Chap.S. sctr.s. ~enttatton. ------------------- + EjfeEfs. . . . . . . . . What arc the dfetl:s,O my foul,ofthis eternity ofhell? furcly many fad,and miferablc ffrel:s ·as fcreeching howltng,wecpmg,wa!ltng,and gnafhmg of teeth for evermore.The ~ c IH~ tells us of rh~~tghrs bu1wcn rimnfelvcs '"'<Hjir1g rhcmfcivcs.lnfill 0 my foul on that Ro•n.~ns •·. •S· o~eo effeCl,when the damned fhall confider their doomcs,go;•e into everlajling fire, then . h h < tune paft: {hail they call thw deep t oug ts on? eternity to come. 5. Oppofires. Why then, 0 my fouL dolL thoufet up thy refl: on this lid~ Jordan:' what m! thofc few fhort plcafcn·es thou here enJoyell? what 1s t\11~ brmlc ltfe,on wh1ch depends eternal wo ? what isearth to hell? what a mmute to th1s eternity <f hell. If any tlung be contrary to this ctcrnity,what is it but this pmdilio of time we have here to fpend? this little brittle life, what IS 1t but an ell,. a fpan, an mch, a pomt? 0 dear penny– worth, 10 buy the merry madncfs of one houre, with ages of pangs, infinitc.and ~ternal! 0 dearcll: bargaine that ever was, to fell away heaven, (our evcrlalbng mhe– rirancc) with Efme, for a lij> of momentany plcafure; l fee th1s world and the other ~re mccr oppofites; my llfe IS fo ltttle, and th1s eterntty fo long, that I c~nnot tell what is more contrary than thefc two : My ltfe 1s nothtng but a NoJV, th1s mll:ant 1s pro– perly my own, I cannot promife to my felf any thing futttrc, and therefore my life and' this eternity arc as contrary as way be. 6. Ct~mparifm.r. But to what !hall! compare this eternity? as" drop af JVate;- is unto the fea, a11d d gravel jlone in compari(on of theJand,fo are a thotif'andyeares to the day ofcterniry: Nay, E"IJ. 8 9• if we multiply a thoufand years a tho_ufand. tunes, 1t would not amount to the \call: fraClion of tlw munbcrlclfe number ot eternity. They fay, that the e•ghth ccleiltal orb or fphere, is moved wondcrfulleifurcly, fo; though it be daily wheeled about by the rapid motion of the primummob:le, yet 1t fin1fh<;th not ItS own proper CltClllt but once ·in thirty fix thoufand years; and th1s fpace of tunc they call the great year, or Plato's year: but compare this with etermty, and 1t w1ll appear but as a moment, a very nothing at all; to what then maiil thou compare this eternity? 0 my foul it is like an orb, every way round, and l1ke 1t felf, or ltke a wheclc of fire, that fo long as it bath fire turns, and turns, cloth never ceafe turning; ·but alas, there is no comparifon apt for this; there is not~1ing •_niferable, and eternally miferable but hell it felf ~ and the things and perfons contamed mhell. . , 7· Tcftimoniet. - ·~ Is not tl].e Scripture (0my foul) frequent in the mention of this eternity? much of it we read not in the Old-Teilament,but how often in the new?how then is this called le' gal p~eaching? were the Evange\ill:s and Apoll:les legal Preachers ? W'!S Jefus Chrii!: himfelfa legal preacher? furcly 'tis the great policy of Satan to muzzle men in their fecurity to have all foul-fearching, and fin-reproving, and confcience-awaking, and du• ty-preffing preaching, called legal preaching; Oh it is a great policy of th,e devil to put fo bad a name, upon fo good a wor\>. Come ! leave thefe triflers, ani! look about thee, To t.he Lotv,. ar~d to the tejlimonies, ift hc~fpeak,.not according to this Word, it is l[>ii•l• 8. oo ~ecaufe there" no ltght tn them, John the Prodromus defcnbcs Chrill: thus ; .flis fan u mhu hand, and he m// throughly purge hisfloore, andgather his tvheat into the uarner J ~l<t he tvill burne up the chajJCJvirh unqutnchabl~fire; it isfire, and fire unqumchakl~, both M•t, 3· '" rnan aCl1ve and paffive fenfe; for neither of It fclf !hall it ever be quenched nor· ./hall the bodycs tl:at are in it be extinguifhed. And Chrill: himfelf advifeth ~hus, if thy ~and ~r foot offend .thee cut them off, and ca.ft them from thee, it is better for thee to enter f\t."t. I3. 8 ~~to lifejalt o_r matmed,_ 1"~tther t~anhavin;; ttro hands, or two feet to be caft ,i'nto-~ ever!aft..J. · mgfire. Th1scvcrlallm~ fire IS the hell of hells; call any mifery, everlajling, and there 1sm1fery mpcrfecbon.. 0 the fearful fentcnce; depart from 111C ye curfed into tverlaf/mgfirc! and oh that d1reful execution, thcfejha/1go atvay into everlajling punijiJc• M h ment! .ehrill: clfcwhere tells us, that the fire never Jha/1 be q;unched, and bc•repeat.S it· v.·:~ · •s. 3 ' three_t1mes over m one chapter, thattheir worme dyeth not, and'the fire iS7/at ljteenched, Mark. 9· ++> +6, 48. The Apoille fpeaks the fame dochine, and tell's us:dmt they Mllr. 9-4~,448 th:u k..nm not God, and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Je{itr Chr-ift Jlu!tl be punijiJCd 4 '• wuh e~erlajhng dejlruchon from the prefence of the Lord, andfro!Ji the gioYyfJJ~hi~ power. 2 Th~[ '· 8. Peter ,ells us ofa mift of dar/zyej[erefervedfor ehe wtck!d for ever':l and!JIIilt t'ells-us of· ~ the btack;.ufs of dar/zyefr referved for the tviokfd for c'ller: ·and John· tells- us· oF 2 P'er •· 17 C · a· ]udei;