Chap. •1.Sect.8 I. The fcandal being private it is ~he jo,yners Duty,--..-- I . To.admonifh privately betwixt htm and the offender alone, Mat. I8. I 5 • 2. Ifthat be no~ effet!ual, then to rake one or two more with him, Mat. IS. I 6 . 3· Ifthatbeno'tdfedual, then-toTdlittotheChurch, Mat.r8. I 7 . 4- If the Church be corrupt, a'nli ncglcCl its duty, he is then to mourn for it I Cor. J· 2. \ . , _ 2. The Scmidal being publike, it is th'e joyncrsduty ihimediately t'o bri"g it to the _Church, 1Cor._5. r. 2 Thcf. 3· 14. l T was the of fome precious men , That I fhouid rcvife this ~eltion about ioyning with the wicked in the Supper of the Lord. For my own pan I am full fatisficd, that the mindc of God is clearly delivered in it; and yet left a~y may think that I am fingular in t_his,_ I have lately confulted with thofe Divine., to whom high (if not htghclt) refpett ts gtven mthe Controverlies of thts nature; viz... Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Gelafpi•. to whom I may joyn the late Affembly of Divines convened at we/ minfter; and if you would know thetr opmtons, ~onfult bu~ the Authors, as I have citecj them, where you may finde them at large. The O!otefttOn JS, Whether admitting •f or joyning withfi't<ndt~low perforu in the Sacramenr ofthe Lords S~tpper, andnot endeavou:in& ';' k5ep them b,u·k_ wh>ief! fuch, be fin tn the t~dmmtrs and joyners? ami how m~<y it appeAr? It ts anfwered affirmattve1y·: ...... I. That tt ts fin: ..___ . r.. In the admitters, .1Mat. 7· 6. See Rutherford, Divine right ofChurch-Govermnent page 254. and fee Gel~tfpi, Aarom rod blojJoming, page 548, 549, 550, SJI. ' 2. In the joyners, I Cor, 5:1 I . 2Thef 3· 6. See Rmherford,Divineright efCh 11 rch– Government, page238, 2f0,250,268,3~6, 357· and fee Gela(p•, Aarons Rod bloffoming, page 424,427, 42.8! 429, 539· ::'· Thtsappears to be fin: .----- 1.. In the admttters, by thefe grounds : I. Becaufe of the command to'keep uncl~an perfons-from holy things, NumG, 5 : 2 ... 9· 6,7. 2Chron.23. I9. See Rutherford, DivinerightofChnrch-Government page 2f I , 242. See GelaJPi, Aarons R•d blojfn:ing, page 96, 97, 98. ' 1>.. Becaufe of .Chrilts caiHhg out the man that came without his wedding garment, Mar. 22. r I. See Gelaif•, Aatons Rod blojJommg, page 5IO. 3. Becaufe of the practice of the Apoltles, who calt out the fcandalous from the Lords Supper, 1 Cor. 5· 3,_ 4• 5· See Ruth. D£vinc right of ChHrch-Go-vernment, page 238,240,268,34-6. Gel~fp•, Aarons Rod blo!fommg, page 236. and for 1. Tim.l, 2o. See Rmhcrford,Divine right ofChurch-Governmcm,page 35·h355. Gelaifi, Aitroni Rod bloffoming, page I 892. In the joyners, by thefe grounds : .. 1, Becaufc they are forbidden exprelly to joyne with futh, 2 Thef 3· I+ Ruth. p.' 250, 260, Gelafpi,p. 28r,28i. . 2. Bccaufe fcandalous perfons ought to be ccnfured, and fo to be ell:eemed of the i?yncrs as heathens and publicans, Mat, r8. I7. Ruth. p. 303, 306, 223, 233 .Gelafpi, p. 295> 296>3SI>36I, 364. 3· In both admitters and joyners, by thefe grounds: r. Becaufe God·hath forbidden us to eat with fuch, I Cor, 5· 1 r. 2 Thrf 3 , 6,' Rmh.p_. 238,-240,250,268, 356,·3$7· Gelafpi,p. 424,427,428,429;439· 2. Becaufe by foyning wi~hJuch in the Lords Supper, their fin would become ours, fr Cor. 5· 6, 7• Gal, 5· 9r IO/ Ruth. p. 238,239,240, 339, 345• 349, 373· Ge/Jrfpi. p. II6, IJ7• 286• . 3· B~caufe the Qrdinan_s:e of the LordsSupper-is defiled thereby, which we under-· fian9 not limply in it felf, but in. fome fort; (i.e..) It is defiled to them who are fcandalous, and to them who joyn with fuch whom they know to be fcandalous : And this appears: ----- . __ , ,·I. ,In that the Temple,whichhad~Sacramental fignification of Chrifr,waspolluted by the coming, of prophane perfons"into it, Eu~ :1.3. 38>39. Ruth. p. 452,453;496. Gel"fp.:P· 546, 547· ~ ... ._ . 2. In that the facrifices of old were defiled by prophane perfons, H ag. 2. 1 I, I2,r 3, 'z4., 347>348. wtlnfp.p. 5f7· 3· In