Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Rem. '4· r. 2 The{ 36. I4• Tit·Jo JO• Chap. ri.Sett. 5 . 2. That if any difference in opinion !hall arile amongfl us, _we will fuily debate, and then fubmit to the judgment of the Society, as It fh;Ul be madc~g~d . out of the Word. . 3. If we obfervc any of the Society to fall into any linneqt'lCacidal,he that obfcrvcs' it fhall firll warn the party_ thereof; and If he offend again in the fame kind, the obfer– ver fhall then joyn with himfelfone or two more to warn the fome party; and if he will not hear rhem,theobferver or any other fhall then acquaint the Society at our next meet– ing: and if he will not h~ar them, that then he be excluded till he repent, and be vo– ted for his admdTwn agam. 4- That whatfoever is fpokcn amongfl us (the telling whereof May tend to the pre– judice ofany one of us) fhall be kept lecret, upon pam of undergotng fuch Genfure as the major part of the company fhall think fit, 5 . That for admiffion ofanrinro our ~ociety,we will not be too flriCl: nor too large.· not too llrict in excluding any; in wltom we have any.good hopes offincerity, andreai defire to increafe thei: kno\~ledge, and mutual love, though they may be b1tt weai(_in gifts: nor too large m admittmg fuch, who may be either heretlcal in opinion. or en– ordinate i" life: And by this Rule, thofe that arc to be admitted fhall be voted by the major part of us. 6. That for better regulating of this Society, we will have a Moderator. And what further Orders we or any ofus fhall hereafter think upon, we !hall propound the fame to t\Je Society at our next meeting; and the fame lhall be confirmed or annulled, as·ir fhall be agreed by the major vote of our Society. . 7 . That th~ Mod_erator fhall propound the qu_ellion and ~atter of our DifCotlr(e the week before It be difcuffed; and at every meetmg begmWIth Prayer, and ecd with:' Thaokfgiving. SECT. 6. Offome f<!tej/iom cfPra8ica/ Divinity, whichat ,~; Confmnce were propMnded and anjivcred. · · ' . 1 He Q!!dlions propounded were offeveral forts : { I_ Choyce Heads of PraClical Divinity. 2. \Vholefome Cafes of Confcience. 3. Some Controverted Points. · The Q;!ellions of the lirll fort, were thefe and the like : Sect. I . What w"s thehappinefs of M ans condition in theft11tC oflmtocemy ? r.GOd made man in his own Image, Gen. I. 26, 27. and 9· 6. Ecclef. 7. ·29. Eph.4j 242. Man was wonderfully and fearfully made, P/41. 139· I4. · 3· Man was made Lord of all the creatures, Gm. I. 26,"28. Pfal. 8. 6. 4• Man had a perf~(i knowl,edge of~ ~~edC~~;~r~;,1 ~e~~;. 19 • 5 . Man had fweet and immediate communion and conference with God, Ge~t_ z. 28, 29, 30, and 3· S. 6. Man was placed in Paradife, Gm. 2. I 5. 7 _Man wasmadelittle lower then the Angel,, Pfal. 8. 5· 8. Man laboured without pain, Gen., 3· I7. 9 • Man lived without fin or iliame, Gen. I . 3I . and 2. 25. Io. Man was crowned with glory and dignity, Pfal. 8. 5. I Cor. I I. 7· I I . Man was Gods delight, Prov. 8. 3 I • . I 2. Man had a poffibility not to dye, Gen. 2. I7- and 3. I9· I3. Man had free choice ofgood and evil, not neceflitated to either, Gm. 2. 16, Sect. 2 . What 111re the M if cries of M11n inf/t~u if N~tt/lre ? ),HE is impure'in his conception, Pfal. 51. s_ ~ · !!· He is born in iniq\lity. P [111. H· S 3• He