Chap. 1 1. ~e&.S. C!tbrtftian _soctttp. , 5 . A fpirit of wifdom and difcrerion, Provrrbs 19. 11. J:.cclcf 7· 9· r6. Amortifyingoflulls, andfubdumgofpaflions, rCor.3.3· JamCJ.q.l . 17 . A loving carriag _and deportmentof the outward man, Pet. 1 5· L···· 25. 23•. 1 g. Aehearful admifhon of the weak mto Chnlhan-Soctcty, and bcarmg wtth the I!· infirmities, Rom. 1.;.• r. ···· I 5· r. r Thef 5. r.;.. 19 . An avoiding of ~uch as caufe divifions amongfl: Chrillians, Rom. :6. 17. . zo. An avoiding oftll fpec~hes one agamfl: another, 1 Pet. 2. 1. 2 1. A not thinking too h1ghly of our fclves, but.foberly, according to themeafure of faith God hath given us, l<.om. I 2. ;, '· · 1 Cor. +· 6. 22 • A ddire to do to others, as we wifh others to do to us, Mat. 7· 12. 23 . A fl:udy to be quiet,and not to medale with another mans bufinefs, 1 'fhefJ.. r 1. Zf. Afolmn entringinto Covenant with God,and with one another, Jer. 50. 5· 25 . A confideration of ti.e command, Ec of the Jtrme mi11de one towards auvrhrr, Rom. 12. 16. . 2 6. A confidcration that we all know but in part, and therefore that we fhould bear with one anothers infirmities, 1 Cor. 1 3. 9· 27 • A confideration that a paflionate, peevifh and froward profeffor, is fddom ac– quainted with the truth as it is in Jefus, Pfalm. 25. 9· Proverbs r 1. 2. ···:···· 27. 20.. Jpiab28.9. Rom.16.17. JP-mSJ.2r ,z6. : 28. A confideration that unity in judgement is the promi[e aQd blefling of another Iifc,anctthatunityinalfechonisourprefentduty, Ephef4· '3 · Phi!. 3· 15, 16. SECT. 8. Offame ll.!!.ef/ions •r controverted Points, which at the Co11jermre were propounded, and anjivercd. l HeQ:_teftions of controverted points were thefc, and the like: ---· Sect. I Wlm!:cr doth God fee fin in Believers, fo as to be offended at it ? and ho~v may it tt.ppear ? ' r. 1 T is anfwered affirmatively, that God cloth fee fin in his Saints, _as appears by I thefe Texts, Exod. +·If. I Sam. 3· 12, 13. zSam.lZ.g, 10. Pfal. 135.14. ')'"'· r6. 17, 18. Re-v. 2. 4, 13, 14-. though not in reference to their juflification, yet in reference to their converfation and fanctification, which is but in part. 2. This appeareth -- . 1. From the Lords contpluining againfl: believers for fin, lft!. r. z, ;, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9· Jer. 2. 5> 6, 7> 8. 9> JO, 11, !2, 13· 2. From his threats, if they do not repent, 2 Sam. 7-~14.. Pfal. 89. ;o, 3I, ;z. !fa.!. 20. Rev. 2. 5, 16. ··•·· 3· 8. 3· From his chafl:ifements of them for fin, 2 Sam. 12. 15. Pfalm. 74-- 1.~ 99.8• .Amos3.2. Jcr. 30, 15. Luk$ 1. 22. +· From Gods withdr3wing the comforts of his Spirit for fin, Pfal. 51. 11.. · 5· From the Prayers of Believers to God, for the hiding of his face from their fins, and removing of his anger for their fins, Pfalm. 6. I6.-····J!.. 5, 6.----51. 9· 9· From the Lords reproving ofhis people for their fins, 2 Sam.12.7,8,9.llfat. 16.2; Sect 2. Whether""' Believers to repentfor their fou? and upon 1vhatground., ? I. A Nfwered,that they are to repent,as appears, Job 42.6. ]er. 3I ·49· Rev 2.).·-J. J. . · 2. The grounds or reafons are thefe following-- '· Be~aufeGod looks for repentance from them, Zech. 6. 6. '7· Becmfe God commands them to repent, Rev 2. 5, 16.--J. 3, 19. 3· Beeaufe it is Gods pleafute that we· fhould feel the bitternefs of fin, as well as the fweet of fin, Jer. z. g. 4·· Ilecaufe b_efievers fin as well as others, I King. 8. 46. 1 7olm 1. 10. 5· Becaure m believers there is a proclivity and difpofition to all fin, Pftdm. 51. 5. Rom. 7· 24. 6. Becaufe repentance is a means for the diverting of judgements from a Land, or a.perfon, 2Cimn. 7· 14 • .'foe!. 2 . 13· - , -. Becsure