{ Love of us. 1 , from God proceeds his Prefence wi.th us. Prov1deuce over us. Concerning his lo'Ve ofus, we have thefe promifes, Dcut. 7· 7> 8, 1 3· Ifa. 54· 8. Je:.' JI. J.Hofca 2. 19 and 14. 4· John). 16. Eph. 2 . ~. I ]1hn 4· 19. . 2 . Concerning his p«fence 1V>th us, we have thefe protTIIfes, Gen. 26. 24. and 2S. 15 , Exod. 3 , n. 'jojhuah 1. 5· Jer. I, 8. 1Chron. 28. 20. Ifmah 41. 10. Matth. 28. 20. Re'V, 2; 1. . . Concerning his prqvidcnce o"'er us, we have thefe promifes, Pfal. 34· 7· and 91. 1 1 ;· I 2. 'job 3 6. 7 . Zcch. 2. 8. whence (Hethat tottchcthyou, tollchfth the apple of mine eye) obferve, That the Lord to exprcf~ the tendcrnefs of hi s love, names the tenderell:. part of the body; nay the tenderell: piece of the tenderelt part, The Chrijlal !JIImor, as the Philofophers call It. { I. Of the perfon of Chrilt. 2 From Chrifl: we have promtfcs, 2. Of the benefits that flow • from Chrifl:. 1 , Of the perfon of Chrift, iu Genefts J· 1 5. where was the tirlt promife, atid the fuundation of all other promifes, becaufe God intended to make good every pr•mife in Chrifl:. l r Redemption. . Vocation. z. Of the benefits that flqw from Chnll, ~ J .ru:. . whether "l''J''attw. I Recunctluzoon. , Adoption. ·~. Coricerning Rtdemption, we have thefe promifes, Tit. 2. 14. Eph. r. 7· Cat. 3 · .IJ. Heb. g. I2. . · 2. ConcerningVocation, we have thefe pr~mifes, Acts 1.. 39. Rom. 8. 30. 3 • Concerning Juftification, we ba~ thefe promifes, Ifaiah 53· I I. Acts 1 3· 39: 1\om. 8. 33· · . . · r I. Not mtputmg Now this Juftification confilts of two~ ftnne. parts, in z. Imputing righ· teoufnefs. r. Forimputing;(or forgiving) fin, wchavethefepromifcs, Pfal. 32. i.Jei. 3r. 3·4 Jfaiah H· 7 . Jer. ll· 8. hither tendall thofe Metaphors, Jfaiah 43· 25. arid "14· 22. ancl 38. 17 Mic~h. 7· 19. 2. For imputing Righteoufnefc, we have thefe promifcs, Rom j. 19. r Cor. r. 30.' Rom 10. 4· lfaiah 16. ro. Gal. 3· 6. this phrafe is ufed ten times in one Chapter, Rom, 4· 3,j,6,8,9, ro, 11, 12, 23, 24, 4- Concerning Rmnciliation, we have thefepromife~, 2 Cor. 5· r8, 19. Eph, 2 14, r6. Col. I. 21 ,;1.2. . s. Concerning Adoption, wehave thefepromifes, Gal. 3. Z6. John r. r2, Rom. 9• 26. Gal. 4·4> 5> 7· 3· From the Spirit of Chrift, we have promifcs,-- J r. Ofthe Spirit ofhimfelf. ) 2 . Of the operation of the Spirit. I. OftheSpirithimfdf, in'joel2.z8,2g. AEfs z. 17,r8.Johnq. r6 1 17. Eph. r,' 13. Gal. 3· 14. 2. Of the operation of {I. In general, as Saniliftcallon. the Spirit, and that I r, . I 5 Spmt1rt1l C•·nm 2 ' n p~c!a ' as/ Spmtttlll D11ttes: . r. Concerning Sanilification, we have thefepromifes, Micah. 7· 19. Jer. 31. Jh34 · Heb. 8. 10: and 1 0, t6. I Thef.5. 2J. I John I. 7· Rev, I. s.-~ Conccrnmg Graces and Duties, we fhall handle them anon. 2. For the cxercife of faith concerning thepromifcs, that we may live by them, go we 10 fMeditation. . . /Prayer. '1. For M~d!t~tion, and the matter of it,. confider thefc things: . I ' Tha~ farth (confiderin&-the priviledge~ ofGods.children) admire~, and adOres ~ F f 2 o ,/