'. 3tbe cepttl:le .m>etJtcatotp. thisTreatifo, That "Whereas in the NameofChri~ J.ofien Be(eech, Exhort, Com'f!land the Vnregenerate to believe, to be reconciled to God, to praj•, tofoil on this or that dury, it is not as if they could do arry thing oftheir own ftrengt b or power; but becaufe Jeftls Chrifi, in Exhorting, En– treating, Commanding, puts forth his own power, and his ownftrength to enable them. While Paul exhorted the J~ylor to believe in the LordJefus that he might beJaved, God enabled the Jaylor to believe. Life and power is conveyed to the foul, inGofpelCommands and Exhorta– tilms. While Ezekielprophefied over dead hones, breath came into them, and they lived: Jo while the Prophets of the Lord do preach over ftnjul, impenitent hearers, who are li¥ to the Prophets d~y bones, the breath ofHeaven, the Spirit ofthe Mofl Higb in the Miniftery ofthe Gof pel, ente~s into them, andfo they are made ne'lll creatures, andfee the Kingdom ofGod. 1have no more to fay, one!J l befeech Godyou may receive a Blej]ing by thefe poor la– bours upon your poor fouls: it is the hearty Pra)'er of Yours to be commanded in all Chrifl:ian Services, The