7· Becauferepentanc< i$ a means for obtaining mercies, Judg. 20.26. Nth.'· 9 . 8. Becaufe repentance isa means,way,or qualification,to.) PSalrdon, 1 Chron. 7· r.,_. . ( a vatwn, .:. Ctr. 7 . -. 0 .. 9, Becaufc repentance is a necdfary fruit of faith, Zech. 12. 1 o. A[fs 19 • 1 8. . :o. Becaufe after repcr,tancc we may ru<pcCl:comfort, Pfalm. I26. 5 , 6• .lvfat. 5 . 4 • 2 Cor. 7. 9, 1 3. ·. · , , . , 1 r. Becaufe thatthercinwe fhall give God the glory of his Jultiee,Pf.5 r.4-Rev.16. 9 S.e{t. 3. Whether are Believers to pray for pardon <J fin ? and 1vhaeP.>'eth<reafons? 1. / N,fwered, that bClic~ers arc to pray for pardon, as may appear from thefe \ Scriptures, Nsm;b. 14. 19. zSam.24.10. DRn.9.19. Pf•ii.ZJ .li. Mar.6. !2 2 . The rcafons are thefc and the .like; 1. Bccaufc Chril1 taught his Difcipb fo to pray, Matth. 6. 12. 2. Becaufc believers have renewed infirlllities, Num. '4· IJ, 193. Bccaufc God is ready to pardon them that pray for it, Pfalm 86. 5· 4· Becaufe God hath promifed to pardon the fins of his Saints, 2 Chron. 7 . 1 ·'· Jcr. 33· J, 8. ' 5 Becaufc whatfocvcr we read in Scripture of pardon, it is always in reference to fin s pafl:, !fa. 43· zs. Jer. 33· 8. Pfal. 79· 8, &c. 6. Becaufe yet the Judge hath not folemnly pronounced the fcntcncc of pardon, neither will he till the !all:day, Arts 3· 19. Se.'l:. +, Whether is it the d~tty of Chrijlians to obforve the Lords-day (now bring the firjl day of the wcc/z.) as a Cbrij/ian Sabb~th? and 1Vi1at grounds for it ? · r. .A Nfwercd, That it is their duty; and proved from .Ni.rke 16. z. John 2.0. r 9',· 26. .ACls 1. r, 2, J.-----20. 7· r Cor. 16. r, 2. Rcv.I.IO. 2. The grounds are thcfe and the like : . I. Becaufe Chrilt at that day did perfect the work of Redemption for our eternal ' refl:, /'vfat. 28 r, 2. 2. Becaufe Chri!l: did appear to his difciples after his rcfurre{tion upon that day more efpecially, John 20. 19, 26. . 3. Beca-ufc (as it is obferved gellcrally) fhe Holy Ghofl: at that day did fall upon the Apofl:les, being met together in one place, A[/s 2. r. 4· Bccaufe upon the fame day the Apofl:les ordinarily difpenfcd the Word , Sacraments and other Ordinances, A[is 20. 7· 1 Cor. 16. 1,2. · 5. Becaufc fuch things as are named the · Lords in Scripture , arc ever of the Lords infl:itutiun) as, The Word of the Lard, I Tim. 6. 3· The Cup oftix Lord, I. Cor. n'. 27. The[upper of the Lord, I Cor. 1 r. 20. "nd fo The Lords day, Rev. 1. 10. 6. Becaufc God doth feem tp honour the firfi day of the week above any other day, as appears by his great works done upon that day; viz.. In the Creation, he made that day the firit fruits of time; and· if! it he created the higheft heavens, the place of the eternal·Sahbath; and in it he brought forth the light of the world, anfwerable to which is the day of Chrill:s Refurre{tion; wherein the Sun of Righteoufmjfe, the true li.ght of the World ro(e up, and became the firfl fruits of them that fieep, and by vertuc thereofwill bring all his Saints into eternal refl:, Gen. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4-, 5. compared with Mal, 4· 2. John r. 9· I Cor. 15. 20. Heb. +· 9, ro, I r. l e{t. 5· Whether may not Chrijlianslawfullyfing Davids or Mores Pfalms ? and ho1v may it appear l r. A Nfwered affirmatively: Eph. 5. I 9. where,under ti·JOfe three heads,of Pfo1ms, and Hymns, and Spiriwalfangs, Davids Pfalms are contained., · 2. This is proved by Precepts, Patterns and Reafons. 1. By Precepts, Ephefiam 5· 19. Colojfitms l· 16. James f· 13· 2. By Patterns : . . I. Of Chrifl: himfclf and his Apo!Hes, M~t. 26. 30; 2. Of Paul and Si/as, A[fs 16. 25. 3· Of the Church, Rev. I5· 3· •· 3· By Reafons, as-- I · Be•aufe