Chap. • 1 . ~<:cc.6. Sett. I). rvhat lire tbc I.:$Hfes for t-vhich Chnji on his part witha1 rtHVS himfclffrom l!S? r. ·r 0 try us w~at is in our hearts, Dcut, 32. zo. z Chron 32. 3 r. 8 z. To bnng u•; to an humble acknowledgement of our finnes Jcb 1' 23 to the end. Hof 5· I). D cut. )!.17. !'f~!. J0·7· ' ' · , . ' 3 . To prevent fpiritual pride in us, 2 Cor. I2. 7>8. +·To makcusprayearnclllytohim, Pfdl. 3· 7,8.---"··IJ.I ... ···77· 1,2, J.:.... gg_ 1, 2, 3, &c. 5 . To excrcife our faith in his Name, !fa. )O. I o. , 6. To make us fcck him in the ufc of all means, Cant. 3· 1, ~, 3, 4.----5. 6, 8. -. To make us prize him, and highly to cllcem of him, Cant. 5. 8.-·-8. 1. S. To ma;;e m hol:l him more furely when once we have found him, Cam. 3· ~- . 9· To llir up and excrcife in us all our fpintual graces, Cant. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, Io. 1 r: s~ ... 't. I+ IVIu!t mMJJCS for the ;;covay of Chrifl's C(Jmfortableprr[tncc? 1. A Search after, and an acknowledgement of thofc finncs which caufcd his with- }-\ drawings, Pfal. J2. 4, )· Lam. 3· 40, 50. · 2. An hearty bemoaning, fhame and repenting for fin, Jcr. 31. I 8, 19, 20. Pfd. 3418. !fa. 57· I)· 3. Awaiting upon God in the ufe of his Ordinances, Pfal. 27. I 3, I4-· Cant. 1. 8. lfa. 8, I7. Llik_t. ~4. JZ. 1 John I. 3>+· +- A dtligent enquiry after Chrifl:, Cant. 3· 3, 4. 5 . Amoaning and weeping for his lofs till he be found, John. 20. II,I3,I 4, IS 16. 6. A drawing nigh to God in the "duty of prayer, Lam. 3. 57· Pfal. 5 I. 12..:..1, 5 . 18. Jam. +· 8. 7 . A prcflingofGod in prayer with his word and promifes, Pf.•i. I I9. 49· )O. 8. Adue receiving of Chrifl: in the Lords Supper, 1 Cor. 10. I 6. 9 . Afeeding upon Chrifl: Spiritua!ly,by a true and lively faith, Joh.6.)6. !Ja.5o.1o. I o. A recourfc to our former experiences., Pfabm77· 7, 8, 9, 10. I 1. Anhope that for all this we lhall enjoy Chrill, Pfalme 43· 5· 12. A lillcning and fubmitting to the voice of his Spirit, Rev. 3. 20. I 3·, Awalking in his fiatutes, and keeping his commandments, Lev. 26. I 1,I2. Sd1:. I 5, Of !Vhat ufc is Chrift to a Believer already jljlij;ed? I 0 c· Hr ill: is wifdomc'and fan<'tification unto us, I Cor. I. JO. .z. Chrill is the fatisfa{tion of all our defires, John 6. 35· 3 . Chrifl: is our example in forgiving others, Eph. +· 32. Col. 3, I z, 13· 4 . Chrill is our example in fuffering injuries with p:.tience, H eb. !2.. 3. I ht•.z.zi. 5. Chrifl: is our example in holiuefs I Pet. L 15, 16. · 6. Chrill is our exJmplc in love, Eph. 5. 1, 2. 7· Chrill is our example in mecknefs, lowliucfs, humility, M•tt. 11. 29. ' I 3· 14, 15. Phi!. 2. 5· . :8. Chrill is the way and means for our ae<:efs to God tbe Father, Rom. 5. .2. Hcb. IO. 19, 20. 9 . Chrifl: is both the reprefentcr, and the granter of our requefis, doing for us whatfoever we defire in his name, John 14- 13, 14. Rev. 8. 3· 1 o. Chrill: is our eonfo!ation in fufferings, 2 Co>·. 1. 5. . I I. Chrill is our continual joy, Rom. 5· 11. . 12. Chrill is the death of fin in us, Rom. 8. 1 o. I Cor. I 5. 57· Heb. 9· I+· 13. Chrifl:crucifies the world in us, Galatiam6. If· _ I+· Chrill is our freedom, the end of the Law for nghteoufnefs, Aom. 8. 2. ··•·· 10. 4 . G~tl. 5· r. . 1 15. ChriO: is our life, the very -life of grace inus, Johni4.. 6. Rom.8. ri. Ga . 2. 20. Eph. 3· I 7• . r6. Chrifl: makes interceffion for us, Rom. 8. 34· Heb. 7· zs, I Job. 2. r. 17. Chrill: is our upholder in temptations, H eb. .2 •• I 8. r8. Chrift is our harbinger for hea~en, John 14- 2, 3· , 9 • Chri/l: