'itbtttlian ~octctr. He is defiled with fin in the whole n~tu;e, !fa. 64. 6. Ez..ek.. I6. 6. Rom. 7· z 4 . 3 · .His thoughts arc corrupted with fin, Gm. 6. 5· Eph. . 4· I7, I8. . ~· All the members of hi3 body and powers of his foul arc defiled Wlth fin, 2l!et. z'.' ) . - 14 ;,. His members arc fervants to unrighteoufnefs and to iniquity, Rom. 3. 13, 14,15; 16. and6. 19· . 7 . He is fpiritullly blmd~ Rev. 3· I7. Jer. IQ. I4. I Cor. z. I4.Eph. 5· 8. 8. His minde IS fct on ev1l works, Eph.4. I 8. C•I.I. 2 I. 9 . His w1lliu:terh after ev1l, Rom.8.7. . IQ. His heart is deceitful and defperately wicked, Jcr. I7. 9· I I. His affections are inordmate, lfa.59·7· I~. He hath a defiied confcience, Tit.I.I 5· 1 l· He hath an unfatiablc defire after fin, Job r4. 4· ---I5. I6. . 14 • He is foll o~ fin, Prov. 22. I 5. Rom. I 24. ---7·5> I4. 2 Pet,2. I9, 15 . He is dead mfin, Eph.2. I ,2. I6. His civil a{bons are fin,Prov. 21. 4· 17 . His befl fervices are fin, Prov. I 5.8,9 7 28,29. . 1 8. He '/,unable to any good, Rom. 3· 12---7. I9·--- 8. 8. 2 Cor.3-1: Rev. 3· I7. I 9 . He is hated of God, Pf•tl·5·5· . . 20 . He is feparated from all fellowfh1p wuh God, Ija.59·2· Eph. z. I2. 2 I. He is under Gods curfe, Gal. 3. I Q.Dcut.28. I 6, 17, 18. zz. He is without Chri(l:, Eph. 2. I 2. and out of the communion at-Saints, Eph. z: 12. 23 • He is a bondflave of Satan, John 8. 34, 44· 2 Cor. 4· 4· Eph. 2.2. Heb. 2.. 1). 2.;. He is a child of wrath, Eph: 2 •. ~- . . . 25 . He is fubject to all the calamities and curfes ofthl:i hfe, Deut. 2S. I$, 16, I7, &c. 2 6. His life is fhmt and vain, and full of toil and care, Gen. 3. 19. Ecclef.s-. I4. Pfal, lQJ. 14, I5· · 27 . He is liable to death, Rom. 5· 12.--6. 23. Gen. 3· I9. Deut. 30. z8;P[at~ 89·48. .28. He is guilty ofdamnation, Rom. 5. I7 1 I8.---8. 6. 2 Thtf. 2. I I, z.z. .29· He fhall not (asfuch) inherit the Kingdom of heaven, I Cor. I s.so. z The[. .~:9: 3 Q. He is an enemy to his ch1ldren, Dem. 2B.r8. Secl:. 3· What means bath God appointed to come Mtofthis miftrabletjflltt." i.VV E muftenquire after the means offalvation, LHk$ 3· IQ, u . .Acts~- 37.__.;, 16.29 1 JQ, . ' .2. We mufllay hold on:feafonsand opportunities ofgracf offered, John. 12. lS· 3· We mull: hearken to, and entertain the motionS of GOds ~pirit, Rev. 3· I8• .IQ; 4· We muft ferioufly c()nfider of our own ways, PI.;ggt# ~~~· L11k! zs. zo. 5· We muftgoto God by Chrill:, John I4. 6. and to. 9· 6. We mull: fearch the Scriptures, Deut. I7. I 9 . !fa. 55. I, 2, 3.]ohn S· 39; 7· We mufl wait on the word p~ached, '!ohn 5· 24- .Ails 26.-18. Rom. 10. If, 'r7; x·cor. I. IS, 21. I Fet, I, 23. 1 John. 4· 6. . . .. 8. We mull: fee our fin, Rom. 2. 20,. Gsl. 2. ro.have a fenfeandfceling o£fin,M11;.' 'I r. 28. .AilJ2. 37· . .. 9· \I'C'e 1uufl: confefs our fins, Prov. 28. I 3· I J•hn I. 9· , · . IQ, We moll: be grieved for fin, !fa. 57· Is; Mi4t. 5· 4J ffiJI!Itl 4· 9> IO. Zero. I:Z:: IQ. 2 Cor. 7· IQ, , . · rr. Wemuflbeinflantinprayer, .Ails8.22.Rom,IO.l3·2Thef.l.II1 1Z,Ht;~ ~I~ • . • - .. 12. We mull: endeavour after regeneration, John 3. 3, 5· and mortifi'qltion, iJ{.111.' ' 7-1J.Rom.·8.rJ. . · ' .. ~ · , . . 0 _.'. 13. We muftcon!ider the curfe du_c to usfor fin, ~~k.~8,tJ.·8.vlil•• r.. 1G.C•l> 3· 6.: ' . ' r: .: • ' .. 0') ·'l.·•. z4• We mull remove all lets and irilpedimeRts that hin4cr con\<erf!Qn, JJ~o.¥t,r,z.z. 8,' Eph.f. 17• , •!;lli ·., · {S'· We