<J6o I,.u~t 8. JB. Ecd ff. 5. I. 'Pf.•'. n . 21S, l'jal 2 l· 7. R ev. 3· :o. J ob 1 1. 13, 1.f,'5· {J,.,_ 8. ~Mal/b. 4 4· Chap.rl. ScCl: 1.. prepared for hearing. This duty then is of great neceflity, and fpecial ufe, f~r all thole which look for benefit or blelling by the preaching of the Word : Tak$ heed how ye hear (faith Chrd,~ and 7 <~k.: hoed to thy f oot (fa~th the Preacher) when thougoejl to the hoRfe vf 6 od ; t!Jid iJ~? more read;•tohear, rhen to ojfer the Jacriftce (/ff ools, for they cfJnjid,-r not th£t! they du tvtf. But undcrftand we aright : God would not have us make an Idol of preparation, as if therefore, God draws n•_gh to us, becaufe we are prepared; 'No, no: though pn – parrm on m prdmary courfe ts a means to finde God, yet doth God fomtimes hide him. felf when his people are prepared, he would have us know, that if he be found of us at all, it is ofmcer mercy: he is not bound in Jufrice (fetting afide his Promife) to reward this pre~ara;icn,: it's but our duty, and h~ can efpy in it matte: enough of difpleafure, but ordmanly tne godly finde God accordmg to their preparamn, and hereto the cur– rent of the Scripture bears w itnefs, They that (eek._rhe Lord, jha/1 praife him: Openyo•r g~res, and the Ku:g of gloryJha!l come in:-,Jf any man open to me~ /wilt come in iv him : ---- If thou prepare thirte heart, ,.,dJlretch ollt thy handstowards him, ··-then ]halt tho~t lift up thy face lWfhoutfpot. SECT. 2 . Of the manner ofprepnration.t• hMr the Word. ,....f. H:e manner of this prepart~>ion confifrs in thefe particulars : I. In Prayer. 2 . In Meditation. 3· In examination.. 4-- In the purging or cleanfing our hearts, 5· In a right difpofition of our hearts. I . In Prayer : If thou cryejl after f0owlcdge, and Lifrejl up thy voycefor underftand. ing ; .... then ]halt thou und<rjland the fear ofthe Lord, and finde out the f0owledge •f(iod. Chriil: bids us pray for our dayly bread, and a blefling upon it; much more lhould we pray for a blcfling upon our Spiritual food, for Man doth not Live by bread oncly, but by every word that proaedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, doth man Live. Now the par– ticulars we are to pray for, are thefe: I. For the Minifrer, that God would open unto him a door of utterance, to[peak_the myfteries of Chrifl; ---and that he may mak$ it manifeft M he ought to[peak._: D ire[f him, Lord (lhould every foul fay) that he may (pcak..fitly to me, fomewh<1.tf or my underftand– ing, Jimewhat f or my ajfelliom, Jomewbat to help me againjl Jiteh or Jurh a rempta– tJoll. 2. For the Congregation, that Chriil: may ride with triumph in the midfr of them, , that fome may be converted, others may be confirmed and frrengthened in their mofl: holy faith. . , 3· For our felves, that through Gods affifrance we may hear profitably, and be bleffed in the hearing; that God would help us in our Preparation, Meditation, rfal. 119,18. Examination. in the purging of our hearts, and putting them into a right difpofition and frame : Open thott mineeyes (faid David) that I may feerhe lvonderf ul thingscontaill• ed in thy Law. . ·· 2. In M editation : T though' on my wayes (laid Dt~vid) and turned my f ee: unto thy Pfal.ll9· S9reftimqnics, he firfr looked over his own wayes, before he would fet h1s feet mto Gods ' ways.---Now the matter of our M editation is, 1. Who we arc, to hear Gods Word : Alas; poor handfuls of dufr and alhes, bafe and vile; thus ,Abraham and Job in their convcrfes with God, confefs: and this confideration will frir up our humility and re- , pentance in us. 2. Into whofe prcfence we come: Is it not into the prefence of an high, and holy, and powerful God? Is it not the Lord, a perfon both of grcatefr place, and fupreme authority? This confiderat)on, will further our reverence and refpeCI: of God. job f t, I6. When Jobs eye did f ee God, be abhorred himfeifin dujl and ajhes.J.BY whofe aflifrance we come; we have no il:rength of our own to do any good, nor is there any thing in us, that can procure favour and acceptance with God, we mufl: therefore by faith depend, 11pon Chrifl: for aflill:ance and acceptance : This confidcra:ion will frir up our humility and faith. 4. Wifh what affections we come: if we come to purpofe, we muftcome with inward Spiritual affections, with willingnefs, chearfulnefs, reverence, repen– tance, love, humility and faith. 5. To what end we come; whether it be to God~ ~ .. ., glory , and our own fouls good. .. , . · x,.un. ; . 40 . 3· In Examination, let us fearch and try our ,ways :·---commune mth yo11r own r .il. 4-4, ~. hearrs; ••• aiul thmojfer to God ;heJ11crijiu ofrightmtfntfs.··· Now the matter of Ex· t~minatiDn