<!\)tll.ltan ~octctp. · Chap.11 Sect.y_ 9 . Diligence inrheufe ofallmeans, Pfal . zl· I7. Cant. 3· r, z, 3·· ,o. A uufling in GoJs Name, rtlakwg h1m our fby and fupport, Pfal. 73 . 26 _ lf4. 50- .o. Seer. 8. What ,,ye th~fe Remota's that hiJJder the gr~tvth. ofChrijlia;itj or the Jjmadmg of the Kingdom of Chrifl· ? I. l 7 \i7 Ant of a pious and powerfulMinift~ry, P,.o~. 29. 18. Rom. IO. I+• I 5 : V z. Negl1gcnce of the Mm1ftery in ]:il:cce, J'tt. I. ZI, 2i, 2 3 . Ez..ek, 34- 4> 5· 6. - . . _ 3 . A (candalous and vicious Miniftery, I Sam. 2. 7· jer. 23. I, 2: M11l. 2. 8. Mat. ::1.313· 4- The deceits and fophiftry of falfe Prophets, Jer. 27. I4. -----28. I 5. Eu~ 13 . 6 . iO. 2 Pet , 2 . 18. 5: Aprefuming to teach others without Gods call, Jer. 2 3 . p. 6- Adefpifing of the -Minifleryof the Gofpel, Mark! 6. 3. John 8. 17. 7· Envy and railing againfl the Word and Miniftcry, ACfs I3. 45, •,6. 8. Perfccution of Gods Melfengers, A Efs I2. 1, 2, 3, 4· 9· Ambitious, faCtious, and malicious fpirits, 3 John ro. , o. Fomenters of di vit:ions amo~gfl the people of God, Rom. I6.17,r8. 2Per.2.2,j. 1 I. Enemies o'f the truth and ppwer of godlinelfc, 2 Tim. 3. 6. • _ I 2. Th~ evil example of Superiours, J Sam. 2. 23, 34· I Kings I4. I6. John 7· 47> 48- ' - '3· Seducing fpirits , I King112. 27,·28, 19)30. AUs I4- 19----20. 30. I Ti??i.+I. I.;_. Scandalous Profelfors, H eb. 12. q, If I)- Evil Society, Pfal. I8. 26. Prov.~.. I+, I 5, I6. · I6. Confpiracy of the wicked, AEls I9. 29, 3+· I7. Satan and Antichrifl, Zech. 3· I . 2 Cor. 4- 4- Rev. 8. IO, I I, &c. I8. Broaching and fomenting of errors , and efpecially of idolatry, I Kings ,r 2. 30• ..Acts I9- 27, 28. 2 Pet. 2. 2. Rev. 2. 20. r 9· !'v1i(J:ake in the matt<f,3 .of S;!lvation, H ofoa. 4.6. John 6. 66. 20. Aprophanation'ofholy things; I S.tm, 2. I7· _ 21. Apreferring carnal things before Chrift, Mat. 8. 34------19. 22. AEls I9. 26. 22. Obftinacy- andunbdief, Jn'-44· I6. Mat. 13. 58. Heb. 3· 19.-----4-2. 2 3. Slavifh fear, John 9· 22. 24;._ Abufe of Ch-riflian liberty, I Cor. S. 9; ro, I I. 25. A-giving offence in'things meerly indifferent, Rom. r4. 13. I Cor. IO. p, 33· 26. Perfecution of the Church, AEls 8. I, 3· Re"J. I 1. 7· SeCt. 9· What mc11nsto prcferveVnityand Anfity aniongf/ Chrijlians? F Reque~t and fervent prayer, Pfal. I22. 6. ]oh11 I7. I r. Rom. I 5. 5,6. Jams 5. 16. 2. P1thy and pious exhortatrons, Rom. I 2. It>, I6. I Cor. I. I 6. I T hejJ. 5. I 3. I Pet. I 8.-----4. 8. ' . ' · 3. The fpirit of meckncfs and lowlinefs,oflong-fufferingand forbearing one another in love, John q. I4, I 5. R~m. r 2. IO.---- I5. I, 2. Eph. +· 2, 3·· Phil. 2. 3; +· A not rendring evil for evil, I Pet. 3. 8, 9· 5. AreftoJing fuch as are fallen with the fpirit ofmeeknefs, G11l. 6. r, 2. 6. Amoderate rcprchcnfion of fuch as are contrary-minded, 2Tim. 2. 24o 25. 7· A flighting of flanderous reports, Prov. 25. 23. 8. A quelling of the fpirit of pride, Prov_. I 3· IO. _ . 9. A feafonable vifit ofthc Brethren, wtth whom we have had fpmtu>l commerce, Acts. I 5_ 36. . · 1 o. N!.cetings and Confere11~d about differences that have fallen out, AEis I5. 6. I I. A ready fubmiffion to the judgement 6f one another, accordmg to the Word, Eph. 5· 2I. _ · _ _ _ _ . I2. An endeavourro fpeak the fame thirtgi, ahd to bd.of one mtnde, I- Cor. 1. IO. phi!. 2. 2. 13. A doing of all things in_charity, I Cor. I6. I4• I".-·· A readinefs to forgive, as Chrift fofgave u5, M11t. I8. 33- Eph. 4· 32. 15· j.