Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.S. Sect ),6. ,®eottattong. uliove my fclf in my loves; give me to forget the low and bafc loves of this wodd,al)d by an heavenly excefs, tra!jfport me into an he~venly love,. that I may embrace Chrill: who is the Lord from Heaven,With a love hke hunfelf: 0 g1ve me to beheve, for fauh ~nd Love grow together, and the ll:rortger my faith, the greater will be my love. 6. Confidence. . . , And this (fwect jcfu) I am fully perfwaded thou wilt do: I believe, Lord help my unbe,/ief · fure!y thou art God, who canll: not lye, and thou hall: promifed, that theup- Cant. 1. 4 right jhalllove thee.. lhould I b~t be~ie~e thee? and now thou hall: in fome fweet h1eafurc convmcd me, now .thou bcgmn ll: to warmemy heart, and to call: m~ · into a love-trance; now that my fpir_it is fomewhat raifcd,my heart in fome fort inlarg– c'd; my n1ind in fome meafure fixed upon thee: I m~ke bold ( Lord) to ,conclude with this fpiritual Epuhalam1um, )3/ejfed Lord, I am thme, one! Y.- thme, ever thme, all that I am is at thy command and all that I have IS at thy d•fpohng; be pleafed to· command both it and me: I know whatfoever I adventure or lofe for thy fake, I lhall receive with infinite advantage in thy blelfed felf. . I dare trult my Lord with the bell: thing that ever he gave me, my precipus foul. 0 my bleeding heart and broken fpirit doth languilh in a thirll:y l~ve, panting and gafping after thee, my blelfed Saviour : 0 let me talte how gracious thou art, by fome real experiments in my own heart, finile upon me from heaven, anfwer me with fome affining whifpers of the Spirit of Adoption; Kif me with the k:.J!es ofthy momh, for thy love is better than wine, 0 le£ bathe my foul in the delicious intimacies o£a fpiritual communion with thre, lilY cant. 1 , ~ God, that I may for ever adhere unto thee with a lincere conll:ancy, and reil: in thee with a love ofcompla<·ency: for I feel, I find my foul call: into a longing fwcat for thee, and nothing can fatisfie the importupate longing of my perplexed foul, and thcu arc altogether lovely, 0 my dear Jefu! Omy dearell: Husband! 0 th,efe;holy fits! 0 thtfc fweet pangs of love grow upon me a pace! Upon a fuddcn my King, my Saviour, I am eve11 jick_oflove ! . Conchtjion. . ; . And hO\\r, 0 my fonl, return 1into thy rejl, for the Lordh~tth been bwejicialui1to thee ! J The reafon of thy love is Chrill:s love; .Thou loveft him, becaufe heJirfllovtd thee. Is it thus, 0 my foul? hath the Lord Chrill: indeed difcovered his will, to take thee for Ff.•l· 116 · I·· his fpoufe? What, he that is fo holy, to marry fuch an impure wretch as thou art l 0 how fhould this but melt thee into aflame of low ? what (linings of love lhouldlt thou now feel in thy bowels ? how lhouldll: thou now value him, and prize him, and praife him? how fhould thyglory now fing praifos to him, and 1/0I bt.filemr how lhould'll: thou admire andwonder, that thoucould'll: endure to be without Chri!l: fo !ong? that thou could'll: fo llightly think of Chrilt heretofore l 0 my foul, henceforward cling to thy Saviour, go out ofthy fclf, 'llldcreep to him, and affect not onc!y union, but very ,unity wi\h him; bathe thy felf hereafter again and again, many and many a time in .thofe delicious intimacies ofrhySpititual marriage :,And to that purpofc (0my foul!) ~f fometnnes thy love to thy Sav10ur lhall cool, 0 then fweet Saviour look upon me m mercy; onelookofthmcw,U awaken my love,andmakemewecp bitterly, that !ha~el.ovcd thee fo ltttle,whom to love fuffic•ently,mY. bell and mightielt loves arc molt mfuilic1cnt : Prevent my fcekmg With thy fecking, be thou prcfcnt with me in thy proVIdence and power, when thou feemelt to be far off me, in the talte of thy f~veetnefs and frmt•ofl of rhy loves;& then when I have regained thee J will ho.ld more hardly,& keep more f~!lly,and love th~e _more vehemently,by thy power affilling; and Provide a ll:ock of love m the fummer, agamll: wmter, if it return any more: Come Lord Jefus, and be ast~JC Ro.e on the .M~umaines? my life is hidwith thee, 0 appear quickly, that kmay quiCkly appear w'tth thee m .glory, and m the happinefs -of a confummate !llarrtage: Even fo, come L otdJeflts come quick!.y, Amen, Amen. Pfal. 18. to''"· 7· Rr~e/ .,, >9 SECT. 6. Another Ex~tmplc ofthe cternity•fhdl. ' :A. Fter cnt',ance by prayer and choice of this theme, the foul may proceed th\ls : _ ; . . . · ..,. I. Dcforiprion. ' 0 my foul whar.s th1s etermty of hell, 'whereof thou ·lludiell: l It isth: entire and perfell pojfejfim ofa life in de.tth, and death in life mifer~bh ever. lt is a rircle •f p"i_~c;, rttll)Jln!J.