Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.'). Sed. 1''). .§i>elMltnpal. ~ofGod ifany man be prcferved from thcfe fins that enjoyes thofe blcflings: g d h · · 5 that few honourable men prove fclf-denyers, bccaufe they arc moll: An ence 1t 1 c r.l'f d 1 h · thofe finnes which are mott formally opponte untoJe - enya ; w at IS more pro~fi:~ toJelf-denyt~!? then vain-glory, fdf-love, felf-feeking, [elf-advancing, defire opp aifc? In rh1s refpe-:l: Bddad rrue!y fpcaks offuch men,rhat they are caft mto ~r,:~e;:t~:ir 01~n f eet, a ;d thcyh tvalk._upon [nares. Take heed of thcfc fuzres; in this ]ob -~8.8 r a we had need to deny t em. re t ·whcn we are calledby God to dedicate them to God. The Lord never gave us h fe -things honot<r, praife, good name, uponany other termes, but that we fhould ~ e ·u·ngto'part with them for thch,no;tr ofh1s name; God never made us owners, b~t'~e~ards of them for his fervice, and if ever we were brought to Chrifi; into Co– venant with God in him, we then refigned up all to h1m, we profefi to part With all f h' we cntred into bond that we would g1ve up whatfoever we were or had to ~r 11~J when it fhould be called for. And good reafon, for whatfoever honour or t e 11 °1ncy \VC have, it is he that gives it; it is he that made the difference betwixt us exce e b . b . . h S h 'd . h and others; the rain- owe IS ut a common vapour, 1t IS t c unne t at guu s1r, t at els it with fo many colours; the beft of us are but a vapour; and 1f any ofus be ~~~~glorious, more honourable then others, it is the Lord that hath fhined u~on us, d hath put more beauty, more lufhe upon us, then upon other vapours. 1he ho– an favour goodname we have, God hath put it upon us, and feeing it is of him, ;h;~lory of i't is infinitely due to him; if he calls for it, good reafon we fhoulcl deny it. S E C T. 15. Of the manner ofdenying our honour, favour, praife, good ndme among men. THe directions of Self-denyal in refpect of our honour, favottr, praife, good name a· mong men, are thefe.--.- . . _ r. Look on honMr, praiji, favour, applauf7, asvan1ty, nothmg. Vanotyofvani– ties faith the Preacher'. vanity of vani~ies, all is vanity, Obf~rve his ~xpreflion, r, Vanity, not onely vame, but _vamty 1t f~l~. 2. Exceffive vantty, for 1t IS vamty of vanities. 3· An heap ofvamt1es, fortt 1sm the plural! number, vamtyof vanities. 4 . All is vanity, not only profit, and ple_aftre, but honour too; Solomon had experience of them all, and all is vanity. 5· He addes h1s name to that he faith, vanity ofVtmi– ties faith the Preacher. The word lignifies the foule that hath gathered wifdome. There is no reality in honour, prai{t, favour, applaufe ofmen, which are fo much ad.– 'mired and magnified by the mofi; honour is but a fhadow, a fancy, a wind, a breath, an external additament, for there is no internal excellency in it: ameer fable as Au– guftmC•far could fay on his deaths-bed, have not I fumed to have acted my part Jitjji– cicmly in this/able ofthe 1vorld? now thenfarewell. 2.Beware ofthofe attendants,or companions ofhonours,as vain-glory,fclf-love,felf-exal– tation,felf-admiration. Let'" not be deftrous ofvain-glory. Let us not exalt our felves a– bove others. Let us not ftrive or lludy to be magnified by others. Let us not ple.afe and blelfe our felves in the vaine applaufe of others. lt is not humane applaufe, but Gods approbation which minifters matter of true honour to a Chrifiian. vVe fhould rejoyce to fee God honoured, but fear to hear our felves applauded, lcfi either we be Idolrz:ed, our hearts elevated, or Gods honour obfcured. Certainly fhame will be at !all that mans portion that exalts himfelf. 0 how fhould Chrifi put the Crown of glory on h1s head, who takes the Crown of praife from the h~ad of Chrifi ? Them thllt ho– nour me (fa1th God) wi/J I honour, and they that defpiji me, Jlulll be lightly efteemed. 3· Be convinced,that of all vices vain-glory, [elf-admiratim,felf-exaltation, .hunting after""ns fra•f·, are the moft invincible. The roots thereof arc fo deep and ftrong, and fo laregly fpread in the heart of man, that there is no difeafe in the foul fo hardly cured, no weed in the garden of mans heart fo unealily plucked up : lt is the hardcJl: ta;k that ever rmn undertook truly to deny himfelf, and fully to proftt.J.te, and put h1.nfelf under God and Chri!ts yoake. He that can mle his own fpirit (faith Solomon) r.· bemr,then he that tak,th aCity. The ovcn:oming of a Kingdome nothing in eom- . T. 2. • parifon E<c/e[ 1. 2 Sueron ia li•:ufl. Gal. s 2o l Sam 2. 3"·