Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.6.Setl:.6. SECT. 7· Ob[er11ations ofG~ds Providences. E.<·periences. Texts. 1 DiJPoficionr, &c, Job. 5. 27. Lo, tliis we Pf,l. 34· 8, 9· O_tafte and· havefearched, fo it is, hear fee that t.he Lord ts good; Arch I. This day one thou it, and k!'tow it for thy bleffed ~S the . man that M mufing on Gods good. 1 trufteth 1~ hm~ . fear the ·d 1e occafionally Job 42. 5· I have heard of Lord ye hts Samts. Prokvt encesB, 1 k and read thee by the hr~.,.ing of the ear, ' Pfal. 48. 8, 9· As we have too up a oo ' . . r. h h h d r h ~ . . · that The Reco 1 ·ding of b~tt now mme eye 1 ect t ee. 1 ear , 10 ave we een 111 mtt, .d · not the lcatf Ifai. 40. 28. Knoweft tho11 the city of the Lord : ----- we Provt ences " 1 h d h h h f h I · · ortion of Gods Prmfe, of not ! or haft thou not ear ave t oug .r o t y ovmg· p D of Pofteriues p~- that the everlaftmg God, the kmdneffe, 0 God. our uty ' I Lord hath created the ends of\ trimony. 1rhe earth! &c. SECT. 8. The breathings of the Spirit in others andmy own Soul. E :..-periences. ' Texts. I DiJPofitions, &c. I 6+8· Cant. 'S: . 5. I am come into Pfat. 89. 15. Blelfed is .mygarden, my fifter myJpoufe, ·the people that know thC:, MAy 7. This day one ,I have gathered my mirrhej'joyful found, they lh:ll felt many fweet im- .with myJPice; I have eaten my walk 0 Lord in the light of prdllons of Gods Spirit in honycomb with my hony,l have thy countenance. . his heart fometimes meltmg, I drunl:§n my wmt JVtth my Can. 5. 1. Eat,O fuends, and fo~etimes chearing his 1 milk., . drink, yea drink abundantly foul in the publick Or- 1 Pfal. 19. 9, ro. The ;udg- 0 beloved. dinances of the Word and'mentsofrheLorddretrmh---- Jtr. 15. 16. Thy word Sacraments: This could I more to be defired then gold, was unto me the joy, and re– not but be the breathings of yea then fine gold,fiveeter alfo joycing of my heart. Chri(l:. I then honey and the hony comb. S E C T. !). The withdrawings ofChrift from the Soul, Experimces. Texts. DfPofitions, &c. - r648. I Job q. 24, 26. Wherefore l'fal. 77· 5, 6, 17, ro. 'JVly r. or thcreabouts,onc btdefl thou thy face, and I have confidered the dayes gave me a Relation of her: holdefl me for thy enemy? thoJt ofold , the years of anctent fad defertion, thus: ----That•wnteft bmer thmgs agamft times: I call to remem– ane night as lhe fate by the me. brance my fong in the night, fire, lhe thought lhc faw the Pfal. 88. r4, 15, r6, r 8. I commune with my own ground open, and a gulfe of Lord, why ca{fefl thou offmy I heart, and my fpirit makes fire appearing; whereupon foul! why hiJefl thottthyface diligent fearch ; will th_e ihecrycd,I am damned, I am from me! I am a!JiiEfed and Lord caft olffor ever, and damned:Ifat any time lhe faw ready to dye. ----whtlc I fu!fer 1 will he be favourable no any fire, lhc fuppofcd that thy terrors I am diflraUed, more? and I fatd, This is my lhe muft ~o into it, and that thy fierce wrath goerh over. infirmity. . ~he _devtls would fetch her me , thy terrors have Ci<f me) Ifai. . 50. 1 o. \Vho is· mto tt. Once wringing her ojf.--Lover 11nd fricnd 1 among you that feareth the handes, lhe cried out,O vrhat haft thou put fa~re from mt ', Lord, that obeyeth the Jrtts I bor~e.nto the worldfor? and mine acquaintance mtol voyce of his fcrvant that one ftandtng by, anfwer'd to dark!Jef{e. walketh . in darknelfe and glorifie God; to whom lhe Prov. n , 14. The fpirit bath no light? let him truft reply'd, of ln •