Chap.7. SeCt-.6. ~bti'Jence.s. f' 011 rai,,int 2. TheGracrs to wbrch prcmrfcs are madr:, or rny partrcnla) Evtdt?nces. of tlk[et.r.:ces 1,,~,.-Y. of the 1. 1·1u r.xrs _ . . . I 3· n1e rrurbl. 4 Tbe tefl.~ .. ~~- I ~ r. 1• 9 , 6 7· Mygrirffor thefins ofthe times and places where/lived. · , See 1 " tb~ -:;:;;;is eitb..r ?·ere,: .,. • ,fl. d . d , aUt) of f,lj1'fal.Jl9 136 8. A-tyearner eftrc_,tm praf'Ci't(J Godfc.r Ifrae!, andfr.,r cryal, tJud b, Argum nr; z Pet.'· 7,8. all I f(rtow, .tha•· they mtght befa':Jed. I Receiving of •nd Inferences 8./ Io. I. 9 My love to G'od in Chrz;f to his Word Service Saints tbe L11<t,-. f"m ''" ""0" 1 9•1]obn4.19 ' . h bl· h·' ~ ' 'Suppa. and lPtl1k of P/al. l19,16S and all thmgs t at c ong ~o tm, [ grace in the •Job 3 Io,I4 10. Myfence ""d fedmg "fthe fight and combat bmveenl beart,or l>yprcJ J()hu 4. 7· thejiej/1 and the fpirit. .' [rllcc t~nd_ 1nJo,Rom. 7• 23 r 1. My watch to jlrive againft[ccretfns~ or eviL thoughts, . fl~t~n~L' (j ll:t G,d. S 17• h h r, '/ . .r' bl'" . r; I Spmr, '"""'' l J.. I'[at,·r 9 . 12 w ic no eye 1 r:es,tuwe,, as agatny pn .tc'\..,onoJon.omucandalous fefted b)• an 2 Cor. 7· ' · fins. ·1 Ht•avenly iu; . 2 Cor. Io. S· 12. My dcjire after Clrrift for his holi11e[r, as happinefs; prrffim •·•d ir12· 1 ]ob.~.3 takJnu him ~"or my Ktnff and J-Je.uband; M for m'l le fit..! and ttldtatfiJn l!p:n IS. 3 .o J' 6 r I th~· j JJt!, by a Savtoltr. . . . . . . f wcet m?lio 11 J).\!atlo. 39. 13. My wrllmgnefs on nghtg-rounds, and pure ends (whzch 1 l""d faling of .>'a>k_Jo.2I. of neceffiry muft qua/zfy this widtnce) toJuffer jhame & dif Gods t"""'"• L•1:: 9· 2 3-2 4 ffrace & (if my heart decezve me not) pcrfecmion & death ! andpa;do,, "' ' ft S · and mercy. ar.d for Chrt my avtolfr. favin pr ~ I4·Pf•!.89.ISI 14. The joy of G'ods Spirit, whi<-h f umetimes I 10 m/,.:._,;;;~~ !fa J 2 3 ht~vefelt in and l!jtcr Ordinanus; and cfpecially once, JVhen ~ny reference tJ k~~~ ~ !: : ~. for the [pace of rw~ dayes I Wtu carriedaway i~t~ e.t·tafie_ and mbercnr l'"us. G.>l. s. 22 . ravijhment: Thts JVM when I began to fee Spmtua/ thm_gs; 'P,r. I . 8. and (that which mal(es it my Evidence) upon which followed more dejire and endeavours aftergrace. I$. M;l. 4· 2. 1 5, My fenjible growth in the Mcaftm ofG'odsJanEfijying 1 Ep/1. 4 1S· graces,as in k_nowledge,andfaith, and hope,and patunt exp<Efa– :l Pet. 3·• 8 · tion of Gods prefence·andaffiftam:c in all things to come. t6.l'[al.ii9.67 16. My patience nnder infirmities and'afj!iEfions, with an H.b.12.7,8. earnrjl' dcfire that I may be bettered by my aJ!liCfions. "· 1 17. My affurance offaith,and ofmyfpiritualJafety;l11hich ~;;~o · 6 2 • 2 ' i.J 1. Both by the evidences of£ntrrnal vi.fion (JY rejleEtum, for ;,b·. ~~~· ~~ I k_now that I believe, M <·rrtainly"' I k..~ow that I live: and oCor. !· 17 2 . By application of the Promifes of the Go(pel: and 3- By ~~!; ;· 1 ~2;6• the effeCts a:zdfruitsg_ro-.vingfrom t~~ root ofgrace: and -+.: · S, By the teftzmony of Gods Spmt, wh&eh fometzmes( ,rfurp•ayer . efpecially)hathJuggrjfed to my Spirit thttt I am G'uds child. IB.~~·'· 27. Ij 18. A dejire tu Jvait upon G'od, ifat any rime be delay to p,,;J. ;o~~ ·6 hm prayers. · 'f,j;o~.~6.;a;,9 19 . The rct/Zrn"f my prayers ivhich many a time G'od hath l'f.•l I>6. I, 2 gracio~tfly made fenjible and i0oJvn to myfoul. ::2o.z Tnn. 4 . a 20. Myfncerc and hearty longing for rhc time ()f rr:flwing) J<,v. 22. 20 andfor the appearing ofChrift, who is my ,·hiefefl'tteajitre,and my All in All. 2,II! .21 . My Confeience hath born witnefs with mc,that my heart IVtU fincere to»·$rds God. . 2 ~:P~t~l. J 39· 22. I rcft not in the approbationof mcn,unlrfl I can approve :>' .. 4. my heart Jtnto God. •3·/1."" 7•24 _23. Bcfzdesthefeandthelik§, !may fetch (Jayfome Di– ]l...•,m. a. 1~. vmes) as good if nat better Evid&ncesfrom Morc~ojication, in G• 1 !. 5· 17. denying myfelf,in. liVcrcoming mypajfions,in cructfying mycor~ C' ·l4.S89 · j' h ,r, ]j ·d 'dd Tir. 2 • 11: 1~. ~tept,ons,as ro1.>1 anygraces lV a!joever. lttEvt ence /az.. ownl M the dmy ofSelf-trialmay be inftead of allthcfc. But 0 my [o1tl, rtft not on thefe inwardgraces ofthe Spiri~; now when all is done, begin again to aU faith upon Chrij/- . unmediarc!y with a redoubledjtrcngth. · His Evidences thus gathered in-:-thc prime and cfpecial ~vork ?f the foul is,thc kecping,and improving of Evrdences mthCir fcveral ufes. But of that before, SeU. 3. 4, 5. And , ~hus mucb. of Evidences.