oTim. 3· JS He~. s. 4 Gen. 3l• 2 H. b. 7' 7 1:Cor. 14. 2t. Orie.Hon. 9 in Levir. l!.cm. 12· ~ iS..,.,8. I Jlxod 4,16 L•l:; 7· 3 Pllil11t!Y• I J The[, 3· 1> 2 Chap.•a.Sea.,- 2. A daily reading of Scriptures in their hearing, diredi~g them to mark and to make iire of themoSo Ttmothy was trained up by his parents,and thatfmn hu chiidhopd.. 3. A careful endeavouring that they may profit by the p)lblick Minifiery : to this end, They mufl prepare them .to hear the Word, by confidcring Gods udi.nanccs, .Promifes, and their own ncccffit,es. . 2 . They mull: remember them to look in the \Vord for a Chrifl, and for commun1on with t:Iuifi. 3· They mull: examine them after the Ordinances, what they have learned, and what ufc they can make of it; thus Chrifi, after he had preached a. parable to his difciplcs, he f<1id l)ll,tO them, k_now Y'"· not this parable , and how then w.ti you k!zow all parables? and then he expounds the Parable to them. 2. The duties they are to require of thefamily, are both carefully to frequent the publick Minifiery , and diligently to be convufant in the private worlhip of God, and confian\lY to practice .all holy and);;Jrri.fti-.tn dmies, comprifed briefly in the CollJ,IIland– . 'lientso1 God! af\d they are to .r~<J.uire thefe things,not onely by telling t~em,callingo~ them,catechlzmg them, admomlhmg them,but 1f they be ncgltgent,bycorre~mg· them. { Wtfdome. Now this corre~ion mull: be minifired in PliiiCncf. I: In Wifdome, whofe property it is_to qnde out the right party that committed tht f~ult, to confider of what fort and nature tlle fault is, to weigh circumfiances ofage, d,fcretlOn and occafions; and to look to the mmde of the doer, whether negligen,;e er meer fimplicity brought him to it. . 2. In Patience, whore property it is to m~ke the fault manifefi to the of\t;nder, that. his confciencc may be touched therewith; to hear what the <;>ffender can fay in his own defence, and accordingly to allow or diffallow; to avo.id bitterncfs, .which fooner will harden the heart,then reform the mann.ers of the offender ~ Tl,ef~ Rules !;>eing obferved; '!!ld the heart lifted up in prayerto God for direCtion and ble!lipg ;· this f:orreilion is neceffary, as is evident in Gen. 30. z. Prov, I 3. 24. and I9· •8. . .. Theft are the du(ies that Governo11rs owe to their families in refpeCl: of their: fouls-;' tO·correa them~ catechiz.e them, admonifiJ them, call on them, read to t~em) prayfer rhml:. e;;-c. only with thefe limitations : . . r ' '· That they prefume not above their callings: This was Pauls Exhortation, rLt no mlln tak! this honour to himfelf, but he that is called of God, M was ./Jaron: The ho",;;iir, here, is the hovour of the publick Minifiery; except that, and I know not bu.t that e– very Governour of a family, w.ho hath fpecial abilities, utterance, memory, may read Scriptures, repeat Sermonsy: pray, teach and infiruct out of Scriptures,-.I P.et. 4 • Io. Thus ]'acok faid to this houlhold, jut away the jfrangegods. rha~ are f'mong you: .And without all con(radiilion (faith the l}·pofilc,) the lejfe is blejfed of the better: .,/lnd iftlu woman would learn any thing' let them a!li:. theJT husbands at home; thus Ongen WO\Ild have the Word e.xpounded in Chrifiian families; and ./111gujfi>u faith, That which the Preache,r ij i>;ithe p11ipit, the fame .is the houjholder in the houfe. . 2. That they prefume not above their gifts: This was Pmtls Exhoration to every man, Not to think_of himfelfmore highly then he ought to think_, bztt to think.Job~riy, ac– cording as God hath dealt to every man tke m.afim offaith; yet I. deny n~t but in_fome. cafes they may lawfu,lly depute or fublhtute fonie one m the fanply, who!" they JUdge fittefi unto the fervice and impioyment which they themfelves lhould ordin~hly per– form,as in cafe ofold age and weaknefs of body; Th11s Sam11el being pld, made hisfons ] 11 dges : Or in want ofgood uttc:ance or expreffioq '?f what is to be faid ; thus ./laron. w,as .i!fofes his fpoakfm1n, and m ,ll:ead of a m,outh: Or m want of bold~efs and auda~ity,, arifing from a confc1oufn~~s qf 'veaknef~: thus the good CenMion fcnt 1 theEidersofthe Jews to Chnft t(nnterceae (or hiJ? ,: Or m cafe tha<aMinifier~f the Gofpel do fojourn in ones family, as ../lrch•PP'" d,d m .Phtlewon h1s houfe: Or m cafe, of nece!l"ar,y abfence; thu~ the Apoltle . PaJ!I made Timothy his. de~uty .to the. Chnfiian Thejf 11 lonians: Or Ill· cafe the Lord hath befiowed,more of h1s g1(ts and, graces to one then another: I know not in this 'afc, but that we may C•vrr tarnejlly the /leftg•fts in'othm, '!_i well 1ft inMrown fehm. s};cr: