Chap.tJ.Secl:.J. qcurtatang~~ocit~!'- '.lS3 ---~--'----'-- I6. If in prefent affiictions we gather affura~ce of deiivcrance from former experience, I Sam. 1.7. 37· Pfal. 77, 9, 10, II. 2Tim. 3· I r. . . I 7 . If by affii0ions we findc corrptions to weaken, a:1d to 9c morttfied, .Jfa: 2I ._9. I8. If our affiictions beget affuranse of our adoptwn, H eb. 12. 8. fanchlicatwn, Heb. 12. 6, 7, 8, 9 , IQ. I I. glorification, M at. 5· I2. 2 Cor. 4· I7. 2 Pet. 2. 8. ' . Seer. 5. HowJhould A Chriftian fortijie h:mfeif,ag~<inft the reprMches of wicketi mm!~ L LEt himconfid.crthe command of God in this cafe, Mat. 5· 4+ Rom. I2. 19. • I Pet. l· 9· . 2 • Let him took on reproaches as the very hand of God, 2 Sam. I6. I I. ' 3 . Let him confider what an honour it. is to fuffer reproaches for Chrill:,. Ails 5. 41-. 4 . Let him eye the btetrednetre of thofe that are tewoached for Chnll:, Mat. 5· II .J2. 2Tim. 3.I2. I Per. J.I4····"4· If. · . 5 . Let him confider,it as.the.lot of Gods fervan~s to fufferrcproaches? 2 Tim, 3. I2. 6. Let him confider,that tn h1s teproachcs he fuffers w1th,and for Chnll:, Jo'hn I5.20. 7 . Let him confider, that though the wicked repro~ch , yet God will in his time )uftifie and approve, Pfalms 37· 33. ---·- I47· I!. : ' 8. Let him confider, that the· Lord in due .time will both clear his fervants , arid. punilh the reproachers, Mich11..7· 8, 9, IO. . · 9 . Let him fet before him the examples of Chrlfr, his Apoll:les, and Prophets, If"· 53·7· Mat.5.12, Joh11 I5 ..18. rCor.4-I3. I1'et.2.21. ro. Lethimpraywithfervencyandfaith, Job j6. 20. Pfal. I09.I•,2,4. I Cor+I3 . . 11. Let hill' be fure to keep aclear confcienoe within, 1Pa. 4· 15. 1 2. Let him refer the i!fuc of all U\Ito God, 2 Sam. 3. 39· • . IJ· Let him exercifc that heavenly duty of the: life of Faith, and fall:en it on thefe ro mifes, l'J.<l. 37· 7.----68. ]3. 1[4. 61. 7· 1 Pet. 1. 7··---J. I4,.---4. '4· SeCt. 6. Whether a tme Believer may not (ometimes doJtbt ? and wha~ are thefeveral ca~tfes ofdoubting? 1 T wa~ anfwered, That wi~hout controverlie (and as following Texts will evince) a 1 true Believer m~y doubt ofhis falvation; and the caufcs are thefe: ---- 1. Theproiperity of the wicked, Pfal. 38. I7...... 73. 2, l· 12, q. 2. His own want of ncceffary .provifions forthls life, Numb. 20. 3, 4, 5· 3· Sufpenfionof divine favour, Job. 13.24. 1'[><1. 77·7• 8,9,10. 4 . Imminent dangers and fears, Exod. '+·.1 0, n,.12. M11th. 8. 25,26...·14-30,31. 5· Apprehenfions ofGodsdenyinghisprayers, P{al. n. r, 2. , 6. TheaffiiCtious hand of God lying fore on his foul, l'fal. I I6.IO,r 1. I7,18. 7 . Miftaken apprchcnlions and weaknefs of judgement, .ilf11th. I+ 26. Mark! 6. 49> 50. Lukf 24. 37. · · 8. Rebpfes,.or re-inli1arements into former fins, 1' [al. 5I. 8. 12. 9· .The littleneffe or fmalncffe of faith, Matth. I4. 30. Mark! 9. 24. Io. A poring on, or a ftudying too much ofthelife of fenfe, Lukf I .I8,2o.J•hn :lO.S 11. Awant of the true underll:anding of fome divine myll:cries, Johll 6. 6o. 12. A difh:ull:ing of Gods promifes, upon hnmane reports, Num. I-J . 32, 1 3·-- 34· I, 2, 3• Sect. 7· What are the C¥rtJ or remedies ofdoubtings incidmt to Believers ? · r. FAith in th(! Lord Jefus Chrill:, Rom. r I. 20. __ r4. 23. 2. Awary and filial fear, Heb . 4· f. · 3· Ahope in God, Pfal. 42. I I. and waiting on God, Ifa. 8. 17. Jer. 14. I9, 22. ' 4· Earnell:prayer: 1Againll: doubting, Matth. 2I.12,2.2." Mark., 9· 24. Lub.t 17. 5.--- 22 • 32. 2C:or. I2. I, 8, 9. and 2. To havc our doubts refolved, Judger 6. 37, 38. 5· Adel?endmg on thefaithfulnefs of God and his promifes, Heb. Io. 23.---I I.ll. 6. A finvmg to keep down the life of fenfc, Matth. 6. 28, 29, 30, 3I. • I 7· Arecalting to minde the Lords difpenfations in our fonner affiictions, Lam. 3· 8, 19, 20_. 2-r. ... . . ·- . 8• .A recalling to min,d~ Gods formJ:rlove tP 9UrfDTJis, 1'{"1. 22. l, z, 3>±' 5· Lam. 3· l!2, 24. 9 Diligence