Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.9. Sea 7· 3tf)c 1£.tfc of jfattl). 1 advance and Jet thee up on high l Salvation, and Glory,and_J;Jo"rm;,.and Praife beg iven tO...thyname, &c. I praife thee for. my E/ei1zon, VocntJon , JUfli.flc.lltlorr, ~anElifican~n, &c bllt aboveall.) f or thefo1111tame of all, the Lord Jefus Chrift; It ts my Chnfl: juflifies, and my Chrifl: fan'!ifies: Lord, thou hall given Chritt for my Wifdom: and Santhjicamn, as well as for r<.z~h;cottfnej[e l!nd Redcmptton : Lord,thou hafr appomtcd Chrifl: to be the beginner and ~n1fher of my holmefs, and furely be wtll not leave that work imperfect, whereunto he is ordained of the Father; were the progrelfe of this building committed to mr care and overfight, ~~ere •-night be caufc of fear; but fincc thou halt laid all upon Chnfl., my only and all-fuitic1ent Redeemer ; -Lord, encreafe my faith, that J may hold him fafl: and be fafe, and fo at tall: I may fing Hallelujahs to thee in Heaven for ever and ever. SECT. 7· Of the manner'ofthis Life ofFaith in :Spirima! gntces. THe operation of the Spirit in general , we told you was Santfijication; now the operation of the Spirit in fpecial appears . j Spiritual graces. m 2 Spiritual duties. · { kinds. 'I. Spiritllal graces we fhall confider in their . . Degrees. : Ad f h b h . 5 r. The Promifes. n ° 1 cm ot gtve I 2. The exercife of Faith in refpeCl of thofc promifes. I. The kinds ofgraces are thefe, Knowledge, and Faith, and Hope,and Joy, and Love; andF<ar, and Ob.edience, .and Repentance,and Humility, and Meekztefs, and Patience, and RightC011nefs, andVprighmefs, and Peace ofConfcience, and Zeal, and Perftn;erance; lixteen graces in number : concerning which the Lord hath made gracious pronJJfes. 5 I. Of them, to give them. ?. 2. To them, to reward them. Thefirll: Grace is Knowledge, and we finde fome promifes, I. Ofit, Pfal. 25. I4•·Jer. ·3I. H· Ifai. 2. 2>3. Micah. 4· I, 2. Eph. 3. 5. Rev. 21. 23.···2. To it, at Prov. 3. I4. Pfal. 91. 14. 2 Pet. I. 2. Prov. 3· I8. ' The fecond grace is Faith, and we find fome promifes, I. Ofit, as Eph. 2. 8. Joh. 6; ·37· obferve here thefe promifes of alfurance, the highell: meafure of faith, Pfal. 50. 23. E:ak., 34- 30; !fa. 6o. I6. Pfa!. 97· I I.··--2To it, as 2 Chron. I r. 20. Prov. 29. 25. lfa. 26. 3· At!. IO. 43· Rom. 18.4- At!. I 3· 39· loh. I. I2. and 7· 38. and 3· I6, 36. and 5· 2 ·.and 6.47. -, The third grace is Hope, and we finde fome promifes, I. Ofit, as Pfal. 65. 5. P.rov. a4. .12. Job. 13· I5···-2. To it, as Pfal. 40. 4· Rom. 4· I8, 22. Rom. 8. 24. • · The fourth grace is Joy, and we find fome promifes, 1. Of it, Pfal 36. 8, 9: and 64. I o. and 68. 3. and 97· 1r. and 118. I}. Ifa. I2. 2, 3. Ifa. 35. throughout, !fa. 56. 7· 'and66. q,q. Joh.16. 22. Rom. q .. I7····2. Toit, Pfa1.81). IJ,I6. The fifth grace is Love,efpeciallyofGod, and we may finde fome promifes, I. Ofit, as Cam. 1. +· Deut 30. 6.---2. To it, as Pfal. 91. I4. and ·I45· 20. ProY. 8. 2r. Den.t. 7· I 9I Cor. 8. 3.and 2. 9, 10. Jam. r. 12..and 2. 5· > The fixth grace IS, and we find fome promifes, r. Ofit, as fer. 32. 39,40. Hof 3· 5···-2. r •• t,as Pfal. I03- I I. and 3'·19.and '47· I I. Mal. 3· r6,I7· The feventh grace is Obedttnce, arld we finde fome promifes, I . Ofit, as, I 1. I9,20. and 36. 26,27.--·2. Toic,as Deut. 28. I, 2,co I4. · . The e1ghth grace •s Repentance, and we finde fomepromifes, r. Ofit, as A[ls 5. 30 1 3r. Ez.e"-., II. '9· and 20. 43· and 36. 3r.--.2. To ic, as, Mal. 3· 7· Ifa. 55. 7f· 2Chron. 7· J4. Jfa. I. I6, I7, 18. Job 3· 27,28. Jer.4. I4. . The ntnth grace is Humility, imd \VC finde fome promifes, 1. Ofit, as 2 Cor. IO. 4, 5· Gal.).22.-·--z.Tott, as Prov.15·33·and':1.2. 4 , ]ames4-6. IPeter5·5· Ifai.57· ,IJ. Matthew 5· 3 . ' . . · The tenth grace is Meek_pejfe, and we find fome pro'l'i[es, I. Of it, as lja. I I. 6,.7, 8. Gat. J.22,23.---2Toic,as Jlfa1. 37 .II.andr 47 . 6. Jfa.29·9• Pfal.25·9· Zeph.2.o 3· Mat. 5· 5· andr ': 29. Pfal. 14 9 . 4 • The eleventh grace 1s Patience, and we finde fome prqmifes, _1. Ofit, as /nmn r. 5···- :z. To zr, as Heb. Io. 36. Jam. i·· II .; The •