Chap.9. ~e&.w. .®f;L.ooktng unto jjcfu.s. places and callings, work with providence, now we have a feafon to help up the Church, Gods holy Mount~n. , . '. . : , for Prayer, and the .p~rts of tt, obfervc thts method : . . .. - : Confefs our former neglect in our fevera! relations : 0 L ord, I h11ve >Jot don! my dm~ in my own f amily , among Chriflians in the Ch~rc?es (Jf Ch_rift , I hav e norperfonm:d my vorvs, f crved mygencrarion, helped onward the bmld,ng of Zvm. And now Lord, >rhat j !Mii I fay, bm confcf]e to thJ.tlury, and my own jlsame, my difrcJPeCt of •rhersgood, or of the c~llmtunion of Sazms. . . 2 . Pray ior a blcfling on others; as on our.own felves; forget not our relations to , others in our belt Prayers ; be nnportunate with God more efpcctally for Zwn, 0 look_ !faH· 20 , "Jtpon Zion the city_ of o~trfolemmt~es, let thz,nc eyefee J erufalcm a qmet habUauon, a tabernacle thet foa!lnot be taf<!n down; let not one of theflak!~ thereof beremoved , nor any of - the cords be brok.fn. 3 • Prefs\ve the Lord with all his precious promifts,either to our Families,ot.-Chriftian S•cietiCJ, or to the Ch11rchCJ ofChrift: We have a promife, that The Lord will cre.<te !fa. 4· s. ~tpon evtry .dwdl!ng place ofmosmt Zion, and 11pon the "ffimblies, a cloud.andfmof<! by day; 111 ,d tht jhinir.g of aflaming fire by night,for upon ~tll theglory jllllll be a defence: Now tord make good thy.word, &c. , . " ,· . Conclude with, I believe, that whatfoevtr G.qd bath faid in any of theft rrjpeCts, he wilt . fs•lfil it in his oiM tim<: H eaven and earthJha(l pafs away, but not one jot, one title ofGob M•,· S• 48 wordjiJa!l fail. lt)nay be for the prefent thmgs feet'n contrary, yer God h~<th faid ir ,- . 1 (lhould a foul fay) andthat'smo~<ghfor me: If I can bJ<t really ack!_,owledge,and believe, M t 9 , 8 ~ that God is able to do it, he will thenJPeak...from heavm, iU he did once on umh, A<eording 4 ' • ' 9 to y011r faith be it 1mloyoH, Thus much of The Life ofF11ith. OF Looking UntoJefus. i :ilfu';, '"'..., ~~· of.,, kiod. whkh rlook''""~•• ,.,,.j J.;.,,. and that is a look!ng lento Jejits : a view of the everlafhng Gofpel of _ Jefus; or the fouls eying of Jefus ,, as carrying on the great work of mans fal,vation from firft to !aft. This dmy is the Saints folace, we are never morechcarful, then when Chrift Jefus is in view : This dHty is the very .Angels delight, they are fa•d to look_zntotht[t thmgs., · The ;\~oftle alludes to the manner of the Cherubims looking dow:n mto ' F,t. t-t1 the mercy-feat :. thts ts the ftudy, the, defire, the delight and recreat.\0'1 of ·the elect_ Angels to look ·tnto t~e feveral fcopes.ofour falvation by Jefus Chrilt, .to belroid.the whole frame and fabnckoy1t, to obferve.aUthe parts of it.from the beginning to the e~d, to confider all glonous attributes ofG0 d, his wifdol'l his power, his i,ultice, hts mercy , ~ll lhmmg and ghttering in it liKe bright fiars iri.the firmament, ,· Oh that fuch a d~<ty as th\s f!;ould lye dormant, neglected of mofl:, I )lad almoft faid l}nknown untomo~ of the Sat~ts themfelves! but the difco·<cry of this d~tty will be :a great work, :jnd r-equtr~ much pamcs; and therefore I !hall referve it for a traCl by·it felf; and if t?~.Lord Wtll, I !hall in time bring it forth 00 light, and-to the view of ~u. In the tr.ean· .ttme let tht~ palfeasno difiin~ Chapter. \ CHAP~