Chap.9. Sect 3• Family-duties with their governour, and to fubmit to his gover~ment : Myfon," here the inftmC!ion ofthy Father, andforfak! not the law of thy Mother, for they jhllll be an ornamel1t ofgr11ce tmto thy head, and ch~ines abo"'. thy neck., _ . Theft Preparatives I pin upon thefrom or porch ofthts Famsly: Now to the Famzly-d;mu themfelves, and how they mnftbe exercifed. SECT. 3· Ofthe Duties of Governours ingeneral. I N the proceedings of thefeFamily-_Jmies, we are to confider h D . ;, .1. Of the g_overnours. . t e Jttm, (. 2. Of th.e governed. ' _. 1 . The governours_, if (as it is in marriage) there be more the~ one, as _lir/1:, the chief governour, to Wtt, the Husband: fecondly, the helper; to Wtt, the \Vtfe; both thefe owe duties to thetr Famzltes, and Dmses to one another. _ { In general to the w.hole. I. The DJtties they owe to their Families, are either In particular, according to their feveml relations. I. That which in general they owe to the whole Family, is either ""- . J Bodies. to metr 1 Souls. I. To their BodieS; concerning which, faith the Apoftle, He that provideth not for 1 Tim, s. 8 hi; own, and eJPecjallyfor thofe of his owne hozefe, he bath denyed the{11ith, and is worfe than an infidel. Now as the Spirit ofGod chargeth us with this duty , fo he fett~th us about fuch things whereby this may becompaffed; as, 1. That every one ihouldhave fome honell: arid good calling, and walk diligently in it; Let him that ftolc, fteal no l!pb, 4. o8 more, (faith the ApoiHe) but rather let him labour,workjng with his handstherhing which isgood. 2. That he bear a low fail, artd keep within compalfe ; remembring that of I'•ov· 11 . 9 Solomon, He that is dcJPifed, and bath aJervant, is better then he that honoureth himfelf, t<nd lackph bread. _ _ T h · 5 1 : h; hG dH · h · I' JPerformtotheFamily. z. 0 t C1t ou s;concermng w IC ' on;te ey a ~to{_Require of the Family. 'r. ·The Duties they mull: performe to them, are----- • I. To provide that they may live under the publi~k Minifl:ery, for qtherwife how fhould they be brought into the lheepfold of Chrifl:, if they hear not the voyce of the chief Shepherd fpeaking unto them by thofe whom he hath fent. 2. To overfee the wayes of their Families, that they ferve God; and as in all other: duties, fo efpecially in fandifying the Sabbaths: To this the very words in the fourth Commandment, do binde all Mafters of families: Remember, thou and thy Jon, and thy daughter, thy man-fervam, and thy maid; --Where the Lord fpeakes by name.– to the Governours, as ifhe would makethem overfeers of this work of fanC1ifymg his ~abbaths. ' 3· To fer their houfe in orderforthe fervice of God, to offer prayers and praifes to · the Lord morning and evening. To this purpofe, Pray continually (faith the Apoll:!e) · · 1 The[. 5. 17. whtch we muft not underll:and of uninterrupted and incelr~nt ppuring . 1 Tb.f. S· i7 ' • <>.ut of prayers, as the Maffalians or Euchit;t did; but of morning and cv~ning prayers; the Apofl:le here fpeaking in reference and in analogy to the continual, or daily fa- . cnfices. Thts was Davids pradice, Evening andmorning, and at noon will I pr~<y t~~:ud · P[•l. ss. 17 cry aloud , _and he fha/1 hear my voice; and this was Jobs practice , who fent for, ahd fanct.fied hts fonnes and daughters , and rofe up early in the morning, and offered burntJ ob 1 • S oJJ.mnf!s accordmg to the number ofthem .all:------ Thus did Job r;mtinually: :And this \Vas ;,Jbrahams practice, whercfoever he came, to bt~ild an Altar to God, where God 0 ";. 12 • 1.(1 ' fhould'be worihipped joyntly of him and his family : And this was Chrill:s practice 13 4 & oo.J3 for hnnfelfand bzsfamily, Mat. r 4 . 19. and 26. 3 o. Joh. r7. I. · ·4· To mftruC1 thctr fa!Ylilies privately in matters of Religion, that they may not only profefs, bm feel the power of Religion in their 1 1 vcs and converfations: This duty hath there fl'ecta!s belonging to it. , , '. · r. Afamthar catec.hiZing of them in the principles of Religion: Thus were Parents commanded ofold, T/jou fha!t teach thefe words dilige~tly .untp thy children,and jhalt talk._ D'"'· 6· 7 •f them when t.hou Jitt~ft in thine houfe., and when rho11 walk!ft by rhe way , ar~d when thou f,rov, ••· 5 lyeftdown, and when thoH rife jf up. · :z.. A