Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

SECT. 5· Ofthe manner of this Life ofF~ith in Spiriwat t'l!ils. T Hings Spiritual are either { E'llil. . · ' Good. We £hall begin with Spiritual ~viis: and concerning them,firll: give you thepru',ifos, and fecondly the exerctfe of fatth m rcfpeCl:.of thofe promifos. E'V<ls Spmtual arife either from the Devil; or the Flelh, or the World, or from Man, or God, or from our own felvcs. , · r. Thofe evilsthat arifefrom the Dwil, are temptations of feveral forts) and the man whofe heart IS upright, iliall finde ll:rength enough ag:linlt every temptation : To thatpurpofc confiderthefc Promifes,Matth. r6. r8. r qor. ro. q. r]oh. 5· r.8... · · · 2. Thofe·