J!, 1 Pet. 3· 14 16. 1). Ffal. jl• 17· t8. 19· 20· 2 Sam. 16. n, ,_ 12. Nattb!, 1~ 1Feq.14, &4· 14 Mattb.6.n Ma•!:I>Bt tbat arc incenfed againft thee ]hallbe ajhamcd and conf.,mded; they Jha/1 be as nothing, and they that ftrive twth thee jl.•alt perifh: . . 4 . That faith makes the foul ctrcumfpect, and mthts cafe cloth ranfack and fan the foul narrowly, to finde out what is the matter and rife of thofe fl.mders and reproaches: If)''Jujfer for rightmfrufs fak!, happy areye; it mull: be for righteoufnefs fake, or there is no bldling upon tt: and fo the ApolUe adds, YM muft ha"..e agood c·onfctencr that warcas they[peak., evil ufyou as of evil doers, they maybe ajiMmed that fa1 1 y accuj. your good converfation tn Chnjf: for 1t ts better if the w:ll cf 6'od befo, ~hatyeJMjfer J'r ;~ell-doing, '.henfor cvtl-d~mg. Wear~ ordmanly more unpattent at undefervcd then defervcd fufferings ; but tt ts better (fatth the Apofl:!e) fo to fuffer, then otherwife. Let none ofJIOitfliffer as a murtherer~ a thief, an evil doe~~ bm· if any manJujftras a Chriflian, let him not be ajhamed, but let lmnglorifie God on thiS behalf. 5 . That true faith cfl:eems all fuch flanders as the mofl: honorablc badges of innocency that poffibly can be. If mine adverfary jhould write a book._againft me, (urely I would t•i<! it upon my Jhoulder, and binde it as a crvwn to me. I rejoyce (faid Lurher) that Satt<n Jo rages and blafrhemts, it is ltksly that I do him and his Kingdom the more nrifchi<f. And they that reproach me (faid Auftm) du agamft their wills increafc mine honour both with God andgood men, The more the c'.irty feet of men tread and rub on the figure graven in gold, the more luflre they give it: fo the more cauflefs afperlions the wicked cafi on the godly, the more bright do they rub their glory. And hence was that choice of Mof.s, rather toJujfer affliEiiun with the people ofGod, then to en;oy the pleafures offin for aJeafon: rfteeming the reproach of Chrift gru<ttr riches then the tr<~<Jures of £gypt. 2. For Prayer, his method was, r. To complain to the Lord, as fometimes David did, Thou 0 Lord, haft ~<._,own my rcproac'b~ and my jl;ame, and my dzjhonour: mint adverfaries are all b:f vre thee. Reproach hathbrok.§n my heart, and I amfull uf heavimfs: and I loukfdfor (omc to tt~k§ pity, hHt there was none ;andfor comforter}~ butlfa~md,mme. 2. To petition to the Lord as othet whiles navid did, Let me rtot be ajhamed,O Lord, for I have called upon thee, /er the wi<k§d be ajhamed, let them be filem in theg>a?JC: let the lying ltps be put to jilen<·e, which fPe'-k._grtevo•wthings proudly and comempwuttjiy againft the righteom. U howgreat is rhygoodnefs,which thou hafi lnyd upfor them thattraft tn the< before tkt[otmes ofmen? Thou jhalt hide rhem in the Jecrct ofthy preje>JCe, from the pride ofmen, thou ]halt ksep them Jecretly inapavilion from the ftnfe of tongtm. Thus Lord I beg at thy hands, or if otherwife, thou knowell: it bell: in thy wifdom: Let them alone, tmd /er them mrfe, it mayberhe Lord JVilllook._on my afJltf.fion, and thou Lord wilt req•ite_ goodfor their Ctt<jing this day. 3.. To prcfs the Lord with his gracious Prumifes : as thus , Thou hail: faid, .Bleffed are ye wlien menJhall revile yo#, 4nd perfecJtteyou,, andJhalt fay Ill! n~annerofeviliagainft youfaljlyfor my namesJaks: . .And ifyeJ•ffcr fo<righteoHfnef; Ja):s, happy areye : .And ifyebereproachedforthe nameofChrtft, happy are ye: Thefe arc thy golden promifes, now Lord make them good to l)ly f~ml, let me draw the juyce, and fweet, and ver'tua from every of~hefe prom1jes; kt not a word ofthefe promifes fall to the grouna, but let me have my part, and fhare, and portion in them. 4· To pray to the Lord to fo.rgive all his Enemies that trefpaffed againft him, as fometimes Chrifl: did, Fatherforgivethem, fonhey cyow not what they do: Surely in thefe two things there is much matter ofcomfort: 1. That our hearts are well, and not ill·affeCl:ed to any man. 2. That going alone we can humble our felves, and pr3y fo.r the authors of all the reproaches and.flailders that are unjufl:ly call: on us. SECT. 6. Ofthe manner ofthis life of ft~ith in fPirimd bleJJings, A4 demtd to ,.. from God and Chrift, and the Spir:t ofChnft. C { . I, The Promifes. OncerningfPiritu~tl blejfings,or good things,confider we 2. The exercife of faith in . refpeCl: of.thofe Promifes. 1. The Promifes are.offuch b!el!ings as arife either { God. from Chritl:. ~ The Spirit of Chrill:. ,'J.• From