.1llf]cottatton. 205 Clnp S · Se8: 7· - ---..---------'- heavenly things as coRceits an .i imaginations, they have tiot faith, nor .do they k._"oJv . .,. within themfoivcs that therc,a~·e fuch thmgs, but the Sa1nts "-:••• wrthm 1/?emfdves, rbat H<b. lo. l~<)o they have a better and an endu~ingfubjft?.nc.~~~ the Km.gdom of He:1vcn 1S ~wthw. themJ~nd LHk,: IJ.u. therefore they. are ufually qmck, and aCl1ve, and hvely, and cheerful m thelf ferv1ces or fdfferings. 0 my foul, how lhould I be1~aile thy: wants? ·~oil thou doubt whether there be an Heaven,or wh~ther thou hall: a:God and a Savwur there? Uh far be from thee this Atheifme, woe to thee 1f thou behevdt n.ot; .but U tlm< of!micfauh, doll: thou believe there is fuch an happmefs, & an happ1nefs for thee, ancl yet thou deftreil: it not, and yet thou delightell: not in it? Alas, how weak, and unbelieving ~s thy belief? :How cold and faint are thy defires? TeUme, what fuch goodly entertamment hall: thou meet withal here on earth,that was worthy to withdraw thee from thefe heavenly ]oyes? Or whatcaufe of diOike finde:l: thou above? Oh none! My foul, it is only thy miferable drowfinefs, only thy fecunty. Oh what lhall I fay? What ayls thee 0 my foul ~ As Jcnathan faid to Amnon, why art tbot• lea• from dtlJ tod.,y being the Kings Jon ?. 2 S.lll: 13, 4· So why art thou heavy, 0 my foul, al)d whY. walkcft thou fo dumpifhly in the wayes of God, being the l{mg of Heavens Son? , . 3· Wijh. Dtur. 32 29 1 Cor. 6'', 2. 0 thatl could ~ind thisEternity! that I could ta!te or relifr..this Eternity!, that i were fitted and prepared for :Etermty! .0 th4t I wert wifo, that I 11nder{food this, that I confidcrcd my larrcr end! 0 that now_ whtlc tt tJ .-a/led to day, wlvl_• tt zs the_accepted time, and the day offalvation, I had a dtbgentand mtent ey_e upon tht_ Ererm'! ~ 0 that I could Hill reafon thus, What tf I endur~hunger and tlmll:, empttnefs and tn)unes, fick- ' nefs and poverty ~ Wh,at if I w<>·e beaten wit?, rods, or fu!fercd j/,ipwrack_/ whatif I were 2 Cor. n. , 3 , jloned to death ? all thefe are nothing to that Eternity ofwoes; on the contrary, What , ( 25 , if! hadCreftu riches, Sol•mons \Vardrope, Bcljha:u..ars Cup-board, Sampfons tlrengtt>, .Abfoloms beauty? What if an Angel jhould tak._e me "Pinto "n exceeding hzgh m&tmt"'"", and ]hew me all the kjngdoms ofthe wwld, and the glory ofthm1, Andflry unto me, AIL thcjC will I givethee? all thefe are nothing to !-terniry ofglory: 0 Lord,th~t I could wait P.nd l•ngJqrrhy falvation! 0 tha: I could mmd the thmgs above! 0 that my eyes, like the eys of thy fir{]; Martyr, could by the lighl( of faith fee but a glimps of heaven ! 0 that my heart coufd be rapt up thither in defire! 0 that I could fee heaven with adifcerning,. experimental, fpiritual,fixed, beiieving eye ! 0 that my mind wereraifed t_o look after that communication of God that I lhall have.hereafter ! 0 that my conveffation were, 'in heaven f 0 that I were drowned in this,prefent thought of Eternity, and that I • might never wake againe, but into rhe injoying cf it! Oh that my foul were opened ~t· this very time and moment,_to.receive the influence of heavens joy into it ! How then !hould I trample upon thefe poor vanities of the earth ! How willingly lhould I endure all forrows, afl torments ! How fcornfully lhould I paJfe by all pleafil,res, all pomps! How lhould I be in travail ~fmy dilfolution! 0 when !ball this day cOme, that I !hall perform that dury, and partake of the glory ofthe Saints ? When lhall this d~y come, that- I fhall poffefs that pure, and fpiritual, and full, and divine joy which comes from God, and is in God, and is with G•d? when !ball tlllSday come that I lhall have the vifion ofGod, 'and the fruition of Go~, wh~n I lhall fee God, and enjoy'God, and enjoy my fclf mGod? Oh when lhall thts day come, that I lhall enter into thefe con~nes of Eternity, and folace my fclf in my God? As th<.H?i.rt panmhafter thewat<r-brook.J, Jo p;tnwh my foul ;z[m thu, 0 God: My foul thir[terh for God, f<r the living God: 0 whenJhall I centeandappear before God ? 4· Confeffion: .I · r[.t. 4"' '• •· I derire Lord: b~tal:i;, how wca'kly, how dully,how heartlen·~ ?. I am -n~;,ibi~, ~oe , 2 car. ~ s:· Jufficsentof my Jflfto thmk""Y thrngasofmy foif, but my fufficiency •u of-God: ltis 3 nature that pulrs me from this holy Meditlltion; nature favours it felf,loveS'the world;, abh~rs death and Eternity in another world : it is my mifery that I dote on nothi~ oronfin that's worfe than nothing; HowlonglhaUthefevanities thusbefo ~ ~ ' !fow lcng ]hall t~efe v11m. rh.ughulodgc within me ? Why Lord ~ th~re is no 1h'ength 1•r.4--t4: ;. m me' · I ea~netthe~ wtll nor do; le is thor~ only muff work._in mr both to wil!,and to d~ • l'bll. •· •3· ~both t~ medtt~te on, and to prepar~ for, both to drfirt after, ant!' to love, and hope, and Joy 111 thts Etermty) ofthygood will 1111dpleafHr<. S· Ptt-