Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap 6 .Sc&.6. e!e~ptttences>. ____..::__ ______ , Let us trade others Experiences to our own particular profit. Thus D,n·id in defe~;ion hath recourfe to Gods gracious dealings with his fore-fathers , Unr fat!Jen trujledin thee; they trufled, and thot~ didfl deliver them; thcycrycd unto rhu, and were delivered; they mtjfed in thee, and were not confounded. \'Vhat favo.ur God {hewed to any one, he will vouchfafe to every one that fecketh hun d!l,gently, Jf 1t may be for his £ood. Thus we finde in Scdpturethat fometimes "perfonal E.•·perie~:cc w:ts improved toanuniverfaladvantage, 1amcs5. 11. Hebr. 13. 5,6. 3 . Let us above all minde the Expcrimccs of Gods fpecial metcy in a way of faving £race; and from thence we may for our comfort fetch conclufions for the conferring of all grace. If we can fay, the Lord hatb calledru out of d,trf,_nefs rmo marve!om !tght. then we may conclude that the Lord >VIlijanc!tficm, andjfrcngthm, tmd qttitk:;n, and frablijh "'' and k5ep usto che end:· forthis we have a warrant from the Apo!l:le. But God commends hu love ta m-ward, tn that whde we tYereyet Jrnners Chrijf d;'edfor m, much more no IV bei~tg jujfifted by,his blood weJl;all be (aved from wrath through hiM ; for if when we were enemieJwe were reconnled to God by the dtath rfhzs Sonnc) lmtch more beinrr rccon'- ciledwcfh~tlbcf"vedby hislife, Rom. 5· 8,9. "' + Let us call our Expcrunces under feveral heads, and make the word and wrrkJ face one another, and anfwer one to -another; or to make the work con,pleat, it were not amiffc to cfifl:ribute the frame into three columns; and in the lir!l: to fet down Ex– pcrienm, in the fccond the Texts, in the third Difpojitions anfwering Gods mindc, in fuch and fuch a cafe, to be left on the heart afterwards. 5 . Let us pray with fervency (whenever we fet a tim~ apart to vi_ew over our Ex: pcriences) that thofc Di{pofit•ons anfwermg Gods mmd m every parttcular Experi(nce may be written io our hearts, and brought forth ' mour life afterwards. This will be the chief ufe and choice comfort of the foul in this duty. And this Method a pocr crea– ture and fervant of Chrifl: hath followed in his own particlllar practice ; whereof1fhall give you a tafl:e irt the following SeCl:ion. SECT. 6. The ExJtrienm of il weak chriftian, cajl into the Methodproportndedo SECT. I , Godsangerand_jujficcagainftjinnm. Experiences, Texts. Difpo{rtions required in this ,·afe, and to be prayedfor. Rev. r6.6,7. They havejhed . the bl~od_ofSainrs, and thou Rev. 18. + Come ont of f'cb . 6. Prcfton was taken haftg•.venthembloodto drink;; her my people tliat ye be .- ' by the Parliaments Ev.:'!Jo Lord God Alm<ghty, not parakcrs of her fins, and ~Orfes, fevera!Papillsflain true and nghuom arc rhy lthat ye receive not of·her m It, fome naturally of a J•tdgements. . plagues. ~ood difpofition; and ·there- . Re.v. 19. 2·. He h~th Rev. 1.8. 2o. Rejoyce over th~fr ~nnat~~1el mourned for J~<dg~dthe great whore, ~vhrcli her, thou Heaven, and ye . d . hy death, j?ut d,d corrupt the etmh wit'h her holy Apofl:les and Prophe"s reJoyce m t e accomp !lh f. · · & ~ · G d h ' ' '· mentofthe Prom,·'e. - orm~at•on, . c. or o ath avenoed you " onher. " y z. oaob.