Chap.t i.Se8:.6. r. tJ Pright walking with God, Cant. 1. 3· Joh. I.J.. I5, 2I, 23. Eph. I. 4 . • I foh. 2. 5···-- 1) . • 2. Afainting and languifhing defire after Chrill:, Cant. 3. I, 2. 3, +-·.. 5. 8. 3· A love to the members of Chril1:, I John 4· I z, 20. 4· A hating of eyil, Pfalm 97· 10. ' 5· Arelievingofthe poor.membrrsofChril1:, Mat . 25. 45· r John 3• I7. 6. A fullafl'uranceoffaith, Canticles6. 3· Romans 8. 38,39. 7· A difelteem of all things in comparifon ofChril1:, 'Mat, IO. 27. Phi!. 3· 8. 8. A conquering of all difficulties, and difcouragcments for Chrill:, Cant, 8. 6, 7· .Rom. 8. H· 2 Cor. 5· I4. . · 9· A heart and tongue enlarged in the praifes of Chrill:, c,nt, 5.' IO. to the end. ro. AU the fmits of the Spirit, Gal. 5· 22. I1. A contemplation of Chri!l:s love, and defires after further fence of it, Eph. j. 17, 18, 19. 12. Arcl!lefnefs of the foul in the non-enjoyment of Chrilt, Cant, 3. 1. 2, 3, 4· 13. Acontentedncfs to fuff'er cenfurcs; difgraces, and death for Chrilt, Cm,~. 5. 6, 7, 8. A ils 21. q, 14.• Arejoycing in Chrilt, whom we love, Pfal. 5· I I . John 14-28. 15. ApatieRt waiting for Chril!s appearing, 2 Thejfalonians 3· 5· Se~. I2. Wh"t are the cmfesin IfS ofChrifl's JVithdraiVingfromm? 1. ( Ovcnant-breaking, Dmt. 3 I. I6, 17. -" 2, fdolatry, or fpiritual whoredom, Deut. 31. I6, I7, 18. P[alm78. j8,' eo. Hof. 5· 3 , 4 , 6. 3· The pride of our, hearts, Hof 5· 5, 6. 4· Hypocnfie in Gods fcrvice, Hof 5· 6. 5· Infidelity, and frowardnefl'c of hearts, Dcttt. 32· 20. 6. Leaving our firlt love, Rev. 2. 4 , 5 . 7· Carnal fecurity, Pfalm 30. 6, 7· Cant. 5· 3· 8.. C:lfelefncff': o~ accepting the feafons of grace, whether Chrill: draw near in Ordmances, or. m mward difpofitions , Cam. 5· 3, 6. , 9· A prefe:!.t~g 9f the creature before Chrilt, !fa. 57· 17. · ro. A w~rmelf~ of Gods Ordinances, Jcr. 33· 38, 39· !'£"'· 3· 7· . : "· A Wlthd~awmg from Gqd in the duties of our obedtcnce, Dcut. 32· 20. 2 Chron, I 5; 2)' Ho}. 5 . 4 , 6. Kk '349