I. Becaufe the people ofGod have ufed the very fam<;words, of Davids Pfalms iri finging 2 Chron. 1 5. r 3. compared With P fal. 1 36. and Ez.ra '3. 1 1. compared w1th Pfal. / 18. and Rev. 15. + compared with Pfal. 86. 9. and Exo~. 15. 2. co~pared with Pfai. 118. 14. -.> . . · . . 2 . Becaufc Paul direcrmg to ling Pfalms, g1v_es the very f~tpe word or.title as Davzd · ivesinhisPfalms, James 5· IJ. compared With Pfalm 95· 2. , . g 3 . Becapfe 1J,vids Pfalms were indicted by the Spirit of God, aS well as any others ilii11 c?nfeffedly m~y be fung, i Sam. 2 3. 2. Seer. 6 . whether admitting of or joyni"g with fcandalow perfons in the S11crament o{the Lords Supper, and not endeavouring to bup.rhem ba,·l{_ ( whiles fuch) be not fin in the admitters and j•yncrs? and how may tt appear? A . · . . fi SrI~ the admitters, ·Mat. 7.6 · 1 • _ Nfwered affirmatively,That It IS '"'"22 In the joyners, r Cor.5.II.; ThejJ. 3 .6." 2 • This appeareth to be fin·--- I. In the admitters, by thefe grounds : --·- r. Becaufc it is againfl: the command , ol keeping unclean perfons from fuch like holythings, Numb. g.6,7. 2Chron.23. 19. . . . 2 . Becaufe Chrifl: caft out the man that came Without h1s weddmg garment, .llfat. 22. 1 I. . . 3 , Becaufethiswasthe pracbceoftheApolUes, I Cor. 5· 3,4, 5· r Tim. I. 20. 2. In the joyners by thefe grounds : ----- · r. Becaufe they are forbiddeR exprefly to joyn with fuch, 2 The[ 3· r4. 2 . Becaufe fcandalous perfons ought to be cenfurcd,and fo to be efl:eemed ofthe joy· ners ·as Heathens, and Publicans, M~t. , 18.. I7· · ;.' In both admitters and joyners, by thefe grounds: ...;... . , r•. I\ecaufe God h~th forbidden us to eat with fuch, 1 Cor. 5· r I. 2The[ 3· 6. 2 . Becaufe by this means their fins would become ours, I Cor. 5· 6,7. Gal. 5. 9 , rq, 3 . Becaufe the Ordinance of the Lords Supper is defiled thereby;which is not to b~ uudcrfl:ood limply in it felf, but in fome foft ( i. '.) to them who are fcandalous, and to them who joyn with fuch as they know to _be foandalous: and this ap. pears -- , · , 1. In that the temple, which had a facramental fignification of Chrifl:, was p·olluted by the coming of prophaneperfons into i~ b:.ek, 23. 38,39. . · · , 2. In thatthe facrifices of old were defiled by prophane perfons.>Hag.2.r I, u, lJ. 14 . 3. In that the prophane are as Swine, which trample the pearls under their feet; Mnt. 7· 6. ., . See thefe Proofs inlarged in Gelllfpi, Aarom Rod blo!foming, I. 3·. eh. I5. Sea. 7· In fuch" cafe, what is the duty ofadmimrs t<nd.joyners, to k.!•p themfelves blamelefs, and the Ordin,.net undefiled? .h . lT is the duty of admitters ---- ' r. To eye and obfcrve the flock, over which God hath given them charge; .Atls 20. I 7, 28. 2. Ifany be obferved, or brought in as offenders, it is their duty----– r.. Toadmonilhthemonceortwice, Tit. 3· ro. '7-ThejJ. 3· I5. 2. If that prevail not,to fufpend them,. I Cor, 5. I r. 2 Thef 1. 6, I4,I 5. · •J. If that prevail n0 t, then to Excommunicate them by the lelfer Excommunication: .Matth.18.17. I Cor·5·4>5· 2Cor.2.6. . · 4· If that prevail not, then (in fome ~afes) to Excommunicate them by the greater .Excommunication, I Cor. r6. 2,.2. Gal. r. 8, 9 • I Jalm 5· r6. This ~s onety when a fllan IS.V1fibly ]rrecov.erab)e, or hath co,mmitted the fin againfl: the.holy Ghoft; the cafe. of 'julian the Apofl:ate, whom die Church would not pray for, but prayed againft. 2. It is the duty .of joyners ·-·-- , · , • · · · . ,.,J··,To eye and obferve one anothers converfation, fo much as they may, Heb. ro." 24. and 3· 12, q. · · ~:. If upon obfervation they finde any faulty, then i-j ·