<tt)rtll:tan ~octctp~ SECT. 4 . Of a mlltllaiivalkjng together,and holding handt in the Ordinance• of Chrijf. THeremull: be in Chrijlian Society, A mmJtalwalkjng together in the O~dinancet of Chrift' as-- b . k' . h . b h I . h 1: . r. In hearing the w"rd, y qmc mng one anot er unto rt, y c pmg t eneg rgent to apply it, by taking forth the feveral porrrons bclongmg to the feveral conditiOns and necellities of each, by praying for one another, that it mrght be ufeful and feafonable to 2 " 11 / 11 the Sacraments, joying in one another, beholding their prder and ftedfajlnefs o} f<~ith in Chrift : How fhould they but rejoyce together in the love 6f God, .feeding at Col. •· S• the fame table as thofe th:>t !hall meet and fit down \Hth Chri!l: in his Kingdom of Glory ~ how fuould they but behold their order and !ledfafinefs of faith, now renewino their Covenant of Love among themfelv~s,& laymg down all grudges,rancoui,prejudice, uncharitab)enefs, furmifes, for Chri!l:'s fake, and grving the right hand offellowJhip cordially and unfaincdly to one another, as thofe that find themfelves to be all retair;crs to the fame Maltcr, and provided for with the fame care, and purchafed by the' price of thcfame blood? . .. . . 3 . Jn prayer for and with each other : InPnmrt1ve t1mes they ufed to tranfaCl: one anothcrs affairs in the court of Heaven by Prayer: Pray alwayt (fa1th Paul) with all pra- £pb.t6. tS,tp: yer andJi•ppltcarion,for all Sainu,andfor me:-·and, Pray onefor an.~thtr (faid James) Jamer S· 16. that yemay be healed; q.d. if the heart rankles, or rf there be any fallmgs out, any differences and jarrings among Chrifiians, let them meet together, and humbly acknowledge where the fault lies, and .make up the matter before God, who is both a witnef~ of their mutual fincenty, and IS only able to fearch the. bottom of the wound, and to cure it: Sometimes C~riltians have known bletfed expenmeilts of thrs,and can tell when a Probat~tm eft was written upon it. 4 . In fafting,for the affiiE/ing, and hmnbling of the foul; fo ljz.ra and his men, and Efther and her ma~ds, maintained communion together: Sucn fa!l:ing-days are foul– feeding·days, and foul-curing-clays ; fome difeafes, fom.e lufl:s will go out no other ways. . _ . 5. In mJttual bemoaning•,. confejfiom, and ope?ing ofour foret and woundt; it maybe when the Apo!l:le faith, Confefsyour faults one to another, he means more than acknow~ ledgement of offences, whereby a man hath finned againll: his brother ; viz.. that Chri– fiians fhould a\fo bewail their failings, inf'irmi.tics, deadnefs, unfavourinefs; coldn~fs, narrownefs, unfruitfulnefi to one another, to fee whether others have been in the fame cafe, and what courfe they took, and what remedy they procured : many foulS may perijh through too much refewednefs and modcfiy. 6. In holy conference: This indeed is it that might much improve the meeting of Chrifiians. In the Prophets time, when proud fcorners, and prophanc fpirited men talked vainly, and did even what they lift, then they th"t feared the Lord met, and'fpaf<! often one to another; no doubt they fpake of God, and h1s councels, of his works and Mal, 3· ro. 3 ways, of his providence and goodnefs, ofthe bafenefs of Atheifiical thoughts concerning God: would Chrifiians thus meet an~exchange words and notions, they might 1 The[. S• u: burld up one another, they m1ght heat and mflame one another, thy might fl:rengthen L•1:! 2 4- 3•· and encourage one another, as the brethren did Paul: and have we not an exprefs AliS2!. 1 S• command for thts Duty of conference? Thut ]hall ye fay, ev~ry one to hit brother and every one to hit neighbour, What hath the. Lord anfwered? ""d 1vhat hath hefpok]n? ]er, 2 3. 3S• 1 And now I am fallen on thrs Dmy, giVe me leave to lay down fome experiments and proceedings of fome Chrifiians,as willingly joyned themfelvcs in a Chrijfit<n Svciety, andby Gods blelling thereby fweetly improved themfelves. SECT· 5· Offome Ordm t• which [ome Chrijliamfobfcribrdbefore Colifer~nce. I N this Confer.ence SI. Some Orders were made, to which all fubfcribcd. of Chn!hans, ( 2 • . Some quefiions were propounded, tow~ichall anfwe,ed. 1 . The Orders were thefe : --- · 'L I .That ~~ryWednefday (efpeciaily during winter) we \vill meet for CQnference a– ~o~out f11ul-aua1rs . _ ., · I i ;z, · - z. l'hat