Chap.1 1.SeB:.6. I 4 . We mufl remove all lets and impediments that binder converfion, Dmt. !2.8. Eph. 4· I7. 15 . ·We mufl confider that by fin weh~d an hand in crucifying Chrifr, Zcch 12 . 10. fi[l; 2. J6, 37· 16. We mull judge our felves, that we be not judged, I Cor. I 1, 3 1. 17 . \Vc mull forfake our ways and thoughts, and turn to the Lord, Jja. 55 . 7 . Jod, 2 . I 3· fi[/; 2. 38. 18. Wcmullavoidevilfociety, 2Cor.6.I7,18. I 9 . We mull defire after Chrifland his righteoufnefs, M4t. r- 6. Rev. 3. I8.- 2 1. 6. 20. we mufl believe on the Lord Jefus, John 3· I5.---6. 35 , 65. .A[Is I6. 3f. G11l. 3. zz.Eph. 2. 8. 2 1. We mufl reflon Gods promifes in Chriflforconverfion,if"· 43· 4-F---44. 21, 22. E;;.ek., 6. 26, 27. · . n. Wemufldenyourfelves, Mat. I5 .24.Luk5q . 26. •z 3 • \Ve mufr be doers of the word, and not hearers onely, ]11mes I. 22. SeCl:. 4• What ltYe theJigns of.afound and fincrreHumiliation. I. A Sorrow for fin, becaufe God hates it, .Pfal. p. + • z. .A.breaking of the heart out'of pure love to God, Rom. 2. 4· 3· Aforrow for finne, becaufe it crucified Chrill, Zech. I 2. Io. 4· A free acknowledgement of our nnworthinefs, in greatell: fulnefs of our worldly felicity, Gen. 32. ro. · 5·"A,fuffering of forrow to abide on the foul, and not putting it off by worldly comforts, !fa.s8, 5, 6. Joe/2. I 3· . · , ·6. Amourning forlelfer fins,as well as for greater; for the evil that cleaves to •.mans bell: works, as for his other •vi! actions, James 2. Io, · 7 • Afubmiffion to Gods will, let him do what he pleafeth, Jofl'· ro. I5· 2 Kmgs 2o. [10. Jer. IO. I9. , 8. Athrowing ofthe foul (being affrighted with the threats ofthe L:~w, and accu– fations of his own confcience) wholly upon Chrifl and his promifes, Luk.! I3· I2, .A£1, I 6. JI. • ' • . 9• ;'\hatredaga'in!l:, an\1 lhunningof all fin, Job42. 6. Pfalm II9. 113 2Cor. 7· II~ Io. Aleaving of all fin, and doing the contrary gopd things, IfaiAh 8. 6, 7, 8Micab ·6.8. . I I. _.The feven marks o~,godly farrow, laid down in 2Cor. 7· I I\ --·\~ ... io 1 SeCl:. 5. What means bath God •'PfOilltedfor brok.!nmfs ofhMrt? 1' .u. ' '' ;i)•A~eyeing ofthe vterd, as it is an ordinanceJor that very purpofe, Jer. 23. Zg. 0~2 Attenda11.ce .tinto,and hearing of the word powerfully preached; 2 Kings ':z2. I9· 3 A.fight and fenfeofourfins,E:ler« 9· 6. Pfalm 3'· 9, 10--38. 3•4• 17, t8.Jer. i23. 9• IO. . • · 4 A c<;>nfideration ofthefin~ofuur Prophet~, Jer, 23. 9· . •• 5 .}![ cOnftderatioh .ofCbrill: crucified (w and_by our fins, Zech. I 2. Io. AEls 2. 37· 6 Aconlideration of the hardnefs ofothers hearrs,much more of our own,Mar~3·5· 7 Prayer for contritefpirits, PfAlm.)I . IO. c1l. :£\.'remembrance .of our af!!Cl:ion and mifery, Jojl1. 7· '5. Lam. 3. I 9, 2o. . 9 Aconlideration of Gods withdrawing bis comfortable prefence from us, L~tm. [I\ I 6,' •. , . .- . _ 10 Aconfideration ofCK>dsinfinit,e love and grace tooYr fouls, ]oel2.I3R•m. "·4'' ," ' . : · I 1 Aconlideration ofthe death of Gods Saints, who are as the p_iUars of the places Whe~c>theyliveand abide, /fa. ;8. 2--57· I. . • · 'J • . I 2 Aconfideration of Gods judgements on others, who have been hardened mfin, Heb-.l3·' 8, 9, IO, II, 12;t 3.. . · , · · ·. · ~ · I 3 An aCl:uating of our fa.itb in refpea of the precious promifes ~>f foft'ning hearts, £>:.rk..i'!, 19---36. ~6. Seer. 6· .•,