J c.);". 2.9, s. 1 (.or. 3· '· Rom ~. zo, Luk.7 .44 &c. Rom. 6. 4~ 6. Col of. ;. S· Matthew s. 6. z Sam. t6. Jo, & 19· 22. Mat 16. >3. 1 Cor 9. ''' I Cor. 2 I 4., I 5. Yet fome truly fpiritual are fo weak, that in comporiion of others they arc not fpiritual, I Cor. 3. I: And therefore ought not any for this to be difcou– raged if they find themfelves inferiour unto others. 3. As this Self-denyal is unequal, fo it is in fome refpects unlike m the faithful; as there are diverfe meafures of it, fo there arc diverfe manners of it: Hence fome that have not fo frrongly denyed the outward actions of fin, may have ll:riven more in the JeLf-denyaL of their inward lufrs and affedtons: and fome that have not d,nyed them– felves for a time, in refpcct of more hemous fins, may yet exceed others in filf-denyal, which never fell into fuch groffe and heinous tranfgreffions. It is hard for any to determin.c whether it was greater Grace in Jofeph refill:ing the temptation, and not committing adultery with his Mifheffe, or in David after his fall to humble himfelf fo far, as being a glorious King,to fhame himfelfby publick confeffion of his adultery; for as God magnifies his mercy by fin in forgiving it, more then if no fin had been, Rom. 5. 20. So rhc godly may fometimcs manife!t their grace by open and effectual repentance, more than if that fpecial fin had not been committed by them, Lu"' 7· 44> 45> 46, 47· +· Howfoever this Self-denyal is in the bell: Saints impcrfe;'t, unequal, unlike ; yet we mull endeavour abfolutely and fimply to deny finfuL-felf : we n1'Jlt ever be hacking and hewing at this tree till it falls ; we muft grieve at it, frrivc againft it, and thus continue grieving and thiving all the days of our life. Say not now, I haw grace enough, but as that great Apofile, ll:ill preffe forward to have more vcrtuc from ChriCr ; If we have prevailed againfr the outward ad, reil: not, but get the rifing of lull: mortified, and that rowling of it in our fancy : get our hearts deadcd t.owards it alfo ; and re<1 not there, but get to hate it, and the thought of it: The body of death mult not only be ancifiedwith Chrilt, but buried alfo, and fo rot, and molder away more and more after its firft d<aths-wo~tnd, Rom. 6. 4>6. --------------- SE C T. 4· Of the mann<P of Denying our natural Concnpifcencc. THe directions have rcfpect either to otrr nawral conc~<pifcencc, or to our Perfonal, corr~tptwns. r. \'le arc abfolntely to deny the whole body of corruption and conrupifcence; we arc to mortific and fubdue, to crucifie and to revenge the blood of Chrilt againll this fin. This is the meaning of the Apoll:le, Mortifie your memb<rs whith arc upon the earth, fornication, uncleannffe, inordinateaffeElion, cviLconcupifcenc;c.--Now fur the denying or mortifying of this concupifcence, obfcrvc thcfc directions.-- • 1. Be fcnfible of it, cry out with Paut, 0 wrerchcd man that I am, who jhdl delive. me from the body of this death ? 2. Endeavour we to get a willing heart to have this fin mortified. Jileffid are they which hunger and thirft after righteoufnefs, for they jJ..a/1 be filled. 3- Be we peremptory in denying the reqnefrs of concnpifcence, barre up the doors, give it nv audience; nothing is better then a peremptory will if it be well fet, notr.ing worfe ifit be ill. When .Abifhai wonld have perfwadcd David t~ flay Shimei, David gives him a peremptory denyal faying, What have I to do with y011, ye(ons of Zerviah? So Chrifl: gave Peter a peremptory denya!. when he would have ditiwadcd him from his paffion, faying, Get thee behind me Satan. The old man is of our old acquaintance that hath been born and bred with us, and therefore is ready to deceive us ; look to it, and whenfoever it fuggefrs, give it a peremptory denyal. · 4- Take we pains to mortifie this fin. I run not in ".Jain as one that beats .the aire: that is, I take pains, but not in vain, I take no more pains than I mnft needs, if! took any ldfe, I could not come to that I aimc at : The lell'e paines we take in fubduing this corruption, the more will it increafe ; but what pains ? I anfwcr, we mull: ufe the means God hath appointed, as the Word, and Praying, and Eafting, a~dWatching, and Weepmg,andMourninv · to thefei may add Covenants and Vows: Provided that 1. They be of things lawful. 2~ That we efl:eem them not as Duties ofabfolute neceffity, an.d 3. That we bind not our felves perpetually, lefl: our vo;ves becon;c burthens to u~; If we Will vow, let us but vow for a time, that when the tune IS expired, we may either renew, or let them ceafc as neceffity requires. 5 Let