1\om, s. S· Chap. 9.Se&.1o. me afree deni:u'! of tke Nel~ Jeritfalem: Norv Ifee, _I read it in tkY precious promf 1, that my name z& regiftred m he~ven ~ llrt tternal WeJght of ;~lory ts rcfrrvrd for 11!e; Heaven ~s my home, f'Jl' hope, my mherua.nce: 0 wherejhoul~ my hean be.., bm n·hcre my treafore u? whtreJho~tld my thot~ghts be, but where my hope ts? mtv -.11glory, and hor~or and praife be given to my God ! 0 the incomprehenfble love andfavor of my dear Lcrd '1 wh"t a mercy u this ? Whllt promifes are thefe! my foul rcjoyceth m thee my God, my jpirit foa/L blejfe thy namefor ever and <ver. SECT. IO. Ofthe manner ofthis life ofFaii/, in rrgard <fotkrr. VV E ha~e done with the ,promifes that concern our felves; ·Now folluw fuch fpectal prom•fcs as we finde m Holy writ concernmg others, and they have 5 Our own Famtty. reference to ~ Godly Society fmther enlarged. The Church of Chrift 5 Particulat . { General. { 1-fuJbar:d and IVfe. ·I. The members of our Family are either Parent and Cht!de. Ma(fcr tmd Str1.Jt!l:t~ 1. For the Hmband and Wife, if godly, they have ahomifts from the Lord, .f Jai. I28. Prov. 3I. :z-8. and 1 1. 16. y,b. 5. 25. . 2. For Parent and Childe, God hath made tt gracious Covenant with them, Cen.T?- 7>9• ..ACfs2. 39· ]er. 32· 39· l'rov. 20.7. Good Parents (though poor) leavcthei.r · Children a good patrimony, for they have laid up many prayers for them in heaven, and they leave Gods favour for their poffeffion, and his promrfes for a fure inheritonce, Pfal. 37· 25, 26. Prov. J 1. 21. Pfal. I 12. 2. and 25. IJ. and 37. 29. Prov. 13. n , I fa. 44· 3, 4· and 54· I3. and Chjldren obeying their Parents,have thefepromifes,Exod. 20. 12. Eph. 6. 2. Jer. 35.I8, I9. Prov. I. !!,9. and 6. 20. 3· For MajicrandServant,theyhavefweetpromifes, Prov. 3· 33· JobS. 16. Pro>. 14.. I I. efpecially the fervant that is truly obedient, Col. 3· 23, 24- ; Pet. 2. 1 9 . here confider: .S M1gilhates, De1tt. I7. I9,20. P[al.I32.18. ) Minilters, Pfal. I05 I 5. Rev. 2. I. Ifa . ':9 · 4· 2. Godly Society (out ofour own Families) hath precious promtfes, as Prov. IJ.20, Mal. 3· I6, 17. M at. r8. 20. 3· The Chwch •f Chrift, whether particular (as publike Affemblics) hath bletfed promife.r, !fa. 33· 20, 21. & 59· 21. Mar. 18. 20. 1 Cor. 5· 4· Rev. 2. I· Pfal. 26. 8. & I 33· 3. Micha.4. 4, 11, I2. or wh.ether general and univerfal,it hath gloriousprcmiJts,<>s Mat. I6. 8. /fa. 27-3- Pfal. 125. 2. Zech. 9· 16. Here come in all the Pro1mft'; Fir!l-,uf calling theJews, as!fa. 59.2o.Rom. I I. 23,26. Hof.IJ. I4. & 14.2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8. Secondly, ofbringing in the Gentiles, as Ifa. 49· n, z t. Rev. 21 . 24. John I c. r6. Jfa. 6o. 3, 5, 8. Ails 10. I4. Epb. 2. 12, I9. Thirdly, ofrhe dell:ruClion of AmidJTiji, "s 2 Thef. 2. 8. Rev. I7. 16. & t8. 21. where each word hath almuft a gradation, in that 4n .Angel, a mighty .Angel taketh a ftone, and agreat ftone, even a mi!jlone, whichhe letteth not barely fall, but cafteth into thefea, whence nothing ,ordinarily is recovered. much lcfs a milftone, thrull: from fuch a hand, and with fuch force. Now for the exercifing of faith concerning thefe Promifes, that we may live by them, { Meditati•n. • go we to Prayer. I. For.Meditation, and the matter of it, confider rhefe things. I. That we have had the performance of many of rhefe promifes in hand; and this may perfwade us that the refidue ( efpecially ofthe Churches llourifhing, and of Anti· chrifts downfal) is as fure as that part already accomplifhed, which we fee with our eyes; experience fhould ftrengthen faith,and breed an affured hope in GO'ds people, of the Lords moll: glorious appearing, and this hopeJha/lnot maks '"ajlwned. 2. That the time is now for the Churches reftoring, and for bringing, in more Kingdomes from Antichrifl: to Chrifl; what elfe mean all the fh akings in all the Kingdoms of the world at this time? therefore fiudy we tM>time of God, ~nd in our pbces