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Revel. I• 16. ZJch. 2· 8. Lok~ jc. d. Pfal. lOS. IS· Rom. ••· 3· PhlliP·!· 8. Chap .5 .sea. 9 . and things of this life, as if both firul and body at iheir diffolution fhould be wholly and evcrlafl:ingly refolvcd intd earth or nothmg. 2. It is Scnf~ra/1; it preferres the pleafurcs of fcnte, and plcafing the appetite, before the peace of confcience and fenfe of Gods favour; it provides a thoufand t1mes better for a body of earth, whiCh mull fhortly turn to dufl:, and feed the wormcs, then for a precious immortal foul, that can never dye· it highly prefers a few bJtter.fweet plcafurcs, for an inch of time in this vale of tea:s, before unmixt and inmeafurable joyes through all eternity in the glorious manfions of heaven. 3· It isdcvt!ijh 1 'for it imitates the Devil in plctting and con– triving mifchicf and ruine againfl: the glory of Gocl, the mini:rcry oi his Word, the paffage of his Gofpd,rhe plantation of h1s Grace in the hearts of men : or it is dcvilijh, bccaufc the Devil ufually fets thofe on work that have a little more wit to do him fer– vice; He knows they arc more able, and active to quarrel, railc, flander, difgrace the truth ofGod, or Miniflery of Chriit. 0 poor fouls ! how do you barke and fnatch at thofe hurtlcffe hands, which would heal and bind up your bleeding fouls ? 0 poor Idcots, what wifdome is it for you to endeavour their extirpation, who are as Starrcs in the right hand tf Chrifl· ? They that would do Chrifts Minil!crs any deadly harme,. they mull: pluck them thence; I could wifh thofe worldly, earthly,f,nfua/1, dev•liJ4,-wtfr. thar imploy their wits, their power, their malice,their friends, their undcrhand.dealings, to Dander, difgrace, hinder, liop the paffagc of a confcionablc Minill:ery ; bnt to remem– ber thofe few texts, He that toucheth you, toncheth the apple of my eye: and he that dejpiji:th pn, dcjpifcth me ; and h: that deJP•fctb me, dejptfeth hun thatfent me. Surely there is fomcthing in it that God fo /l:ridly chargeth, [ouch 11ot mine Anointed, and do my Pro;lxts no harmc. SE C T. 9. Of the manner of Denying our jpecial Gifu. T Hcdirec'tions of Self-denyal in rcfpcdofour fpccial gifts, are thcfc. --. li I. Think,)vcJoberly ofourJelves accordmg as God hath dealt to every man the mea... Jure offaith. We were not fcbcr in the Apollles phrafc, if either we took that' upon us, which we have not, or bragged of that which we have. 2. Mind the true ends of learning, wifdome, abilities, and aime at them. \Vhat are thofe ends ? I anfwer, I· To do <~od more excellent, and more glorious fervice. 2. To furnifh the foul for an higher degree, and a greater meafure of fanetification. 3. To do more nobly in Ephrata, and to be more famous in Bethlehem. \Vhat a fhame and linne is it for men by their abilities to hunt after certain fecondary priLes, as pleafure of curiality, ability of difcourfe, vic'l:ory of wit, gain of profellion, inablement for imployment and bufincffe, .and fo (by the abufe and mifapplying of it) to put their great engine of gifts into the Devils hands, for the inlarging and advancement ofh1s· Kingdom? 0 confider thofe more noble ends, and feck after them. 3. Endeavour to walk before God in humility and lowlincffe of mind. What? arc thy gifts more eminent then others? it is the Lord that makes thee differ; and as God hath been favourable to thee, fo fhould his fav0urs be as obligations to obedience, humility, m~ekneffc in thee. 4· Remember it is not the grcatnelfe of thegift, but the well-ufing of the gift that is the glory of the receiver; it is nonhe having of any thing whether much or little,but the having of Chrill with it, that makes it full and fatisfaetory, fwect and comfortable, ufeful and beneficial unto man. ' 5. Know and be affurcd, that whatfoever we have, if it puffe us up, and make us fwell,it is not food,but poyfon; or mcrcy,but a curfe; no evidence of divine favonr,but of fcvere anger to our foules. 6. Obferve and weigh well, that the iffne and event of all depends not upon the abilities of mau, but upon the all-difpofing hand of God. The race is not to thefr:ift, nur tbe battclt to the ftrong, neitheryet bread to the wife, nor riches to men cf tmdajlan1s~g. All our abilities are under Gods providence, who puts an efficacy into mans abillues even as he pleafeth. 7· Eftecm we all abilities, gifts, knowledge, as dmtg and droj[c in comparifon oftbe excellency ofthe k._nowfed<e ofChrift Jefies our L&rd. Thus Paul determined to k._now nothmg . p ~