbrijl, and the EleU Angels; intimating their prcfcncc, and imerdt 111 our Church-atfoirs. The Angel d rho Lord that ddendeth the Church, dorh per(ecute ad ,bfethe rvick,.ed wemiu, Pfal. 3S· ') ,6. they convey d.part.cd Souls to blcffidne!Je, which iSln ordi>~ary work_, Luke PfaJ. ;;;,6; 1 6. 2 2 .they are the reapers that at the Iall ihall bundlutp the tares for bttfl!inz., andjbJUfever Luke 16. ». tbe wicksdfromamong the j~t;l, Matth"3• 9•+9· aJtd JI'¥U g.<ther the Eleaf,m the fau•· Mat. 13 39,49• winds.from oneend of Heavmto tbe otlm, Matt11.24- 3 r. AnJ they uc p.rrt of tbef;cicty, Macth, '4·3" to which we are broHght byChrili:J Hc?h-12·22. and to whom wefiullbc rn:zd~.·eq:t.zt, l;leb. J2.22. Lu~Z0·30· I !halluN mention the exrr.1ordiuary mini!lrarions~ as £hdr promul5attJ1g Luke 20.40~ of the Law, AUs 7·53 · Heb. 22. Their d1~win15 J ohJt his Revclations,Rev.\.2, An<! teaching Daniel underfianding. Dau.8.J.6,t 7• and 9•21,22,23· Their llliniHring to Chri!I,Matth.+-1 1. And flrwgtbninghim, Lttk$ 22•+3 · with abundance more fcteh infiances; it being my b'ufineiT~ only to prove rhcir Miniftratiou in our ordinary concern. ments, which the fore·cited Texts do evidently prove. And how many paints are currantly xeceived among us, that have not a quarter fO mUch Scripture-tvJdcncc as thi~ hath ? Did not g,reatu bufincffc call me otf, ; ihould tlay to impron Come other Arguguments. As2· from the contrary imployment of the maligcant fpirirs. 3• from the fuitablendfeof our fuppofition to all Gods workings, who h11h chofen to g,lorilie his Wifdom by doing things by fuitable ir Hrumt nts, and ~onca<cnarcd means, and to g,lorific his goodncffc by tal<ing his creatures 'nto the work and honour ~f doing eood, in fubord inarion to him; he could have enlighttncd and C1d ivenc:d us- wHhout rhC t~m, but he would not. Hecalleth his Minijlcrsco >V9rf<$rs witb.Cbrijl, nomJrvd then if his Angelshave fuch honour. Theie, and other Ar5uments I mull pretermit, and in rhe coodufion firlllaydown Come excdlcnt confequents of1his D JCl'rinc; and fec011dly deLnd ir agaioll the accufa" tions of the contraty. r. The Doctrine of Angels Miniffrativn acqnaintct~l us with mud1 of the frame.of · rhofe admaable means by which the providence of God doth work in the goVerning of the World, and to the glorifying of his name. If this be unknown, we Hull b: I\range to rhe w<>ndertul appearances of Gods wifJom, and goodneffe, and power,-which will be much obfcured by hiding (o excellent a toart of thedf~cts. As in a watch, or any ex• cellent Engine to know the p1rts in themfdves is noching) unlcfs we know them in "their rtfpeCl:s to other pans , and their phce , and ·nfe,and Office in the frame; So' is it in thisglorious part of thcfnme of Creation and Providence; to !ay the Anl!,el> are e.l!::cellenrcreaturts, and rn1deto glorifierheirCreator) is but ro exprdfc thc:ir nacure, and their common end, and not their fpccial oOi.:e ::md. work~ as rbcy rdp~ct rhe whn~c Society ; and the fingk llrings will ma'•c no mdudie, but asthey are tUned and toucht in harmony. 2. This Doctrine of Angel! Minif!ration acquainteth ns w'ith much of the unity cf.,. the whole fam1ly in Heaven and E1rth: when all the parts are fo liarmon'iou{Jy connex– ed in their refpeCl:s and uk. And it dedareth the excelk.,cy of holy love, and hmnility, and obedience, which th~fe noble Spirit<excrci(" in their co,ddcenfiou to the meanttl Z CluiHim