Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.• 1. Seer 6. Sdl. 6. what are the means bothjor the obtaining and increajing ofFai;h l 1 . THe preaching of the word, John. 4- 4~:'-: --5.24. .Atls. I 3· 48. r4. 22-– r6. r 4 • p. 34· Ails, 18. 8. Rom. r. I6, I7--.-Io. ?· 14. I7.Eph. I. q . 2 The influence and alliftance of the Spirit concurring with the word, r Cor. :z.: 4 ' {A forfakingofour ownlcgalrighteoufnefs, Rom. 3. 27.... 9. 30, 31. Phi!. 3· 8,9. 4 Godly conference with others, John. 4· 7·. 29. 39· Ails. I7. 2; 4· : , 51laptifme,Ro>>1. 4· I I. Heb. ro. 22, 23. 1 Due admirililration of the Sacraments of( Th~.~~r.ds Supper, rCor. I 0-4- I 6. Gal•. 6 Ferventpmyer and wre!Hing with God, Lukt. I7. 5--22. 32. Eph. 3· I6,17. ~ Thef 3· 10. . . . , ' 7 AcomplamiQg ofour own unbeh~f, Mnrk}. 9· 23, 24. · 8 Experiences of Gods former dealmgs, I Sa111. I7. 37· ,2Cor. r. 10. . 9 Aconfiderati~:m of the faithfulnefs ofGod iri his Promifes, Heb. I I. I I.'. , IO Adrawing riigh to God With an heart fprinkled front an evil cOJafcience, Heb. 10. 22,2;. ' SeCt. 7· Wh"t are thejigs ofa true jujlifying Faith? i I He blcffedfruitsoftheSpirit, c;.L. 5-22,23· I Tim: 2 . rs---6. II. 2. All the graceslinkedtogetherinthatgoldenchain, 2Pet. I. 5,6,7. 3· Alovtof Chri!l:, 'John,l6, I7. 2. Tim. I. 1;. Phi/em. 5· I Ptt, 1. 8. 1 'johit. f I. 1· Alove of the Saints. Eph. I. IS· Col. I. 45· Love and peace with the brethren, Eph. 6. 23. 6. Love and hope of f.1lvation 1 I The[. 5. 8. , 7· A joy unfpeakable and fullqf glory, 1 Pet. i. 8. Ram. 5· I, 2. 8. Patience inwaitingfor the Promifes, lfa. 28. I6. Heb. 6. I2.I 5. , 9• Patience in enduring affiiCtion,r :i. Thif,r.4. James I.3. Rev. ;. IO. IO. Hope in God, I Cpr. 13· q. I Pet. I. 21. I I Repentauce from dead works, Heb. 6, r. . ,' ; · , I2 Righteoufnefs, peaceatidcharityoutofapureheart,~I Tim. z. 15. Z.Tim. :z. 22. ' I 3· Aheart weaned from the world, I John 5. 4> 5· . · · . I~. A relilhnce ofSatan, arid his fiery darts.of temptation, Eph. 6. I6. r Per. s. 9· ' I5. A confidence in Chriff, without being afhamed, Rom. ro. u .' 2 Tim. r. ·12. ' '' ' I6. Afirm refolul;ion to cling to Chri{t, maugre all difcourag~nents, Mat. I5· 2& R1m. 8.35. 36. · ' ', · 17. A relyirigupolt Gods power, whenallworldly means fail, Ram. +· IS, I9) 20. .• I 8. Arelying on ,P,ercy, not up0n merit, 4. 5. Phil. 3. 9· I 9· Athrowing oljr felves on God, though he frown on us, ]oh I 3 • I 5. 20. Apure heart, and a good con~cience, Rom.5.1. I Tim. I. 5• I 9 . Heb. i:c: 2~ ' ' 21. Afanctifiedlife, or pure converfation, AEft 15. 9- '--26. r8. Heb.t1.7. Janm2.I7i l8. . , · 22. Obedience to God in things contrary to, or ~hovehumane reafon, Rem, I 1.7, 8, II. ', 23. Fervent and hearty prayer, Rem. 5· I, z . Eph. 3· 12. J~<mes I. 6. Mmk.,9. 2+· ' . 24. Aconte~npt of the world in refpect of the heavenly inheritance, Htb, I I . 24., 25, 26. .• ' •, ' ' ' ' ' 2J. The feal of Gods Spirit, which is the earndt of our inherita!lce, Eph. I. q, I 4• I 'john5.6·'. :,. ·,,. '•· 26. Agf~rifyin~ of.God for his grace, and trutH, and infinite power In overc;oming ~~~ II"Jl\!t!CS, 1md performing what he .proffiifcth, though,IJtVC!:foCOntrary to the courfe_ofnature, Rom, 4• 20 , •. ~- 27. An