Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

-Chap.8 Sect.J· $ ttlttation. thoughts; When the bleffcd !hall confider ~he_ir doomc, comeye bi<Jfed oj my fath~r , inherit thekmgdom : Then /hell they cafl: tne1r thoughts Time pafl:. on '1 Eternity t<? cyme. .. , , . _ t. Fortime pafl:; they /hall remember, that .fometimes.they :-_vcre in troubles, i11 forrv 1 vs, in fickneffcs,in contempt of others,in dangers by fea and land ; .that Come!Imes they were ready to perifh, and to cafl: away their fouls by this or that firr, but that God frill held his fpecial hand 0vcr them, and gave therp grace, and nbw b~ought theli\ into the •>ort and haven of fecurity, where is nolhadow of miferics: 0 v;liat ravilhing of fpirit 1 will the fouls of the jult be caft into, .at·this recalling of time pafl:·' and rha~ the memory of thmgs here below, remairres fl:ill with all the fpirits Qf th~. ju(l !Tlad~ 1 perfeCt , is manifeft : Remember me when thOII cwJCft mto thy Kmgdom, f.'i1d th~ good Lu~ 2 J· 41 .thief, to Chrifl:. . . . ·, : ., , 2 . For eternity to come, they /hall confider, that the joy they enjoy, they /hall enjo): for ever: 'fhry that bewife j1Jall Jhine "'the brightnefs of the firmament; and theythllf D.m, 12•. <• ·1 turne ma 11 y to righteoufr.cfs, as thr ftars f or ever and ever, they Jl,al/Jhine, how? _as the Manh. 1 3· 4$• jimwmnt, as rhef/a<I, or as the(tm, faith our Saviour: notfo (faith Chryfofl:om) ~ that they jl101tld not ftupa[s the brighmefs of theSun , but the Sun bemg the m•ftglittering thing in theworld, he tak.fs 11 refemblance tolrards th< ex1rejJiTJg •f thetr mcomparableglory:· But to heighten this glory, obferve the auxefes,itfhall be for ever (z.) for eternity, or for ever & ever( i, ) for eternity and eternity;or as the latine.s,in pe~petllll~ £ternitates,for perpetual eternities. If one eternity be without end, what are two? what are ten? what are an hundrecl ? what are infinite ? 0 what a life is this that knoweth no end! what ~ glory is this that never fadeth? what a love is this that never cooleth? what~ joy is this that never ceafeth ? S· Oppojiw,and,Comparifons. As to that eternity of hell , fo to eternity ofheaven •thou maiA: confider the fame oppofites, and comparifo11s ; nothing is more oppofite to heaven than this brittle little life, we live on earth: And for comparifon we know nothing at•all points , fit to be compared with it: It is a fountaine of living water ever running, whither the waters after many turnings flow back again,that they may alwaies flow. , . 6. Teftimonies, For a further confirmation of this eternity, fearch the Scriptures, for they teA:ilie of, this: 'fh<J that be wife]halljl1im as the brightnefs ofthefirmament, and tbllt turne many Dan. 12 •i • , to right<oujnefs as the ftars for ever a11d ever.--·- And every one that hatliforfak.fn houfes, Mallb. 19• >9· e>r brethren, orJifters, or father, jhall receive an hundredfold, anflJl!al/ inherit everlafting life.-- And thefcjiMII go away into everlafting punijhment, but the righteous into life ttetnal, for God fo loved the world that he gave his only begotten Sonn<, that whofoever believeth in him jl10teld not perijh, but have everla{fi11g life. ·····-· Whofoever d>·ink!th of the water that!jha/1give him]hall never thirft,but the water that I ]haltgive him jpalt be inj1im Mirth. • s. 46: John J.Io. John 4· '4· "W<lt ofwarer,(Pringing up into everlafting life.------· And this is the will ofhim thatfont John f. 4° me, that everyone whichfeerh the Sonne, and believeth on himmay haveeverlajlitzg life.-·-·· 2 Cor, s. 2 ; We k§ow that if our earthly houfo ofthis tabernacle were dijfolved, we have a building of God, an houfo not made with hands eternal in the heavens. -----··And thereJl>all be no night Aotit. 22: ~,' there, and they need'no candle, neither light ofthefun, for the Lord God giveth them light, tmd they]hall reigne for ever and ever. . , - Thus far, 0 my foul, for the information ofthy judgment; now fer the ftirring up' of thy affections. . . r. Relijl>. . _ . . 0 eternity of )Oyes! ?, that thou wert written in abook_ that thou wert gr~<vm'!'ir!. an J,. , 9 , 2 p ' 4 ; tron pen and lead mthe ro'·"-for ever! 0 that my heart were the book_! t~at my II)ed1tation. ~vere the.,.on pen and lead! and that this word Eternity were imprmted andengravetr' Ff•l. 31· 7 111 me.! 0 my foul, be eA:abli!hed, and fay 1\ilth David, My ht~~rt is.fixed, 0 fiod, my . he~rt ss fixed: Set thy felf in a fure place, and ftand a while; and ll:anding admire at th1s Et~rmty, wh1ch always ftands, and never paff'eth away ; and that thou mayell;taA:e and rehfh, that thou mayeft .be affeCl:ed and move<! with this Eternity: go up-into · heaven and fee thore invifible fights of glory. Oh what happineffe is here of Saints !' [ - Dll · !hall'