·, 170 Chnll•an at the command of God ; a·nd rcprovcth liS tiJJt are fo fcant in love, humtlity, and ebcdicnco, as to uc backward to the fcrvice and berdit Gf each other. 3. It ltrves to t<!·:e otr the inordinatcdelires of viGbleand extraordinaryconv~rfe with .'\n~els; when it is undcrtlood that they are appointed to be ordinJri!y, and invi· libly f(niceabk to liS, in a mor: !lieand luitahle way. 4• It vLry much hdp;our f.1i:h in the point of the lmmortallity of th~ Soul, and the life to come; wh"' wcundcoiJand, that there is a world of fioch11oblcr fpitits imploy~d about u;, and thtrelorc rhat we arc arc• not cr<ature• fo coJJtemptiblc as to be uncapabk of another lite: and tlur ·we null be made !ilrc An~ds, and· hJvc their communion in glory) when we T1,1vc fuch communion wHh chemin the fbte of grJt:c. S· It fhews the glory ofour Redeemer, whoa> h~1d of thcCwrchdoth u[e the ordi· mry ftrv•ce of fuch noble Spirits for the weItare of hrs body. 6. 1t i< fome rdict to our wcok anJ dithnt !Jpfcd nlt:lfes, that as w~ lnvc.t MeJia– tor between u:· ond the Father, fa there are (though not Mediators, yet) aglorified world of blctTcd Spir:ts, polfdfors already of the happindfc we fcck, and t:dpcrs to our Sal– vation; fo that in our Meditations of rhe world to come, \VL: may hJvi.:' h;me m0r~ low familiar· thoughts th1t are neceffary to cur Wt>kncff<, and arc not Jmozcd anddcttrred by lool;ing only at tile •nlinitd yditbnt tv!ajeilr ol God ; and who knoweth .not how great on encouragem, m jamili>rity is' and how much famtlia rity i; . ihtkd by pm<· imit}'• • -.. Objection. I· B1tt it wilt draw doo;n tbe mi."d J;.,m Gvd. .t!R{rrcr; Chrifls humane nature al!o, and Mwiltcr., and all creatures may be [o a– lufcd ; but ot thw&l v<> they are bripi to lead us to(l,d. e>'>jcd. 2• This DoUrine wilt introduce tbe nmjhipping of Artseli, •nd poyiug I~ tbmz. A nfi•· We mufl not fmbear declaring the excellency of AIIJ[cii, n0t thtir coufeffed IX" traordi,rary Minijlry for fear of fuch abufi:; therefore nei-ther rheir mli.rary MinijirJtbn ; nor mufl we deny the ordinary ufe of the Srm, !ell men ldalize it, nor of Mi,,ijlm of the Gofpcl that ftulhcr our Salvation, leaflnier.. fhould wo>fhip thttrl w·ith that whkh is not their due. I he Holy Ghofl hath expret1y warned "'' tb>t >to mm beptile ttr rf cur reward i11 avoltmu ry humility, cmd nmjbippi;rf!, of A"gcii, i4ttudi11g i;;to tb Jc tbingr r,·b.icb Colo(,,,ill, 1 9· be hat!J not JCm, vainly puft "P by bisj!cjhf:,· mi11d, a,:dnot buldnz;. the be.ul, &c. Cololl,z. 1 8, 19• and fo hath CJlllioned us ag1i,tt tills abufe, Aud we muli not deny agreat truth in Chrillianity, for fear of ~ivmb occ.fion to Popifh conlcqucnts and n.i!ulc of it. c: Object. >· It n·i/1 jilltbe worldagain with a zn:dtitudc of curiJ!tJ, vJi!l cnq~<iries abmt Angeii, wbicb the Scb,.JJ abouad in, Anfw. We mu!\ not fhut our eyes awr infi plain tmths, lcafi WJn ton wits fhoulc rrcu• bk the Wcrld with flartilt!;IOther qudlioJ.lSabout uurcvcalcd thing<: vain qudhon:are no whtrc foperiilct<l, as conccrnin~:; God himfclf: ;;nd yet r:o kr:owlcdr;c is lontct!hry, as the knowkdge of him. Pardon, Uear Brother, that in hJit lean give you but thi3 fhorc undigclled Script, in· !lead of what you dcGred of me; I rdt. London Novtmb. 29, 166 J. Your unworthy f e!low-Servant R..ich:trd Baxter.