Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

·Jttlc JL.tfc of JFattb. Chap. 9· Se&. 3· ----- --- h,is Fathers: Sure:y it is mut tobefaid m;to God, I haw bornuhaftifement, I will not , , •Jfend any more : That JVhich I fee not reach thOJt me; ifI have done tmquu;•, I wiO do no Job34 p, 3'• ,,re: the end of chaflifcment is amendment of life, whence it receives the riame of Correfiion which fignifieth, to[et aright or jlraight, + :ha~ now God trxeth o.ur faith, patience, contentation, and meekneffe of Spirit, He hath fa id unto Crvjja , Go ye to f uch a mrm, notto 1~eak§n, or to IMjle nr.y (/race ofthe Spirit~ b~u to pm-gc him, .r"'fi:u~ h:m, try him ~ e:>:ercife him , to ~reed the quie~ . fruits of Rightw<[nejfe, toconjirme hts pattence, fopport hts hope, &c.-Hence Gods 1 . 1 fervants by their faith have been enabled to fay, I will bear the indignation of the Lord, r. Tea> 7 · 9· . ; becat<[c I h,wefinned againft him, untillhe plead my caufe,and execute jitdgment for me: And 2 ~am s.t.o6• if he fay thus, I have ~o p!eafure in thee: Ifehold! here a~n I, let him do to me as feen:eth good to htm. This Medttauon makes the heart wtllmgly, freely, al)d conftantly to reltgne it felf to the good pleafurc of God in afl things. . , 5 • That 'tis Gods wtll, aft;r we have gone to the prmmfe, to ufe all lawful means of help which God m h1s prov1dence affords ; but mpomt of depen1ance, that we folely refl on Gods promifes: Faith coupleth the means and the end, but lookc~h to the Promifer (whofe truth, and wifdom, and power, and mercy, never failes) and not to the K<m. 4 .it,.;. probabili:)' of the thing promifed: A/Jraham againft hope, believed in hope, ·------ ThM what God had prom<[ed, he was able to pe>form. . 6. That the l'romifes arc in Chrifl , Tea and Amen, and therefore fet it dowri and conclude, that God will do whatfoever he hath promifed, and we !hall receive it in the waycs of his providence ; it may be not yet, what then? He that believes will not Ifa, oS. >6. makg haftc: Daniel waited fevcnty years for deliverance out Of captivity in Baby/on, and may not we wait feventy wei!ks, feventy dayes. . 2. For prayer, and the parts and manner of it, obfcrve this method: . lAm.; 22· Pfal.~. r., Pf•l 38.18. r. Lay open our forrow before the Lord, pour out our complaints into his bofome ~ I am !he mlln th~t have feen ajfiifiion by the <od of thine anger , thOle haft brought me into darknejfeb~~t not into light : - Lord, how am I befet with miferies I how do my fortowes encreafc daily ? how are they encreafed that trouble me l 2. Confers our fins with hatred and godly forrow: I Jvi/1-.leclare my iniquity, I wilt beforryformyjins: Forwant of this God threat'ned the lfraelites, Iwtllgoandre- Ho[. S·•S· turn to my place , till they ack_.nowledge their offences, andJeek.,myfo~cc, in their ajfiitfion they willfcek._me early. 3. Importune the Loru , and direct we our fupplications to our God : Lord; how long wilt thou look.,on ? 0 refcue my foul from their deftru8ion, my darlingfrom the Lyons· Pf,/. Js. 11 . look._upon mine ajfiifiion and my tears,for I am brought very low: · ' .4, Then prefs we the Lord with his promifes: Lord, th~u ha!Haid, The rodofthe P(al. 12<.~• . wuk§djhall r10t rcft upon the lot of the nghteoU<: Thoubafl fatd, Yet a /mle while, and rr•. 10. •s· the indignfltion jhall ceafe : Thou. haft faid, In" little wrath I hid myface from theefor ¥fa. S4· 8. a.moment , but w•th everlaftmg k!;ndnefs will I have .mrcy on thee, Jauh the Lord thJ Redeemer: 0 thefe are thypromifes, Lord, make them effectual to my poor foul. · 5· For conclufion, tell we the Lord, whatever becomes ofus we will trull:in him : Though thou jlsouldffflay me, yet will! trufl in thee:-·-- For what time I am afraid I will Je~ , 3 ., 1 8. truft in thee, ' P[•l. 56, t-' There are the aCts offaith by which it puts forth , and exercifeth it felfin time of affiietion. SECT. 4• Of the manner ofthis Life ofFaith iiJ temporal blejfings. C Onc~rning iemp6ral blelli~gs; or good things, confider we J r. The promifes. . , . 1 2 . The exercife offaith in thofe promifes. ;I. Promifcs that concern temporal bleffings, have reference to thofe bleffings'; Either in { Gen~ral Spcc1aL . 'l I. hThe general promifcs are thef~, and the like, I Tim. 4·.8. Pfal. 34· 8, 9· P.fal. 84: I. P tl. 4· 19: I Cor.3. 21; all thmgs are yours, we are he1res ofall the world. 2. The fpee1al promifes have a relation fome to our name, fome to our bodies fome· to our eftates, fome to our callings1 ' ' I . Thore