Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

\' .-\' Chap.12.Sect -'• ~ea ring of tbc worn~ ----------------------~--------~----~------_, _________________ 3 . 'In that the prophane are as fwine which i:mmple the pearls under their fe!'t, M.<t. .6. Rmh.p.254,255 ,638. Gelafp.p.548,5+9· It IS confe!fedthat the word IS a pearl, anq ~et the prophane may hear the \Vord, and in ll:eacl ofdefilmg 1t (lfthe Lord fee good) be converted by it, Jfa.2.J>4.---I r -4,5 ;6,]. but the Lords Supper ts fuch a pearl, a~ they can make no ufe of it, but pollute it to their,own de(huction; no more than dogs d fwine can make ufe of pearls to feed, but oliely to trample on them : The Lords ~~ppcr is fpch a thing as is ordained onely for thofc that have favitig grace, and not for dogs, or fwine. . . ../ .., - ..I hope thefe two witncffes(1f they be thoroughly perufcd) \\(Ill fat1sfie .the fcrupulous: But befides thofc two worthy PJ!lars, our own Alfembly of D1vmes affirm th1s truth; who grounding the fufpenfion of fcand~lous finners from the Sacrament; tho1,1gh nqt et cafl out of the Church, they gave 111 thefe proofs: I. Bccaufe the Ordmance 1t felf mufl not be prophancd. 2. Ilccaufe we are charged to withdraw from thofe who waJk diforderly : 3. Becaufe of the great fin and_danger bo~h to ~im that comes un' worthily, and alfo to the whole Church: The Scrtptures from wh1ch t,hc A!fembly did prove all this, were Mrttth.7. 6. zThe{3.6, 14, 15. I Cor,II.2Jtotheend, com– paredwithJudev. 23. I T1m. 5· 22. feeGelafp•, Aaronsrodbloffommg,page;39· I have no more t<> fay, but the Lord lead us into all truth, and give us grate to wa)k humbly andobedi~l'ltly to every truthrevealed: .And as many as be perfeEl, let the1Jf be thlfHtinded ; and ifany be.otherwife mmded, God Jhnll reveal tt m hu due tJme: Never- Pbil. 3 • 1 s 11 c. th.elef, ltihereto we have already attained, let unvali(.by the Jamem!e, lend minde tk~ fame thi11g. ll ~ CHAP. XII. SECT. r. ot the ne~~ffity of preparatior~ to the H,earing of the J!Vord. T_l Itherto of JJ_uties in reference to our fpiritual Ethic'lz! an~ Oeconomi~k.J: Now fol– ~ low our D1vme Polmck.J;vt<..fuch D~<tm as have reference to publ!ke or Church · Alfemblies, and they are either .. , SHearing the Word Preached. , .· (Receiving the Sacraments. .. r . .Fpr our right, holy and confcionable importment in and about the Hearing of the Word we mufllook · ~Our prtparation btfore 1ve hear. to Ottr carnage m hearzilg. ~ ' Our behavuiltr afrert.PardJ. I. For preparation, it is of fuch necellity, that the want and neglect ofit, is the caufe thatthe Word to many becomes thefav?Jtr of d<~tth unto deatli, and to fome profelfors, e~n of good hearts and affecr1ons, but a dead letter, without any life or power in it. · Is_1t not a general compla1ht of the befl ChriiJ:ians, that they arc ordinarily poffc!fedl Wtth much deadnefs of heart, and dulnefs of fpirit at thefe holy excrcifes? Alas, their zeal and fervency which fhould be quick'ned and inflamed at every Sermor, is dull and benumb'd wtth fenOefrrefs and fatiety ; they do not tremble at divine' c~mminatwns; and de~ouncements ofGl)ds J u·dgements again![ fin ; they are not fo refrefhed Wt~h·th~ gracwus Promifes oflife ann Salvation, as they ought to be; they do not · enJOY and reap rh~ thoufandth part of that delight, comfort and benefit as they well m1ght, by the M1mil:ery ofthe Word, they do not \lfitl'i that chearfulnefs receive, with · that fweernefs tafle or relifh, with that life and vigour digell the food of life; they do ' not fo clearly fee a?d d1fcern the infinite beauty of the facted Majefly reprefcntcd unto · them? or that glonous grace, fhining unto them in the face of Chriil: Jefus : their hand of fa1th not W1th that feeling and·.fail:.nefs lay hold upbn and clafp about ·the rich · treafures revealed m the Cofpel : and why? becauf~ their hearts are not purged· arnl 1 L I z prepa-