'lOlS l'Jal 116. 7· Jtom.8; ~o. 3'• P[al. 31. 19. R.·v.s. 8.9. ®ttlttatton Chap. 8.Sect.7. belit'"veth bath eternal life;' therefore if 1 bdieve, I am already a frce'denizon in the new ')'crufalem; Eternity of )DJ" is·alreadyrefervcd for me : Why Lord, I believe,come glory, come Eternity¥ come ~Jnd welcome gluncus Ettrmey:~ eternal glo1y. Conclufom. Return unto tby reft, 0 my foul, for the Lord bath been beneficialumo thee : And yet before thyrcft, lhy a litde, one word more;· what? can a profpcct ofheaven be too tedious? can a·difcourfe of Eternity be too long ? Oh no. 1. Dwell a little in admi– ring at the goodncffc of God, at the infinite tteafures of the riches of the glory of the grace of God towards the children of men! After the Apoflle hld fpoken ofglorification he cries out, What jhaU '"fay to thefe things? And now o· my foul thou hall been dif– £ourfing of Eternity, What doft tho.' fay to thcfe things? 0 the height and depth, and length, and breadth of the loving·kindneffe of the Lord ! How unfearchable are his mercies ! and his grace pall findmg out! Oh how great is thygoodru!Je which thou haft laid up for them that ftar thee, which thou haft wrought before the f ans of men! lf ever God wro~eght about any thing, itwas about the Communication ofhis goodneffe to man; this was the work God, and great defign ofGod from all Erermty;. Nay, the chief of the deep, infinite cuunfels of God and the works of the wifdom of God have been, and yet arc exercifed about this: 0 my foul admire! admire ! if in any part of. this Medi– tation thou haft had a true fpiritual fight of the riches of the goodncffe of God, in the way ofhis Communication ofhappincffe and glory to the children of men; if thou hafr feen into the great defign ofGod, into the deep counfels of the wifdom of God, ifthe Lord hath in fomc fweet m~afure laid open·his heart to thee, and brought thee into the trcafurcs of his riches, and given thee a view of them, admire at this ! 2 . Break fonh into praifes; joynwith thofe blcffed Elders that fell down before the Lamb, bavingaU harps in their hands and golden Vials full of odours, and who fung, worthy art thou, who wttjl fl"in, and ha)f rcd~emed UJ unto God by thyblood, to receive honour, t~nd blej]ing, andglory; make melody wtth all thofe creatures mheaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and in the fea; who fay, blejfing, honour, glory, and power be unto him th~t jitteth upon the throne, and tmto rhe La'?b for ever and ever.; be raifed 1 be enlarged0 my foul ! is there not caufe? why Chnfl: was the Lamb flaw for thee; and Chrifl by his blood bath redeemed then ~emo God. 0 the incomparable love and favours ofthe Lord! \Vas it ever found that any King or Potentate fhould adopt the blind, the lame, the deaf the dumb, to fucceed him in his inheritance? and !hall fuch a one as I (thevilell: the ,~orfl: of finners) inherit everlafl:ing life, a crown that never withereth, a durabl~ treafure, which can never falie? 0 what {hall I give unto the Lord for this Et<rnitl? JVlyfoul, rejoyce thou in the Lord, 11nd ble!Je his holy name: Now begin that Hallcllljah on earth, which in Heaven thou !halt fing more fwcetly to all Eternity, Hallelujah! and again Hallelujah! Amen Hallelujah! , And now (0 my foul!) give up thy fclf to G.od, and repofe thy felf wholly on thy Maker and Redeemer; be abundant in fervice, there !hall not be one teare, nor one ligh nor one prayer loft. Wait patiently on God, for the full poffeffion of this Em- · mt/ and w~lk chearfully in the way that he leads theethereunto: Say at the parting of this MedJtatton, 0 Lord, 0 Etermty 11 feif, 0 thoH F~tll: and Lafl:, Alpha and Omega, withor<t beginning, and without all end, I recommend myfoul, my ways to thee; t11k.! mt" thy f<!eping, and prepare me for this Eternity, through Chrift thy only Son, my only Sill!~ our. PJal. t6. beginningatVer.7. ad.finem, ' CHAP.