Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

3J:bt J!..ift Of jfait(l. Chap.g.Seer. 3- ~------------~----~--~------- book, as if he would chronicle our tears for everlafling remembrance ; Arc they not in 212 thy book./] 2 Cor. '4· '7· Is there or can there be any richer or fuller expreflion of Tully than there is in the Greek, where there is both an elegant Amithejis, and double Hyperbole, beyond Englijhing, K~-~· •~•r~'""' ..;, '~·ffJo. "'·tor alfliClion, glory; for hght alfl>Clion, heavy, maffie, fubflantial glory, a wczght ofglory; for momentany aJflzCl 1 .n eternalglory : nay, the Apofl:Ie addes degrees of comparifon , yea , goes beyond all degrees, calling it more ex~c/lcnt,far more excel/cm,an Hype1bole,Hyperbole, exceeding, exceJlit·c, eternal weight Of glory. 3 . The Promifcs to bear them, or in due time to remove them , are thcfe and the like: Pfal. 37· 24, ]cr. 29. II. Mic. 7· 8, 9· Pfal. 97· J.I. asfureasharvell foHowes a feeding, fo to the righteous, comfort follows mourning, Job. I 6. 20. r Cor• .Io. ·I 3· ' . 2 . Evils fpecial, are Sicknefs, Poverty, Famine, War, Captivity, Witchcraft, Pvffeffion, Oppreffion. { Prevent, r. For ficknefs, we have Promifes fome to Q!;Jalifie, Remove fickneffe. I. The Promifcs to prevent, arc thefe and the like: Exod. I 5. 26. DeJtt. 7 . I 5• Pfal. 91. 10. , · 2. Promifestoqualifieficknefs,arethefcandthelike: P[al.4r. 3.Hrb. I2. 6 7 8. ' 3. Promifes to remove fickneffe, are !hcfe and the like : Exod. 2 3. 2 5. Dcur. ~. ~ 5 . Jfai. 40. 3I. 2. For Poverty, we may ll:ore up thefe promifes, Pfal. 23 . throughout, Ffa!. H· 9 1 IO. Pfal. 37· 25. Hcb. L 3· I 5· The wicked indeed may have more abundance than the Chriflian, but her'~ the difference, the wicked hath all by a l·Nwu.,,ce, the 'Chriltian hath all by a promifc : and this dill:inttionthe poor Chrill:ian would not part with for a world of gold. • 3 . ForFaminc,wem,yll:orcupthefepromifes, ]ob. 5· I9, 20. Pfal. 33 · I8, I 9. Prov. 10. 2, 3> Pfal. 37· 18, I9. !fa. 41. I7 1 18. Some Martps being call: into prifon, and denyed neceffary food, they had faith to return this anfwcr, If men IV illgirle 1 u no meat·, we believe God willgive JtS noflomac~ When Chrifl: was an hungred, and Satan tempts him to commandflones to be made bread, he anfwercd, Man]hall not t.'oe Matth.. 4 , 4 , by bread alone, but by t"Jery word that proceeds out ofthe momh of God; q. d. a man may feed on a promife, he mufl depend on Gods allowance, and when provifion fails then not to diltrult the provifion of God, is a notable tryal of faith. ' Amo1; 6, J(a. 4S- 7· i'f•'· 119-7) 4 . For War, we may gather.up thefe promifes, and the like, Job 5. 20. Prov. 3. 24, 25, 26. ]er. 39· I7 1 18. . . . ' , 5. For Captivuy, gather m thefe prom1fes and the like, Deut. 30. 3, 4- which vert •' promife Nehemiah fucth out, Neh. I. 9· Pfal. I o6. 46. Ez.ek, 11. I 6. 6. For Wi·t·hcraft or poffeffion,confider that promife, Numb. 23. 23. 6. For Oppreffion, we have thefe promifes, Pfal. I2. 5· Pfal. 68. 5· Pfal. I46.7.8,9,' 2. For the e..ercifc offaith, concerning thefe promifcs, that we may live by them, go to 5 Meditation, l Pray<r. ·,, For Meditation , and the matter of it , confider thefe things, and let your faith cltcw on them. I. That all affiiction comes from God: $hall there be e".Jil in a city, and the Lord hatb not don• it .' I form the light, and I create dark_ncj[e; I milks peace, and 1 errate C11il: I the Lord do all thefe things. Ik_now, 0 Lord, (faith David) that thy judgemmts are right, and that thor< in thy faithf~tlnefe haft alfliCled me. . 2. That as God fends it, fo none can deliver us out of it but God alone: 0 our God, wilt thou not judge them.' We have no might againfl thisgreat company that cometh againfl 2 Cbro. 20 ' 12 "', nei'ther k_now we what to do , but our eyes are upon thee. This Meditation draws the heart from carnal rcpofe, in means or friends ; it expels vexations and di(hadiog cares, and eflrangeth from the ufe of unlawful means of deliverance: The horfe •s prepared againft the day ofbattcl, butfafccy is ofthe Lord. 3· The caufe of all miferies and forrow is fin, and therefore it's time for us to ex· r 1 amine our wayes, to humble our felves, and to fet upon Reformation: I thought on fa. 1 , 19 ' 19 mywl'yes (faid David) andrurnedmyfeetullto thyrejtimo'!ies: when Manajfes was ' • Chron.3P•• in affii(\ion, H~ be[91fght the Lord hi• God, and hHmblcd himfelfgreatly beforr the Gott