Chap. t 1. Sed:.6. Sect. 9· What are the ftgnes of tnte imdEvdngelical Repentance? r: A N abhorring ~f fin, .and our fe!~es fo~ fin, Job.42. 6. /lmos 5, I 5. . , . 2. A~odlylhameforfin, Ezr.9.6..Ter.;.z:p5-··;i.r9.Ezek., I6.6r,6;. . 3· Amourmng for fin, becaufe God is offended, I Sam. 7· 2. Pf~l. 5' ·-f· Zech. IZ, 10,1 I. 4· !iorrowing mingled with hope, Ezra. ro.r ,2. 5·. S~rious carefulneffe, ( 6. Judicious clearing, 7· Holy indignation; 8. Filial fear, ~2Cor.7. II . 9· Eager defire, .. 10. Godly z~al, . r I . Impartial reveage on ·our felves for uh, . 12, Works meet'for Repentance, Mat.;.8. .Acr.26. fzo. !fa.l · r. I6, I7.lf•f._r2.6. 1 j. ~forfaking of.fin, Ezeb.., 14-6.---18.28, 33· Rom.6.6.Htb.6. r.lf"·J0.2'1.. 14- Self-denial, Luk§ 1). 19. . . . • . 15. A jull:ifying of God, or-giving hurt the glory, Rof I 4- r, 2. Luk§ 7· 29. r6. Adifell:cem of all wordly helps, Jer.;.z;. . . 17, Afubmiffion to all offices of humility upon fence of fin ne, Luks 7· >7· ;8. r8. Adear love to Gods Miai!l:ers, whom God hath made in!l:ruments of our Re-. pentance, Afis 16. 14, 15. ·. · 19. An endeavourafter this work on ourfdves, to work it on others, Pfol. '5:· r; ,. ll-.:£,; 1 8. ;o. · 20. A