Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Pro•. I~.~ 1 Chron.4.13 ·'3tl)e jltfe of jfaitl). Chap.9,SecH. 1. Thorc Promircs that have a relation to our good name; arc ruch as there 1 Sam, 2, 30. Prov. 3· 16. Pro'l{. 4· 8. Prov. 14. 19. lfa. 56. 3, 4 1 5· 2 . Thofc promircs that have a relation to our bodies, are either for long life, con. ccrning which, Dmt. 5. r6, 33· .Prov. 3· 1, 2. or for health, concerning which, P;·cv. 3.· S.P{.tl,lo 3 . 3 , 4 , 5· orforfafcty,conccrnmgwlitch, Prov. I.lJ. ]ob. 11. 18.HoJ, 2. 1 8. job. 5 . 23 . or for peace, concernmg ;vh1ch, Lev. 26. 6. Pfal. 29. 11. Pfal. 3 7 . 11 . Prov. l6. l6. or for fteep, conccrmng whtch, Job. 11. 19. Prov. 3· 24. or for food, con– cerning which, Pfa!, 37. 3· Pfal. I I I. 5. Joel. 2. 26. or for raiment, concerning which, Dwt.Io. 18. Mat. 6. 25, 30, 32· or for Poflemy, the fruttof the body, concerning \Vhich,Dmt. 7· u, I h .14. 3 . Thofc promifes that have relation to our cll:atcs, arc thcfc, Job. 22. 24, 2 5 . P,.fYD, 8. 18, 19. BJaf. l7· 5· ~· Thofe promircs that have a relation to our calling,arc either for plcnr;·, concerning wht~h, Prcv. 10. 4· and 12. r 1. and IJ. 4· and 28. '9· :·····or for prctcilion, concerning whtch, Pfa!. 91. 11.---- or for promotz.n, concern111g wh1ch, Prov. 12. 24- and 22. z 9 .._ or forg•od {~ttcejfe, concerning which, Prov. 12. 14. Jfa. 65. 21,23. I deny not but the wicked may enjoy all thcfe 1emporal bleffings by a general Prov•dence, but onely toe jull: have a fpiritual right to them; they only have them as rewards of their righ. teoufnef!c, as telhmontcs of Gods love and care over them, and byvert m of a Prcmife: 2. For the cxcrcirc of faith concerning there yromifes, obrcrve that we may live by them, either in the { :Oj~~ment ~ of there Temporal mercie;. t . f . J ,Meditation. . 1. n the want o them, go we to l Prayer. I 0 For Meditation, and the matter of it, confider thefc things. 0 ·I. That faith in this cafe dbth ranfack, and fan the foul narrowly to find out and re. move whatroever doth offend: Ifrho!t retltrn to the Almighty thou fhalt be b~tilt up,rho• jhalt put i11iquity far from rhy Tabern.t_cles: then f;ait.thou lay upgoldas dufl, and the gold ofOph.r as the ftones af the bra<k.! Thts advtcc fattn cl!gefts, and labours the rcft:mnation of what is amirs, and \yhatrocver hinders the promifes. , 2. That faith is painful, provident and frugal; it fhakes off idlenefs, takes the op– portunity, husbands thriftily, and obferves Gods providence in all affairs, otherwife we live not by faith, but tempt God, and throw away his promifes and all. 3. That faith prererves from the ufe of all'unlawful meanes: The believer confults ever what is juft, not what is gainful; or what may be compaffed by honeft courfes, not what may be gained by fraud, deceit, cozenage, or the like carnal dealings : Better u ~little tvit·h rightco;t[ntfJe, than great revenues tvithorttright. 4· That faith leans upon the providence of God, who will keep back nothing from us; but what is hurtful and pernicious: Here's a fwcet aCl of faith, it fubmits to Gods wirdom, and rell:s on his Providence, after the ufe of all lawful meanes; and this maintaines a Chriftian in ronie !llcafure of contentment. 2. For Prayer,and the parts or manner ofit,obferve this method. 1. Confers our fins,efpecially thofefins which upon rearch we arc perfwaded hinders profpcrity; 0 Lord I have thought on my ways, and I find (this or that) fin in '·"Y bafom, this or that corruption hath gotten head, and hinder: thy bi<Jfings: 0 Lord howJlmdd l expe[/: needful things ? What have I to do with thy yromifes , thllt have committedflteh and fuch fins. 2. Importune the Lord for his Temporal ble!lings, at leall:,fo far as he reeth them to · be for our good, and for the glory of his great name: Thus Bildad .tells ]ol>, lfthoo wouldfl feek...unto God betimes, and mak.§ thy fl•pplicaticn to the Almighty, fltrelynOivh< wo~tfd awak.§ for thee, and m•kJ the habitation ofthy righeeoufnefs proJllerom : Though thJ beginnig \MS [mall, yet thy latter endJhould greatly encreafe. 1 hus jabcz.. prayed. 0 t?at thOil wouldfl. bleffe n:e indeed,and enlarge my coafls, & c. and God granted him that wbtcb he requeftcd. In like manner was Jacobs prayer, If God will be with me, and will kJep111l in this way that ] go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on , fa rhat I ct»Jlt again tomy Fathers houfe in peace , Then jha/1 the Lord be my God: · And thus may we .importune the Lord, and make our fupplication to the Almighty. 3· Then prcfs the Lord with his promifes, as with fo many arguments: Lord,thou lfnft faicl, Godlinejfc hdth the promife of the life that now js,as well .u that which is to come: Thou haft ratd, Fear the Lord, ye hisSaints., f•r there is no want rcthcmthat fearehem, cfrc.