Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap. q.Se&.t, a. :_____: _ _:_ _________________ - - ::md pray in conclufon, and pray always. And thus much concerning our D uties before, Lu ~e "· 39 in, and after the H carmg the Word. CHAP. ·xnr. SECT. z. ~ Of the twQ 1 ' Sacraments of the Netv Teftament. Jj~~~~He next duty of a Chri!tian, as it hath reference onely to the publikc or Church-Affemblies, is a nght receiving of the Sa,·raments, which are two, Baptifme, and the Lords Supper: Baptifm is the Sacrament of our incorporation into Chritl:, of our initation or invefling into , the glorious tl:ate of Chriflianity : The Lords S"PP"" is the 'ocrament. of our continuance in Chri!t, of our confirmation in fpirituallife, and the power of Grace already planted within us : By Baptifm we are wafhed, we are fan(hfied, we are jutl:ified, in the name of the Lord Jefus, and by the fpitit of our G0d: By the Lords Supper we grow in fpiritual !trength, we lay better hold by the hand of Faith, upon the merits and mercies of Chrifl; we!eel more found– ly and fenfibly the power and vertue of his blood, we fee more clearly, and are more fully and feelingly afcertained of the forgivenefs of our fins: Cotlcerning the former, it is to little purpofe to give any directions, becaufe infants (who onely are in our days baptized) are mecrly fubjeds receptive, not aCtive, and fo far as concern the Parents in relation to their infants, we have difpatch"d clfewhere. SE C r: z. Of the dmies ingeneral, before we receive the Lords Supper. I Shall now therefore proceed to the fecond Sacrament, and for right receiving of rh~ Lords Supper, there are duties ofneceffity required · . S ~:fore( the Sacrameat. - 1aftcr 5 ' My meaning is not to fpeak ofthe habitual ditpofitions, but of the actual difpofition9 of the heart, in reference to which-- Before Sacrament, the duty is Self-Examination: Let a man examine himfelf, and 1 Cor. u. ;$ Jo let him eat of this bread, and drink• .ofthi..cup: Of this Self-Examination, or Self-try· al we have fpoken before; but in reference -to this Sacrament, we fhall handle it more fully, and fo confider of it, 5r. In its fubjeCl:. , ( 2. In its objeCl:. . r. For the fubjeCl: matter, or the nature of this Self-Examination: Self-Examination "a holy work,.of the foul, whereby it cafts its eye, and reflerJs upon it folf, and fo lookJ through tt [elf, and t"akp a true fcantling and eftimllte of its fpiritual eftate; for inftance, I finde fuch and fuch fins forbidden in the Word, fuch and fuch Graces required in th~ Word; whereupon, comparing my prefent condition with the Scriptures, I examine, Am not I g,utlty of ~hefe fns i do I prarJife the(e duties ? or am I po!fej/ ofthe[e gral:fs? The confetence bemg thus clofely and fincerely examined, it will return a true anf_wer. to ·ever~ ~ueftton, whence it will be ea.fie to give a true centure of our fpirituat ell:ate ()r condttton. · · z. For the ObjeCt of our Eiamination, it is generally-- · OT whiC!i iri ordei: ) Our fins. ? Our Graces/ M m~ SECT, j .