Chap.9. Setl: S. hearkneth what the Lor8 fpeaketh, and fpeaketh back again in f~rvent groans and defires to whatfoever it hearkneth: Hence we can make no prayer m bold.nelfe, fa1th, or comfort, but for things prom1fed, and m that manner as they are prom1fed. Thus Jatob (Gen. 3 2 9· ) and David ( 2 Sam. 7. 2:z, 28, 29.) prayed by a promife_, a_nd ~'~~!\~ 27 thus thould we pray by a promife,and the" wem ay be fu\e we pray ~ccordmg_ to h1s wllf. 28 , 29 In want of other Rnetonck and Oratory, let us urge God With this repetHton: Lord, tho" haft prom.Jed, LorH, tho~t haft promrfed, thou haft made many jivect prenow promifcs ofgrao-es and •fdc~rees cf graccs: Thou haft f aid, 7heJeerer of the Lord ts wuh them P[<~l. '~· 14 that fear hem; and _;,1/l hat the Fathergivcth me flia/1 come unto me; aod,ther_ighrecr-u hath J obn6. 37 , hope in his dcath ; and, the nghteotu jha/1 begladm the L ord, P.ndJha/1 truft m hzm; and, . ;;.1~8~ 4;.!> They jha!lgoJ.·cmftreTigth every one ofthem in Zion, appcarin~ btf ore God: 0 mak.§thefe promifes .Jfu ual to me,blow on mygarden, that the fP~ees (thtjegrac.s) mayjloiv OHt. SE CT. 8. Ofthe manner ofthis Life ofFltith in Spirimal Duties. A SSpirimal Graces, fo Spiriwal Duties, are of the operation of Gods Spirit ; No\v the duties are twenty, concerning which we !hall give, { 1. The Promifcs. 2. The cxercifes of F1ith in re- ' fpeCl: of the Promtfes . The firft duty is Pr11yer, to which are affixed thefe Promifes, Pfal. 5. 3. and 10. 17: and6j,2.Pr•v. Ij. 29.Pfal.jO.I5.and12. 17, 18,19,20. Zech.q. 8,9.Rom. 8.q; Jam. S· r 5· The fccond duty is Praifes, to which are affixed thefe promi{es, 1 Sam. z. 3 o. Pfaf. so. 2-3- and 67.,5, 6. The third duty is Prrathing-, to which Matth. 28. 20. John. 5· 25. The fourth duty is Reading the w.rd, to which fJalm '9· 8. Prov. I. 4· The fifth duty is L•ving the Word, to which Pfal. I I 9· 165. and II 2. z. The fixth duty is Waitedg on the Word, to which Proverbs 8. 34, 35. . The feventh duty ,is Heark.§ning to the Word, to which Ifa. S5 . z, 3 A[fs 5. 20.-:- ·zo. p.--r 3· 26. ' · T . . f I Peter 3. 2 l. ~ liaptifm, to which Aas 2 . 3, 8. and 22. I6, he e1ghth duty IS Sacraments 0 Lords Supper, to which Ifa. 25. 6. Frovtrbs 9: 5, 6. Mat. 26. 26. The ninth duty is A lawful Oath, to which Jer. 12. 16. Pfal. I). 4·· The tentli diuy is Fafting, to which James 4-9, 10. Matth. 6. I8. The eleventh duty is Meditation, to which Pfal. I. 2. Prov. 14. 22, Phil. 4· 8, g. The twelfth duty is Examination, to which, 1 Cor. I I. 3I. Gal. 6. 4· The thirteenth duty is Sanaijication ofthe Lords D.,y, to which Ifa. 58. q, I4. and 56. 2. Jer. 17. 26. The fourteenth duty is Watchf~tlnefs,to which, Mat, 24. 46,47. LHke I2. 37, 38,43; Rev. 16. 15. . The fifteenth duty is Conferem·e, to>~:tich Prov. 12. I4, and r6. q . Mal. 3· 16. Luk$ 24. p. The fixteenth duty is Reproof, to which Proverbs 24. 25. and 28. 23 . The feventcenth duty is Almfgiving, to which Pfal. 4.1. r, 2, 3. L uk.§ 14. I 3, 14. The eighteenth duty is Scekmg of (jod, to which Pfal, 34· IO. Ez.r11 8. 22. The nmteenth duty is Waiting on God, to which, Jfa. 40. 3z. and 64. 4· and 4·9· 23· The twentieth duty is Delighting in God,to which Pfal. 37· 4· 2. For the exercife ofFaith concerning thefe_promifes, char we may live by them, go we to 5 Medit4tion . . . ? Prayer. . r. For Medttatlon, and the matter of it conllder thefe things : I. That God deals gracioufly with his pe~ple,he might out of his abfolutefoveraignty, ov:r u~,command only,and we were bound then to obey in every of chefc'D~tties. but' he ts pleafed (the bette~ to quicken irs to obedience) to ann~x thefe gracious"promi[es. 2. That as he ts gractous to us, fo we fhould be chearful tn our Dxties to him: This' thcarfulrlefs offervice is the very fruit of faith; By [11irh Abribroughr ofrhejirjflings of his •