Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

' ' Rewrend Sir, I H•vcperuC~d your confiderationsofthe Miuijlry ofAn7el1>thofe""Jp..,?"- M-•1•r'Y'""' as the Apollle calls them. I remember Theopbila[l fpeakiug ot this point calls it "lf'oAAil rrteJ,)tJ.:h ~ .3-£:; K.»l'etJ.oe!a. tbe exceedlng goodnefs, and care uf'God ; and charg· clh us (li ct't.t.fl\~~ 71iS" 7otclv7JJS' Juu.ovla.s- not to be forgetful of j11ch agloriou.1 fervice, which we hJvc tor our good from thde bldfed Angels. In the acknowledgm$nt of this truth ( their blelfed minifrration for the good of Gods ekCl: ) I tind the concurrence of all; in the exemplitication of it fully and puticularly few or none; ip the depravation and profiitutiog of it to Idolatrous pmpofes more thJn many. I:ldfed be God , who bath given you, as to thi, point, his Spirit; and that light, and undcrfianding, and an excellem wifdomc is found in you, as was faid ofDaniel; in as l.l1uch that in tbts Tra6l: we tind tP.efe b!dfed Spirits, their fervice, without diminution of their glory\ their rule and power, with fubordination to the fafher of Spirits; their Mimlh y to mJn, without re!u6l:ancie ar.d difdain ; thtir refpcCl: and, ufefrom S1ints witno.,. tuperllitioas adoration, and indeed· the whole conlide– ration of eh,m, fo far :.5 blls within the knowled,; of men, pithily, plainly, power– fully, patlietically, pr"c'l:iellly, fer before us. when the Apofik Paul was wrapp'd up into the third heave. , '1e heard and faw glor'10us things but they were,;.fP"'" p{r · p.~1(;f. ~ ~K. i;~v dY9fc.l'iTtt~ Mt.i\~(fcu, they were unfpeakable; bm he chat giveth w1fdomw the w1fe, and knowltdge ro them that know undedlanding, bath not only revealed thefc deep and fecret thwgs, but given you utterance and power to exprdfc them. Sir, it was ever cfteemed a facred ching arnongll: the JewJ, as is noted by Paulus Fagi~tr, to preferve 'the memory .,r any 0! their Rabbics, who had done fame re– markable fervJce for thti>· Law, with tillS rtfolution, Let their name be blzffed , if the Church in which we live, do not the like for this, and the refi your D.vine Difo urfes, yet younave a God in whom you trull, thar will one day acknowkdg it, .and thefe very Angtls themfdves fhall re!\ilie your ample fervice done to·them as infirum<nb under the great Jeh,vah, and Lord of Hoafis. Let me only w1fh you, that you fmother not this light nor vailfuch an advantage in confining itto the dark· neffe of private ufe; if any perIons do difgufr, yet underfiahdih~ perfons will fay of tbis, and your other labours as Alphonjui King of Arragon faid of fome learned perfons, h£ mi{,; dape1 , hi conviv£.' The, Lord hnditie this, and all other helps to our edification and building up in Chrifi, tiU w' cQme tothe beavwly Jemfalem, and and tbe i1munJcrable company •f AngelJ, to the gemr.l afJ,mbly, and tl.e Clnrrcb of tbe firjl born. Pr~flon OEtob, 8 1661. FINIS~ Yours W Cole. J7i