Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

rr.u. , •> s l!l)lll· 1· :it 3tt1e!Lit£: of jfattU. ----------------- The twelfth grace is l!ightto~•fnej{e, and we finde fome promifes, 1. Ofit, as Rw. 19 • 7, 8.----2. To ir, as Pfal. I I. 7· Ifa. 32. 17, 18. Prov, 14. 32· Pfal. 112. z, 6.•lJ.far, 25· .4.6. ' .. . . . · The thirteenth grace 1s Vpnghtne/Je, or Smccnry ofhrP-rt, arid we finde fume promiJu, I. uf it, as 'Jer. 3I. 33· Jer. 50· 5.----2. To tt, as Pfal. 8+. I I. Pro-v. '4· II. Pfal. ll2, 2. 2 Chron. 16. 9· Pfal, 1 12.4- an~ 84. 11. Gen. '7· 1, 2 . 1 Chron. 29. 17 Prov. 12. 22. Pfal. 37· 37· Prov. 28. 18. Pfal. 15. I, 2. The fourteenth grace is Pea<·eofConfcunce, and we findc fome promifes, 1 .Ofit,as'joh, 14. 27. Gal. 6. I 6. Ifa. 57· 19. Ifa. 54· I o. ---- 2 To tt, as Phi!. 4- 7· The fifteenth grace is Zeal, and we finde fome promifes, 1. Of it, as Jcr. 20. 9 , zCor.7· 11,--·2. To it, as Nmnb. 25. 12, IJ. Rev. 3· 19,20. . The fixteenth grace is Perfeverance; and we finde fome promifes, 1. Of it, as Pfal. 89. 28. Prov. I2. 3· !fa. 46. 4----2. To it, as Mar. 1o. 22. Rev. 2 . 26. The degrees of Graces follow; and we finde fome promifes, 1. '(hereof, as Ifa. 44· h 4· Mal. 4· 2. Pfal. 84. 7· Prov. 4· 18.---2. Thertt o, as 13· 11. 2 l'tt, 1. 8. 2. For the cxercife of faith concerning thefepromifes, that we may /we by them,go we to J Meditation. ( Prayer. 1. For Meditation, and thematter of it, confider thefe things: 1. That ofour felves we have no ability to ttttaine any of thefe Graces: Every one can fay , I p11rpo[e well , but the quefl:ion is , whether they build not on their own' firength : Many a man ( efpecially in time of his fickneffe, danger, difgraee) will make fair promifes of amendment, bu-t when the rod is ren)oved, all is forgotten : What may be the reafon? h'e il:andson his own feet, he prefumes to go alone ofhir(>fclf, and by his own fhength, and then no marvel if he falls and catcheth maAy a knock: If we will have any of thefe Graces , then deny we our felves : l will k§ep thy Jlatures (f~id David) but immediately upon his refolution he cries, 0 forfakune rtot utterly: Purpofcs thus grounded,bring forth holy performances,but o(our felves we can expetr nothing. 2. That Gods Spirit will infufe thefe Graces, and the encreafe of thefe Graces into them that bdieve: Many would fain have knowledge,and Faith, and Hope, and Joy, &c. but they excrcife not their F.aith to believe God and his pronvifes: I cyow a'""'' in Chrifl (could Paul fay) concerning his Revelation: fo, 1 Jtt•w a ma11in Chrifl off and or;, unfltlJed, dfmayed at his manifold jlips,Jirong corruptions, little prevailings againft 1h"'" and (when all came to all) he could find no help till he went to a r•omife, and by faith believed that God would ayd and affill, and do the whole work for him; it is good to believe that (according to his promife) God will fanctifie our natures , eruble us to holinefs, and bellow all his graces on us. · · 3· · That for the degrees of thefe graces, it is neceffary to improve them; Graces im– proved, a~e the ready way to have them encrea)ed: God ever befrows the greatcfi mea– fure, where he findcs a care to put them forth to advantage: Whojoever hath, to him jha/1 be.givm,~nd hejha/1 have more nbundartce; ~s men encreafe their fubfiance by labor, and learning by diligence, fo he that improves graces, !hall more and more abound in them. 2. For Prayer, and the parts of it, obferve.tliis method: 1. Confefs and acknowledge our inabilities: 0 Lord, I have no grace by nawrc, I h11ve no power to clcanfe my own hearr: 0 Lord, I have defaced thine image, but I can110t repaire it; I mayfay with the Apofllc, 1•hen I woulddo well., wi/ is prefent with me, but I finde no memtes to perfrCI: what I defire: I am not able to craiVI about the doing ofthat which isgood: 0 when jhn/IIbeJet at liberty, that I might do the wur/z.ofGod, and rttn therac< ofhip Comm.rndments : 0 that I had Knowledge,and Faith,and H opt,and Joy,and Love. 2. Look we up to the Power, and Grace, and Truth of God, and prcfs him there– with: Lord, I have heard ofthy power, thou art God Altmghty, who ra/left the thmgs tiW 11-re nqt, as if they were; thou canft if thou wilt, work..inme thefegrar.:es, and t·reate them tn mf, "'tho~t didcfl glorioujl.ycreate them in Adam, thp firfl man: Lord, I have heard alfo ofthy grace and truth, thou art asfaithful to k§ep, M J>-ee to mak§ thefejiveet prwow pro– mifes; Thy grace is unfearchable, thy world purer then filver fev.en tunes refimd: 0 then mak!good thy promifes, I prejfe thee with thy Power,(Jrace and Trmh: 0 replenijhme w11h thy Graces, give m~ /z.nowledge, and Faith, and Hope, &L . 3. Look we on the promifes, and pray by them , or turn them into prayer: ~aJth heark neth