Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

't /\ r.aoc. 2· 11, 12. SECT. ro. The dt~ily Regij/er ofa weak,;mJVorthyftrvant of Cbrij/f orfometime. I T mll.yl>e expcc:ted, th~ti give fome example hereof, wherein if! might any way advance Chri£1:, or benefit his Church, though I lay in the dult, llhould willingly publllh and fubfcribc the daily Regill:cr of a poor unworthy fervant ofChri£1:, indeed one of the meanell: of his Mail:ers family,.for fome fpace of time: As thus, M ay 1 3. I rctyred my fe Ifto a folitary and filent place, to praClife efpecially the fecret Duties ofa Chrill:ian, my ground is that of Cant. 2 . II , 12. Come my beloved, let usgo f orth imo theJiel~s, &"-c. there will I give thee my lo:'cs. ~he B_.rid~groome of our fouls ( fa1d Bcrnard) " bajliful, andmore frequently vijitcs hts Bnde m the f, /itllry p/a,·es. May 14· In a plafant wood, and fweet walks in it the Lord moved and inabled me to begin the cxercife of fecret Duties: and after ·the Prolegomena, or Duties in gen:eral, I· fell on that Duty of Watchfulneji: the Lord then gave me to obfcrve my former negligence, and to ma,ke fome refolutions. I found the Lord fweet to me in the conclufion of the Duty. Allelujah. M ay I .~ . I fell on the Duty ofSdf-tryall, and iri the morning c6nfcffed my fins be– fore and fince converfion, wherein the Lord fweetly melted my heart. In the evening I perufed !11Y Diary for the la!t year, wherein many paffages of mercies from God, and troubles for fin, &c. . May 1 6•. In the morning I went through the Duty of Experiences, and felt fom~ fiirrings of Gods Spirit in my foul. In the evening I fell 011 the Duty of Evidences, when